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Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017)
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This article is to develop argumentative writing test needs thoroughly analysis to have appropriate test which possess high quality of validity and reliability. Writing test which has been developed in this study is argumentative writing test which is so-called Test Development Plan. The test was designed and developed on the basis of general objective of the course "Writing IV" of English Study Program Universitas Tadulako. Aspects of the test were developed systematically including critical revision, reformulation, and justification of the test format to come up with general and specific objectives of the test draft. Then, the draft was subsequently developed by setting up criteria, prompt, and scoring guide for designing and producing an appropriate format of argumentative essay writing test. The developed fomat test was tried out by asking students to write argumentative essays based on the topics assigned. The students' essays were graded by two raters to have scores for analyzing its validity and reliability. After analyzing scores given by the two raters, the developed test indicates to have high validity and reliability. Furthermore, the test has fulfilled standard of argumentative essay test and it is applicable for measuring and grading students' skill in writing argumentative essay.
Proceedings of the 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021), 2022
Writing as a productive language skill take a part important role in the curriculum of English. In academic field, ideas are mostly conveyed through writing instead of speaking, because they are more visible and last longer in written form. Argumentative essay is one of the genres studied by students of English education department at Universitas Negeri Padang. The students are commanded in creating and writing an argumentative essay. This research aimed to analyze the ability of students' writing. argumentative essay. The subject in this study was the third-year students of English in Universitas Negeri Padang. Twenty five students were selected as samples. This study was used descriptive research. The research data came from the document of students' writing final test to get the ability of students in writing an argumentative essay. There were twenty five documents that had been analyzed based on Brown's indicators. It consists of content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. The finding of this study showed that the ability of English education department students were good (68,7). It indicated that the students should increase their ability in writing argumentative essay properly.
VELES: Voices of English Language Education Society
Designing the argumentative essay test instrument based on critical thinking skills is the step to produce the writing test instrument used for measuring the students’ performance in writing the argumentative essay with critical thinking skills. This study aimed at measuring the validity and reliability of the argumentative essay writing instrument test with critical thinking skills. The procedure to create the writing test instrument credible was conducted by testing the instrument valid and reliable. The process of validating is through content validity and expert validation. The process of making the instrument reliable was done by checking the score of the students tested in trying out. The result of validating and making the instrument reliable was stated effective for use to get the data collection. Either pretest or posttest of the instrument in each component is stated reliable and it affirms the reliability of the instrument. The notes from the validator of the instrument a...
Writing is an important skill to be mastered by students especially at university since they are required to produce an academic paper. This article aimed to find out students’ ability in developing the paragraphs of argumentative essay. The data were taken from the argumentative essays written by the third year students. Based on the analysis results, this study reveals that the students’ ability in developing the paragraphs of argumentative essay is categorized as fair (62.5%). The most frequent problem the students had in developing the paragraphs of argumentative essay was related to the use of evidence. The students did not add sufficient sources to support they arguments. Then, most of the students did not have a thesis statement in their essay. This study concludes that students should improve their ability in developing the paragraphs of argumentative essay.
Dos Santos de Jesus, Emilia. 2017. ?An Analysis of Argumentative writing of the Fifth Semester Students of English Study Program of Universidade Dili in Academic Year 2016/2017?. Supevisors: (I) Prof. Feliks Tans, M.Ed., Ph.D, (II) Dr. Agustinus Semiun, MA. There are two problems to be answered in this writing, namely how the fifth semester students of English Study Program of Universidade Dili write argumentative texts and what their problems are in writing argumentative texts. This writing aims at analyzing students? argumentative writing and finding out their problems in writing argumentative texts. This study employs descriptive qualitative method. It describes deeply the findings related to the aims of study above. The data of this result is taken from the written forms of argumentative texts by the fifth semester students of English Study Program of Universidade Dili. The research shows that the students? argumentative writing is cohesively, coherently, and grammatically correct. However, some other mostly students present in cohesive, incoherent, and grammatically incorrect argumentative texts. Furthermore, there are several problems faced by the students in writing argumentative texts, namely: transferring ideas in writing, lack of vocabularies, problem in using grammar, difficulties to start writing, lack of reading sources, problems in organizing their writing, and inconsistently in developing idea.
Premise: Journal of English Education
This study investigates the written test results of the Indonesian undergraduate students’ argumentative essay. For that reason, three research questions are made. 1). what is the level of achievement of the students in the argumentative essay quantitatively? 2). what aspects of an essay appear in respect to the argumentative essay generic structure as formulated? 3). how well did they use the rhetoric reputation and argument in their essay?. 27 handwriting' answer sheets of undergraduate English Department students enrolled at semester four of a state university in Indonesia were taken purposively. The data analysis uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. The results show that the students quantitatively achieved average score 76,74 which means good. All parts of generic structures were expressed in different quality. However; the organization of the essay is the lowest part compared to the other four parts respectively content, vocabulary, and language use seen from th...
Writing is a unique ability that only some people might have. but it is unexpected that everyone also has the same ability to write something. Neither by arguing, although all can submit opinions or ideas about something, many of them are not able or not know how to argue properly and correctly. Aware of this, the author tries to find the constraints and problems experienced by the research subjects when they want to argue, especially through the text of the argumentation. Found that there were problems encountered when writing the argumentation text, it turns out that the obstacles experienced by the subject during the process of writing the argumentation text are very diverse, ranging from reasoning about something to lack of motivation to dare to argue. With the existence of this study we as authors and researchers hope that this research can be a reference for subsequent research and not only limited to that, the hope of the authors of this study can be a reference to the proble...
REiLA: Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 2019
Writing is very important for everyone to share their ideas, experiences and their thoughts into the written form. This present study tries to figure out and explore the university students in writing argumentative essay. Therefore, this present conducted a survey research to 21 students who produced 21 argumentative essay from English department in Universitas Lancang Kuning. The survey analyzed the Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Grammar, Mechanics In order to answer the research question. The result of the research showed that the students’ ability in argumentative essay was good regarding on the result of the test. This analysis of this present study found that the students’ ability in argumentative essay was categorized in very good level (96,55). This is means that these 21 students can go further on their academic journey regarding English when it needs an argumentative essay in written form.
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
A rubric is used for assessing student work and performance. It is a tool that works in various ways to develop student learning and has great possibilities. The study presented aims to investigate the rubric development of second language learners' argumentative writing. The study's significance is to explore how well the rubric assesses students' achievement of the skills needed to develop argumentative essays. This study will add to the literature more data regarding rubrics' effectiveness in providing constructive feedback to students. This research describes the results of the current study in relation to rubric feedback from undergraduate students and the faculty who teach them from a private university in Saudi Arabia. The use of the rubric would be to support instruction and student performance. The researchers have proposed a methodology to design, develop, and implement a rubric as a scoring guide for argumentative essays based upon the achievement of learn...
English Language Teaching, 2011
Even though many writing scales have been developed, instructors, educational administrators or researchers may have to develop new scales to fit their specific testing situation. In so-doing, one of the initial steps to be taken is to determine the evaluative criteria on which the scale is supposed to be based. As a part of a project that was proposed to develop a genre-based writing scale, a survey was carried out to investigate Malaysian lecturers' views on the evaluative criteria to be considered in evaluating argumentative essays. For this purpose, a group of English as a Second Language (ESL) lecturers (n=88) were administered a questionnaire. The subscales of organization, content and language skills were recommended by factor analysis. A fourth subscale, task fulfillment, was added as a result of the qualitative analysis of the data. The findings can be useful for language teaching or assessing purposes.
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Education and Technology (2017 ICEduTech), 2018
This paper finds the argumentation patterns of Mulawarman University's students in writing that include (a) patterns of consideration in writing arguments (b) dominant patterns in writing arguments and (c) the types of mistakes made in writing arguments. The research used discourse analysis of argumentation of content analysis model. The result of the research shows that the argumentation pattern used by Mulawarman University students is using authority consideration as much as 3.8%, consideration of empirical data as much as 15.4%, rational consideration 55,8%, and use reader's emotional consideration as much as 25%. Thus, dominance used by students in writing arguments is a rational consideration. The type of mistake made by the student is in the use of the spelling of writing in as a greeting and as a front word. Another error is the formation of the word that is as a particle and as a connector. From the research result suggested that there is training of argumentation writing which use various variation of consideration.
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