Biographies of a scientific subject: The intelligence test

2020, Oxford Research Encyclopedia for History of Psychology


Note: this version represents a pre-print version and differs from the published version. Abstract: The intelligence test consists of a series of exercises designed to measure intelligence. Intelligence is generally understood as mental capacity enabling a person to learn at school or, more generally, to reason, to solve problems and to adapt to new (challenging) situations. There are many types of intelligence tests depending on the kind of person (age, profession, culture, etc.) and the way intelligence is understood. Some tests are general, others are focused on evaluating language skills, others on memory, abstract and logical thinking or abilities in a wide variety of areas such as, for example, recognizing and matching implicit, visual patterns. Scores may be presented as an IQ (intelligence quotient), as a mental age, or simply as a point on a scale. Intelligence tests are instrumental in ordering, ranking and comparing individuals. The testing of intelligence started in the nineteenth century and became a common practice in schools and universities, psychotechnical institutions, courts, asylums, and private companies on an international level during the twentieth century. It is generally assumed that the first test was designed by the French scholars A. Binet and T. Simon in 1905. But, the historical link between testing and experimenting allows to speak of previous tests, such as the word association test. Testing was practiced and understood in different ways, depending not only on the time, but also on the concrete local (cultural and institutional) conditions. For example, in the United States and Brazil it would get immediately linked to race differences and eugenic programs, while in other places, such as Spain, it would be part of an attempt to detect "feebleness" and to grade students at certain schools. Since the very beginnings, the intelligence test received harsh criticisms and triggered massive protests. The debate went through the mass media leading to the infamous IQ test wars. Thus, now-a-days psychologists are careful in the promotion of intelligence testing, aware of the inherent danger of cultural discrimination and social marginalization. In order to understand the role, the intelligence test plays in today's society, it is necessary to explore its history with the help of well documented case studies. Such studies show how the testing practice was employed in national contexts and how it was received, used or rejected by different social groups or professionals. The central role of testing played in North-America is bit by bit removed by current historical research with the help of a more inclusive perspective; a perspective that explores how testing was taking place in different national and cultural environments such as Russia (or the former Soviet Union), India, Italy, Netherland, Sweden, Argentina, Chile, and many other places.