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Purpose: This paper aims to provide a better understanding of accelerators’ phenomenon, developing a business model framework for these organizations. The proposed framework aims to offer helpful guidance for practitioners and policymakers, together with various research opportunities for scholars. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study employs a structured literature review methodology, which guarantees the repeatability of the research and the validity of the outcomes. Additionally, to further test the results of our analysis, we interviewed ten practitioners from some accelerators located in Italy and Slovenia. Findings: Findings show that the literature on accelerators is still fragmented and under-investigated. The presented framework for an accelerator business model provides insights about the activity and the role of such organizations. The study offers fruitful avenues for future research on accelerators’ business models. Research limitations/implications: Given the fragmen...
Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, 2022
Corporate accelerators have become an important form of corporate-start-up collaboration. According to [1] mm1 (consultancy for Connected Business), two-thirds of all DAX 30 companies in Germany engaged with start-ups via an accelerator in the year 2020. Despite the clear importance of this phenomenon, there is still a lack of understanding of the concrete factors that determine their success. Corporate accelerators can be designed in different ways but business executives are still in the dark about the consequences of these design decisions on the performance. The aim of present study is to determine success factors of a selected set of corporate accelerators based on qualitative data. A database of 109 corporate accelerators was collected from which all Germany based programs (28) were analysed in greater detail regarding their performance and program design. Hereby, the study tests the statistical relevance of 14 potential success factors identified via literature review conduct...
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2019
Over the past 15 years, accelerators emerged as a popular and distinct new form of intermediary organization, playing a key role in supporting entrepreneurial and innovation activities. To date, despite significant growth in accelerators research, there is still little understanding of how different forms of accelerators operate, and what outcomes they produce across different contexts. This paper reviews the existing scholarly research on accelerators using the Context-Intervention-Mechanism-Outcome framework and is based on the analysis of 98 research papers on accelerators published in the last 15 years. The analysis identifies four mechanisms which explain how accelerators operate and the role they play in supporting entrepreneurship and innovation: the validation of ideas and products; the provision of product development and models learning; the provision of support to increase startups' market access & growth; and the provision of support for innovation. The paper identifies the methodological and theoretical gaps in current research and provides avenues to support future research and industry practice.
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2023
Accelerators are broadly seen as platforms that government, non-profit, and forprofit organizations use to fast-track the development of entrepreneurial and SME business capabilities. Typically, this occurs as competitive, time-constrained, cohort-centered, authentic learning experiences supported by mentoring and access to the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, management development programs, and financial resources. Interest in how the ventures in the development programs evolve and contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem is increasing (Cantner et al. in Small Business Economics, 57, 407-423, 2021), but how the accelerators evolve has yet to be adequately researched. To better understand how accelerators evolve, we adapt Churchill and Lewis (Harvard Business Review, 61(3), 30-50, 1983) conceptual framework of the stages of small business development. This study investigated the life cycle of Australian accelerators from 2013 to 2020. The accelerators ranged from short-term "pop-up" programs to permanent programs. We found through a series of four selected exemplar case studies that these accelerators exhibited a similar four-stage life cycle to their participants, including (1) gestation, (2) survival, (3) viability, and (4) decline or renewal. We also found that external support was a critical issue that determined viability. Our findings support the development of accelerator management to be more agile, resilient, and entrepreneurial, which can confront those adopting a more standardized franchise model. In addition, we adapt Kohler (Business Horizons, 59(3), 347-357, 2016) work on corporate accelerators into an inclusive framework for all forms of accelerators, including considering their geographic context or Place, the actors involved with the accelerator or its People, the accelerator's value Proposition to participants, the accelerator's Processes and most fundamentally, its Purpose that will contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem practice and literature. This research provides practical considerations on positioning, suitable business models, and maximized operations.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Accelerators are a type of incubation program that are concerned with attracting, supporting and developing new ventures. Although there is significant enthusiasm for accelerators and their potential benefits, there is limited research on how their core capabilities can vary. In response, we develop a typology of accelerator capabilities taking into account their strategy, governance, business model, operations and finance. To develop the typology we carried out a benchmark analysis of six clean energy commercialization accelerators (CECAs). From this we verified and illustrated the dimensions of our typology and identified four types of accelerator capabilities: R&D focused, technology enabled, market enabled, and network enabled. We then use a seventh accelerator case to illustrate how our typology can be used to describe, understand and prescribe appropriate capabilities for a CECA. We conclude our paper by explaining the research and practice implications of our research.
International Journal of Computer, 2018
This paper analyses the business accelerator programs in Turkey. Business accelerators are new generations of incubation programs born especially to support technology entrepreneurs and help them reach to the next level. There are six startup accelerators in Turkey out of eighteen which fit into the criteria of accelerator programs. These are Kworks, ITU Seed, SuCool, IOT Telco Labs, Pilot and Starter's Hub programs. All of these programs only accept technology entrepreneurs and help them grow their businesses. Using the interview method, this study provides an inside look into the models of these six programs. It provides detailed analysis about the general structure of the programs, the characteristics of the entrepreneurs in the programs, how the programs operate, information about the graduates of the programs, the mentor networks, the investment possibilities and the performance criteria of the programs. There are studies about accelerators in highly developed countries but the literature lacks information about accelerators in developing countries. Therefore, this study contributes to the literature by filling this gap.
The start-up acceleration phenomenon is a recent trend in the field of entrepreneurship, impacting academia, policy makers and practioners, but not yet fully researched or comprehended. The existing literature on business incubators, technology transfer and corporate entrepreneurship provide few cues on how to interpret the acceleration phenomenon, justifying the case for an in-depth analysis on how accelerators (and its accelerated ventures) differentiate from existing initiatives. This work aims to contribute to this discussion by mapping the current research and definitions of the acceleration phenomenon and suggesting a number of potential investigation lines to be deployed in the upcoming years.
Research-Technology Management, 2018
Developing an effective corporate accelerator requires close attention to the relationships between startups and the sponsoring company.
Corporate accelerators (CA) are a rapidly growing institutional phenomenon in start-up ecosystems. As agile innovation units they offer start-ups fixed-term coaching programs that are supposed to provide benefits for both start-ups and established companies. Although the proliferation of CAs is highly evident, little is known about the efficacy of these programs, and the drivers of performance. Analyzing a hand-collected and novel data set containing more than 200 start-ups across 15 CA programs located throughout Germany, our results suggest that while start-ups benefit from small, specialized and industry-specific programs through synergies and economies of scale and scope; increasing specialization generates also disadvantages for the accelerated start-ups. In particular, lock-in effects and holdup problems may make it difficult to raise follow-up financing after leaving the accelerator program. This paper aims to fill into this gap in existing literature.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018
Preliminary evidence on the long-run trajectory of the accelerator industry suggests that it may be close to the maturity phase of its cycle. If this is the case, how can we measure the benefits of an uncertain breakthrough in acceleration technology? Who are the main stakeholders interested by such a breakthrough? We identify these subjects and sketch some avenues for answering these questions. We thus present a model for the social Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of research infrastructures and illustrate the results of its implementation for assessing the benefits of accelerators in basic science and hadrontherapy. Lastly, we move from the social CBA of single research infrastructures to modeling a major change in the accelerator technology and hence in the industry. A research agenda on the potential impacts of a technological breakthrough is presented.
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
Corporate accelerators are a rapidly growing entrepreneurial phenomenon occurring in different business contexts and business models within corporate entrepreneurship. Corporate accelerators are considered as an innovation fostering approach within new ventures provided by start-ups. The aim of the paper is twofold: firstly, to explore the motives behind corporations' engagement with start-ups in launching corporate accelerators, and secondly, to identify the corporate benefits and challenges of this business model innovation. The research design is based on a qualitative interpretative approach exploiting a triangulation of methods by using in-depth interviews (IDI) with corporate managers involved in development of corporate accelerators as well as a focus group interview (FGI) with industry experts. In addition, secondary data were applied to strengthen the exploratory research. The study demonstrates that a wide range of benefits stem from the accelerator activities which can ultimately can initiate changes in large companies. Our research expands on prior findings and suggests that corporate accelerators are driven by internal and external push and pull motives. The study contributes to expanding the scope of corporate entrepreneurship research in regard to the challenges and benefits of corporate accelerators. It provides evidence that corporate accelerators are a source of innovation that can be used to foster entrepreneurial-market logic and entrepreneurial learning.
Business accelerators are one of the best sources of financing for seed-stage acceleratorsthe conclusion one can make based on the quite scant accelerator research. However, since the studies of accelerators have mostly based on the data on American top-accelerators, little is known about the success-factors of accelerators in other contexts. This article analyzes whether the success-factors found to influence accelerators are similar to these previously found in a different context of Estonia, where, despite the short period of the free market economy, a highly successful startup ecosystem has developed. To capture the full effect of accelerators in Estonia the complete sample on Estonian accelerated startups and accelerators is provided, which is unique in accelerator research, where mostly crowdsourced, incomplete datasets are used. The analysis from regression models revealed that size of funds gained from accelerators, average yearly sales and employees' growth and being a software company are predictive of success of accelerated startups. The internal and external success-factors that are linked to the fortune of accelerators are explored through semi-structured interviews with accelerator representatives. Accelerators owe their success to their intrinsic qualities, from which social networks creation by accelerator, deal flow/startup selection and reputation were considered important, but the analysis confirms that their external context, most importantly policy environment and presence of human capital, also strongly influence their success and creation.
Since the establishment of the Y-Combinator in Silicon Valley in 2005, accelerators are an ever-growing phenomenon that beginning with the United States is representative on six continents until today. This should not be surprisingly as nowadays, startups seem to be a major source of innovation, contributing to the invention of novel products and business models by using new technologies and thus are reasonable to secure the secure and development of local economies. To be defined accelerators are institutions that support high-growth, early-stage businesses support to create entrepreneur ́s ideas into sustainable business models through education, mentoring and funding. In counterpart to the until today better known model of incubators accelerators differ as they are limited to a shorter period of time of approximately three month, which leads to the recognition of a higher intensity that as a result shortens to time to discover the sustainability of businesses. Nevertheless, there...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of accelerators on the Indian business start-up ecosystem. Can it reduce start-up mortality? Are accelerators instrumental in providing effective platforms for accelerating the growth of start-ups? Do they meet the expectations of the start-ups? Can accelerated start-ups attract venture capitalist funding? The authors propose that "accelerators have a positive impact on the Indian start-up ecosystem." This paper attempts to establish the framework of analysis of the impact of accelerators on start-ups. For the purpose of this study, primary and secondary research data were used. Existing literature in the form of secondary data is available only to a limited extent because the concept of accelerators and their role in the survival and growth of start-ups is in the nascent stage in India. Hence, for the purpose of designing the research framework, primary data was obtained through structured interviews. These were conducted with the founders of start-ups and accelerators. Out of the already existing forty accelerators in India that were approached, ten responded to a request for a structured interview. It was found that start-ups find accelerators to be an ideal platform for strategic guidance, while accelerating their growth and generally assisting in the fund raising processes. The private equity (PE) investors and venture capitalists (VC) are able to draw higher quality start-ups from the accelerators. Overall the mortality of the start-ups is reduced. Accelerators can have a definite impact on fundraising, value proposition and revenue growth. This research study is the first of its kind written from an Indian perspective using active primary participants.
Start-up accelerators are units supporting entrepreneurs (substantively, financially, legally, and organizationally) in establishing and running young and innovative companies such as start-ups. The commencing energy crisis has led to the need for energy savings, as well as the need to change energy policies and implement energy transformation, creating a wide field for start-ups and start-up accelerators. Making full use of potentially innovative solutions developed by start-ups is, in turn, essential for energy giants and related accelerators in the market. This has created the need for specific research in this direction. Therefore, in this paper we review the literature for 2011–2021 with respect to the role of accelerators supporting start-ups. A survey based on the Scopus database resulted in the identification of 76 papers on accelerators. Particular attention was paid to aspects of sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental). The analysis indicated that 75 ...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Recent years have seen the rapid emergence of a new type of program aimed at seeding startup companies. These programs, often referred to as accelerators, differ from previously known seed-stage institutions such as incubators and angel groups. While proliferation of such accelerators is evident, evidence on efficacy and role of these programs is scant. Nonetheless, local governments and founders of such programs often cite the motivation for their establishment and funding as the desire to transform their local economies through the establishment of a startup technology cluster in their region. In this paper, we attempt to assess the impact that such programs can have on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the regions in which they are established, by exploring the effects of accelerators on the availability and provision of seed and early stage venture capital funding in the local region.
International Journal of Management and Economics
Accelerators have been becoming increasingly popular among young entrepreneurs interested in developing products, attracting investors, or establishing relations with industry represented by large companies. The focus of the studies is to conduct literature review due to the small number of scientific articles are available on this topic. The article aims to show the current state of knowledge about startup accelerators and the support they provide. It outlines what added value accelerators offer in their programs for young innovative companies. To achieve the stated aim, the authors combine a systematic literature review with a bibliometric analysis. The results of this research will be helpful in better matching the developed project with existing accelerator programs on the market. It can contribute to a better understanding of the principles governing the programs, program expectations of the accelerator and its partners with respect to the proposed solutions (corporations, busi...
There are competing theories for studying of accelerators and incubators. The absence of a unified understanding hinders start-up progress. Our research clarifies strengths and weaknesses of universitybased incubators to present a framework for improved effectiveness and development. Some research shows structural models connecting investors to other critical incubation mechanisms. Other research shows models relying on the incubator director's experience to embody this connection. In such cases, the incubator's success depends on its manager's ability to establish a viable link between stakeholders. Although the presence of these components for the incubator is essential; ensuring a structural interconnection is vital. Using four cases to establish a list of success factors; our conceptual framework demonstrates these two models and explores their potential.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my mentor Professor Dr. Kurt Matzler for incredible support and guidance that he had given me throughout this journey. From then on, I would like to express my thankfulness to Mr. Niels Cotiaux, and then the team of Next Incubator, for providing the contact to research partners and for sharing all the relevant information. A very warm, special thank you goes to Ms. Corinna Haas, Mr. Santtu Hulkkonen and Mr. Filippo Feraris for sharing their deepest insights and motivation. You have been fantastic, cheerful partners, all in your most unique ways, and I hope that your companies become the synonym for the future. Without your help, this thesis wouldn't have come to existence. I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends, Mr. Daniel Stiehle, Mr. Florian Koch and my partner in (research) crime, Mr. Oliver Schnell, whose light sense of humor and endless support throughout the writing process have always brought back a spark of energy and motivation to keep writing. I hope to have succeeded to return at least a part of the favor; without them, this thesis will not have been successfully finished. Finally, endless thankfulness goes to my mini-ecosystem of family and friends, whose love and contribution was equally important to the breathing process itself; both have kept me successfully alive throughout.
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