Menerapkan Matius 5:13 Tentang Garam Dunia di Tengah Era Disrupsi

2020, SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani


Spiritual growth to be a blessing and influence and impact on others cannot be separated from the challenges of life. And it is part of the believer's role to be able to color and make himself a useful person. Yet the church and the believers experienced divisions that created conflict and contention so that the church could not speak or give anything to a divided, corrupted world. With the background of the problem, the author uses a library research method with a descriptive quantitative approach. So the author concludes that the role of believers as the salt of the world in Matthew 5:13, in the midst of an era of disruption, is the first Christianity that does not become tasteless. Second, Christianity must function like salt and third, Christianity must glorify God in its life. By applying to all believers, the role of Christians as the salt of the earth has an impact.