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2021, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia…
16 pages
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The number of national infrastructure development programs in Jayapura City has an impact on the decline in the use of the local language. Starting from the construction of the Cross-Border Post (PLBN) for Skouw, the construction of the Youtefa red bridge, to the contruction of facilities and infrstructure for the XX National Olympic Week (PON). These various national infrastructure development programs have encouraged Jayapura City to have several new city icons. This is due to the results of infrstructure development are visited by many people and tourists and it creates tourist attraction in Jayapura City. In addition, this condition also creates high language contact and easier transportation accesss in Jayapura City, thus it can be affect the use of the local language. In this regard, research on language variations using a dialectological approach is important as a step to map regional languages in Jayapura City. The research data was obtained from the results of the language mapping of the National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation with 400 vocabulary items on questionnaire. There were seven isolects compared in this study. There are two types of research methods, namely quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative method was obtained from dialectometric and etima calculations, while the qualitative method was gained from the analysis of 400 vocabularies used as a list of questions. As a result, there were seven regional languages in Jayapura City, namely Elseng, Kayo Pulau, Nafri, Nyaw, Skou, and Tobati. This result was obtained from dialectometric calculations >90% between isolects which indicated language differences. Thus, the seven language in Jayapura City urgently need language preservation efforts so that there is no shift, change, or language extinction.
Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature
This research aims to analyse the implementation of the Kaili regional language preservation and development policy in Palu City. The policy implementation model uses theories from Van Metter and Van Horn, which affect the performance of public policy implementation consisting of six aspects, namely: (1) Policy objectives (2) Resources (3) Characteristics of implementing agencies (4) Communication between organizations (5) Socioeconomic and political environment, (6) Disposition (Implementing attitude). The results of the study show that the implementation of regional language preservation and development programs in the city of Palu issued a number of regulations, namely in the primary school level curriculum the existence of subjects using language regions, naming street names with BDK and broadcasting tv shows using local languages, the proper implementation of a program is the result of commitment and understanding of the implementers of existing regulations / policies and being able to make local policies to strengthen the implementation of conservation and development of regional languages in the city of Palu.
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2022
As an archipelagic country with a population of about 200 million (BPS 2000), Indonesia is also referred to as the Continent of Maritime Nusantara; it has cultural diversity that spreads from Sabang to Merauke. One of the cultural assets of the Nusantara is the local, regional language (BD). BD in this Nusantara has now experienced challenges and threats to its existence. The challenges exist in the form of neglect of respect, maintenance, and preservation of BD. The point is that this paper wants to examine the condition of regional languages in Indonesia. These factors can cause their extinction, the implications of the extinction of these languages from an ethnolinguistic perspective, and in the end, want to provide a review of solutions to overcome these problems. This study is intended to provide input for various interested parties, especially speakers of regional languages, to pay more attention to the life and sustainability of their regional languages. The research that for...
In the research paper named Language Shift and "Language Maintenance of Local Languages toward Indonesian" the writer talks about language shift and many factors attached to it. This study aims to investigate the tendency of everyday language use with the aid of Indonesians and the choice of using local languages or Indonesian in ordinary life. The outcome from this survey shows that Indonesian people have a very positive attitude towards their language and dialects. The information acquired showed that most respondents favour utilizing Indonesian language in the family and neighbourhood areas, where they spend practically the entirety of their time. However, Indonesian is frequently utilized in the instructive and general places because of the interest and the adequacy of correspondence. Significantly, the finding from this study exhibits that Local dialects have not been moved at this point since they are still as often as possible utilized in the family and neighbourhood. Basically after this research it proved that they preserve the local language for their future generations.
The aim of this study is to know how far the maintenance and the shift of Lampung language in Padang Cermin district are. Most of Padang Cermin society uses their mother tongue which is Lampung language while their second language is Indonesia Language. Most of them establish the kinship or directly interact with Lampung ethnic so that they can speak Lampung language. A qualitative method was applied in this study and involves 30 respondents from five villages in Padang Cermin district which are Tanjung Mas, Paya, Sanggi, Pal Satu, and Durian based on gender, ages, marriage status, education, occupation and place of birth by observing, interviewing and giving questionnaire. The result shows that there are still many of them uses the dominant language which is Lampung language and the language attitudes towards them tend to be positive. It also found that the language shift occurs from several factors; education development, social, government, behavior, and economic development.Key ...
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019
This study analyzes the policies both at the national level, as well as the regional level that has been applied by the Indonesian government in protecting the regional languages in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with literature review technique. This study is specifically restricted to highlight regional language protection policies related to education. The results of research indicate that in terms of regional language protection, both the central government and regional governments have their own government regulations governing the protection of regional languages. Nevertheless, from 34 existing provinces, seven provinces, one city and two districts with regional regulations on regional language protection were identified. All these policies promote regional language protection and preservation through education and teaching in schools, which include (1) Strengthening the Regional Language Curriculum, (2) Increasing Human Resources / Teachers of Regional Languages, and (3) Procurement of Regional Language Teaching Materials. These show that education is still a key factor in the protection and preservation of the regional languages in Indonesia.
A regional dialectological study is a research of mapping languages in anarea, as what conducted in this study in Grime Valley Jayapura. This research isbased on the theory of traditional dialectology currently known as a theory havingnormative rules to determine the status of a variety as a language, dialect, subdialect,difference in speaking and no difference in speaking, both in the valleyand outside the valley.The two language aspects employed as indicators are sound and lexicalaspects. What is discussed from these two aspects is variation. In terms of soundaspect, discussion of variation covers sound description, correspondence, andcalculation of sound distance from dialectometrie, phoneme inventory, andphoneme distribution. In terms of lexical aspect, lexical distribution andcalculation of vocabulary distance from lexical dialectometrie are discussed. Afterthat, varieties are classified, groupings of phonological and lexical varieties arecompared, and the status of every varie...
Indonesian Journal of Geography
The purpose of this study is to map the vulnerable Javanese language in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, namely in the City of Yogyakarta and in the regencies of Sleman, Gunungkidul, Kulon Progo, and Bantul. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the role of different agents in preserving the Javanese language in those areas. Due to the dominating use of Indonesian language, the Javanese language has decreased in usage in various modes of communication in schools especially Jawa krama (medium-register variety). Making this language vulnerability mapping is important to locate in the context of the region, the language vulnerability that occurs more than other regions. This mapping can be used by the policy makers to strengthen the Javanese language used in the regions. A geographic information system was used to map the language's vulnerability in this region. The findings of this research are, first, there is an even distribution of the level of language vulnerability throughout ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2019), 2020
This research aims to determine and analyse the efforts that influence of the Minangkabau language maintenance in Jakarta. The approach used in this research is quantitative and qualitative approach. The population in this research is the Minangkabau language speech community in Jakarta. Sample amounted 144. The Data of this research was collected from the Minangkabau community in Jakarta using questionnaire, observation, and interview related to aspects of efforts towards the level of Minangkabau language maintenance in Jakarta. The results showed that the effort to influence the Minangkabau language maintenance in Jakarta was quite strong with positive and significant coefficient results. It is meant that the Minangkabau language maintenance effort was still carried out by the Minangkabau community to maintain its preservation in the middle of multicultural community in Jakarta, therefore language maintenance efforts greatly contributed to Minangkabau language maintenance in Jakarta. This is evidenced by the use of the Minangkabau Language to interact with the same ethnic in all areas of linguistic activities in which the Minang Community use the Minangkabau language and there is pleasure of using the Minangkabau language, and family support in using the Minangkabau language. Minangkabau language is also passed to children; there is also support for the community in using Minangkabau language.
This article discusses the vitality of local languages in Kupang city, Indonesia that aimed at revealing the local language contestation in the public space of Kupang city. It is related to the existence, distribution, and factors influencing the existence of languages under the framework of the linguistic landscape approach. The use of this approach is based on the understanding that the use of regional languages in public places is not only to show the ideology and power of the language but is also concerned with maintaining the survival of the language. Data was obtained by observation method with photography technique covering the entire main road area in Kupang city. It was found that there are 39 photos as ABOUT THE AUTHORS Naniana N. Benu is lecturer in the English Education Study Program at the Artha Wacana Christian University Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. He teaches linguistic courses such as morphosyntax, semantics, and phonology. Master of linguistics education was completed in 2014 and has attended a doctoral program (S3) in linguistics since 2021 at Udayana University, Indonesia. His research interest is in linguistics and education and publishing articles in national and international journals, book chapters, and a book. He is also active as speaker at seminars, both nationally and internationally. I Ketut Artawa has joined the English Department Udayana university since 1983. His educational background includes a bachelor degree (BA) and doctorandus (Drs.) degree in English language and literature from Udayana University, MA degree in Linguistics graduated on the first day of June 1992 and PhD degree in Linguistics graduated on the twenty-fourth day of March 1995 from La Trobe University. He was awarded an outstanding lecturer by the Faculty of Letters in 1997 and Udayana University in the same year and He obtained my professorship in Linguistics in 2005. His research interest is in linguistics and he has conducted some researches about typology linguisitc, syntax, and landscape linguistic. He has supervised many bachelor papers, theses and doctorate dissertations. He has also participated as guest and invited speaker in a number of national and international seminars.
Chhetteli is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken by only four speakers (viz., two women and two men age ranging from 80 to 95) residing in Jhusku, Salli and Khatti villages of Apihimal Rural Municipality of Darchula district of Nepal. This language, which has been recently discovered, may be used merely in the limited domains of language use. To date, the language has not been listed in any of the governmental or non-governmental records. However, with the sole effort of one of the speakers, some sociolinguistic and linguistic features (viz. some vocabularies and grammatical features) have been scantily recorded. The language, which is named after the Chhetti village, has been informed to have been exclusively spoken by Bohara in the bygone days. Later, this language was spoken as a common tongue by Bohara, Dhami, Rokaya, Manyal and Atyal. Now-a-days, this language has been considered as one of the backbones of the identity of the municipality as well. Sociolinguistically, this is a critically endangered language. Thus, on the basis of this vitality level, some community-based language development strategies need to be developed immediately for its sustainable language use. For this, the local government, community, experts and national and international agencies are required to work in collaboration. Without making any delay, language documentation program has to be immediately launched by the national or international language documentation agencies to preserve the life crucial knowledge embodied in the language and to set up an inclusive society aspired by the constitution based upon the principles of socialism and equity. Keywords: multilingual, language vitality, language attitude, basic words, sustainable language use
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Endeku Otsiambo, M, Ochieng, R & Achieng, A. L. (2019). The Effect of Revitalization of Indigenous Language on Preservation of African Culture: A Case of Terik Language in Terik Ward, Nandi South Sub County, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(4), 53 – 67., 2019