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15 pages
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Shan W. Jolin, ∗ Gustav Andersson, † J. C. Rivera Hernández, Ingrid Strandberg, Fernando Quijandŕıa, ‡ Joe Aumentado, Riccardo Borgani, 4 Mats O. Tholén, 4 and David B. Haviland Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience MC2, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden National Institute of Standards and Technology, CO-803 05 Boulder, USA Intermodulation Products AB, SE-823 93 Segersta, Sweden (Dated: December 23, 2021)
Our optical parametric oscillator (OPO) contained two nonlinear crystals, placed in a two-waist ring cavity. A 10 mm long periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP) crystal was placed in the smallest waist.
Scalability and coherence are two essential requirements for the experimental implementation of quantum information and quantum computing. Here, we report a breakthrough toward scalability: the simultaneous generation of a record 15 quadripartite entangled cluster states over 60 consecutive cavity modes (Q modes), in the optical frequency comb of a single optical parametric oscillator.
Scientific Reports
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, 2009
The IEEE Taxonomy comprises the first three hierarchical 'levels' under each term-family (or branch) that is formed from the top-most terms of the IEEE Thesaurus. In this document these term-families are arranged alphabetically and denoted by boldface type. Each term family's hierarchy goes to no more than three sublevels, denoted by indents (in groups of four dots) preceding the next level terms. A term can appear in more than one hierarchical branch and can appear more than once in any particular hierarchy. The IEEE Taxonomy is defined in this way so that it is always a subset of the 2017 IEEE Thesaurus.
Laser Physics, 2008
We report on our research effort to generate large-scale multipartite optical-mode entanglement using as few physical resources as possible. We have previously shown that cluster-and GHZ-type N-partite continuous-variable entanglement can be obtained in an optical resonator that contains a suitably designed second-order nonlinear optical medium, pumped by at most \( \mathcal{O} \) (N 2) fields. In this paper, we show that the frequency comb of such a resonator can be entangled in an arbitrary number of independent 2 × 2 and 2 × 3 continuousvariable cluster states by a single optical parametric oscillator pumped by just a few optical modes.
Nature Physics, 2013
When two indistinguishable single photons impinge at the two inputs of a beam splitter they coalesce into a pair of photons appearing in either one of its two outputs. This effect is due to the bosonic nature of photons and was first experimentally observed by Hong, Ou and Mandel 1 . Here, we present the observation of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with two independent single-photon sources in the microwave frequency domain. We probe the indistinguishability of single photons, created with a controllable delay, in time-resolved secondorder cross-and auto-correlation function measurements. Using quadrature amplitude detection we are able to resolve different photon numbers and detect coherence in and between the output arms. This scheme allows us to fully characterize the two-mode entanglement of the spatially separated beam-splitter output modes. Our experiments constitute a first step towards using two-photon interference at microwave frequencies for quantum communication and information processing 2-5 .
The mesoscopic scale of superconducting qubits makes their inter-spacings comparable to the scale of wavelength of a circuit cavity field to which they commonly couple. This comparability results in inhomogeneous coupling strengthes for each qubit and hence asynchronous Rabi excitation cycles among the qubits that form a quasi-lattice. We find that such inhomogeneous coupling benefits the formation of multi-photon resonances between the single-mode cavity field and the quasi-lattice. The multi-photon resonances lead, in turn, to the simultaneous generation of inequivalent |GHZ and |W types of multipartite entanglement states, which are not transformable to each other through local operations with classical communications. Applying the model on the 3-qubit quasilattice and using the entanglement measures of both concurrence and 3-tangle, we verify that the inhomogeneous coupling specifically promotes the generation of the totally inseparable |GHZ state.
Quantum Electronics Metrology, 2008
The frequency comb of an optical resonator is a naturally large set of exquisitely well defined quantum systems, such as in the broadband mode-locked lasers which have redefined time/frequency metrology and ultraprecise measurements in recent years. High coherence can therefore be expected in the quantum version of the frequency comb, in which nonlinear interactions couple different cavity modes, as can be modeled by different forms of graph states. We show that is possible to thereby generate states of interest to quantum metrology and computing, such as multipartite entangled cluster and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
Control over the coupling between multiple modes of a frequency comb is an important step toward measurement-based quantum computation with a continuous-variable system. We demonstrate the creation of square-ladder correlation graphs in a microwave comb with 95 modes. The graphs are engineered through precise control of the relative phase of three pumps applied to a Josephson parametric oscillator. Experimental measurement of the mode scattering matrix is in good agreement with theoretical predictions based on a linearized equation of motion of the parametric oscillator. The digital methods used to create and measure the correlations are easily scaled to more modes and more pumps, with the potential to tailor a specific correlation graph topology.
The quantum properties of optical frequency combs have been the focus of several research works in recent years. Investigating the quantum correlations between the spectral components of the combs is of fundamental interest because it allows for a better understanding of light-matter interactions, but also of technological interest as it wold permits the implementation of quantum communication networks. In this communication, we present some of our latest advances in this field.
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
Journal of Physics B-atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2011
Physical Review A, 2019
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Physical Review Letters, 2011
Physical Review A, 2017
Physical Review A, 2012
Physical Review A, 2000
The European Physical Journal Plus
Quantum Information and Computation
Physical Review Letters, 2018
Physical review letters, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2007
New Journal of Physics, 2011
Physical Review Letters, 2021
Physical Review Letters, 2012
Physical Review B, 2008
Physical Review A, 2005
Scientific Reports, 2014