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2011, Introduction
10 pages
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ΑνΑρχές οι µεταφράσεις µας ακόµα και οι καλύτερες ξεκινούν από µια εσφαλµένη αρχή θέλουν να γερµανοποιήσουν τα ινδικά τα ελληνικά τα αγγλικά αντί να ινδοποιούν, ελληνοποιούν, αγγλοποιούν τα γερµανικά […] το θεµελιώδες λάθος του µεταφραστή είναι ότι γαντζώνεται στην κατάσταση στην οποία τυχαίνει να βρίσκεται η γλώσσα του αντί να της επιτρέπει να τεθεί δυναµικά σε κίνηση από την ξένη γλώσσα. […] πρέπει να εµβαθύνει τη δική του γλώσσα µέσω της ξένης […] Rudolf Pannwitz όπως παρατίθεται στον Μπένγιαµιν
Sociedad (buenos Aires), 2006
Through a philosophical revision of concepts pertaining to the fields of hermeneutics and translation, this text brings to question the logic that rules the production of the contemporary essay. Its central hypothesis posits that in our days the hypostasis of the essay is a translation from one language into that same language, and is divided into two sections. The former establishes a connection between translation and interpretation, while the latter focuses on the relation between interpreting an essay and producing one. The third basal connection explored in this text deals with translating and writing in the same language and serves as metadiscourse on the other two. This threefold pattern hinges in two directions, for the current essay is questioned in its form and its background, under a specular dynamics in which whatever is said can be refuted by the very format of the essay; of this essay. Published in Sociedad. Social Science Journal, School of Social Sciences, University...
The Criterion : An International Journal in English , 2021
The act of translation as a literary phenomenon lends itself to varied critical and theoretical approaches and one such approach perceives it as an act of interpretation that can be strongly linked to twentieth century German philosopher Hans Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. While conceiving and putting forward the act of translation as a specific hermeneutical experience, Gadamer, in his writings states that translation is itself a linguistic act and that language is inextricably tied with man's being in the world. His analysis of the process of translation has deeply influenced the critics and theoreticians of translation studies. My paper is an attempt to grapple with the aforesaid conception of the process of translation as interpretation.
Liturgiam authenticam (hereafter, LA) is viewed by some of its critics as a dubious linguistic experiment. Is it possible, they wonder, to change the rules of liturgical translation after thirty-five years? How practical are the new rules, and will they really lead to an improvement in the quality and 'authenticity' of the liturgy as we experience it today? We will soon discover, however, the rules themselves are less significant than the principles on which they based. One particularly striking passage in the new document states:
Metropolitan University Journal , 2009
Translation Studies as an academic discipline was established in the 20 th century but theorizing on Translation has been an old practice. From the antiquity to the modern era, translation theory has undergone many changes and evolved through a good many debates. But the elemental debate between translation and interpretation has been creating a great deal of confusion in translation theories since the time of Marcus Tullius Cicero to our own time. The two terms are, to many theorists, onomastically different but indissoluble in the translational process. Again there are many critics who view translation and interpretation as different to each other both experientially and practically. This paper aims at taking a true look at this controversy in translation theories, and provides some clarification of what 'translation' and 'interpretation' actually mean. The paper will then present the similarities and differences between these two terms from a critical perspective and establish the fact that despite the apparent differences between the terms, interpretation is an underlying force in the translation process. Out of many varieties of translation the paper refers to literary translation: the translation of literary works.
Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 2021
This article is devoted to the study of one of the most important questions of philology-translation which throughout its centuries-long and rich history has been considered a sphere of philological activity of utmost significance providing an exceptional possibility for recoding and bringing philological and cultural traditions within the reach of people at large. Through the application of a variety of methods (linguo-stylistic, linguo-poetic, and comparative), the author attempts to study the process of translation, the clash of difficulties inevitably arising in that process, and offers solutions that will help recreate the vitality of the original and the uniqueness of linguistic thinking. Emphasis on the importance of the consideration of intra-and inter-linguistic correlations of language units in the original work of literature drives the author to the conclusion that the most reliable approach to literary translation is to be guided by the principle of "metaphoric displacement".
Translation Journal Online , 2004
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Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 2012
Text Constrict: A Hermeneutic Approach, 2017
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2021
Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 2021
Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 2007
Church, Communication and Culture, 2019
Semiotica, 2015
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 2021