Non-target and biodiversity impacts in soil

2006, Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms. Volume 2: methodologies for assessing Bt cotton in Brazil


B ox 10.1. Definitions of categories of soil flora and fauna used in this chapter. Soil microorganisms: 0.0002-0.002 mm in length and diameter. Bacteria; fungi (yeasts). Soil microfauna: length 0.004-0.2 mm, diameter < 0.1 mm. e.g. slime moulds in the cellular phase (Acrasiomycetes); slime nets (Labyrinthulomycota); fungi; algae; amoebae; flagellates and ciliates (Protozoa); flatworms (Platyhelminthes). Soil mesofauna: length 0 .2-4 mm, diameter 0 .1-2 mm. e.g. plasmodial slime moulds (Myxomycetes); slime moulds in the pseudoplasmodia phase (Acrasiomycetes); mites (Acarina: Gamasina, Actineda and Oribatida); springtails (Collembola); nematodes (Nematoda); water bears (Tardigrada); rotifers (Rotatoria); enchytraeid worms (Oligochaeta); some flatworms (Platyhelminthes).