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Musamus Journal of Public Administration
The research objective is to find out the right communication patterns used in disaster management by organizations. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with literate data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that organizations can use star communication patterns and chain communication patterns, Star communication patterns are used to communicate in general, where superiors directly communicate with subordinates and subordinates directly communicate to superiors without intermediaries from others. For the chain pattern in the organization is used to provide information that is announcement from one division to all employees that must be submitted through the division. Communication from superiors to subordinates in the form of work or task instructions. Communication from subordinates to superiors is communication in the form of work reports, information about disasters and advice.
The study titled, Crisis Management: a Case Study of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), was conducted to ascertain how NADMO communicates crisis and its management. The researchers employed the qualitative research methodology for the study.The findings of the study revealed that NADMO lacks the necessary equipment for crisis detection and depends on other organisations updates on crisis. Also, the organisation does not have a Crisis Communication Plan which spells out the responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in crisis management and communication. Based on these findings, the researchers conclude there was the need for NADMO which is a state institution responsible for managing disaster to be provided with the necessary equipment and also trained in communicating, managing and controlling emergency situations so that they would be able to perform their mandate, which is disaster management. The researchers recommended among others that NADMO should put in place a Crisis Communication Plan detailing the roles to be played by all stakeholders who are responsible for managing disasters. This would go a long way to justify the existence of the organisation and also minimise miscommunication. Also, NADMO should provide state-of-the art equipment for the regional, district and zonal offices to enable them detect crisis on time and activate crisis communication with speed and efficiency.
Disasters constitute challenges to development, life and property and environmental protection, and as such disaster management should accompany development efforts. Concerted effort in disaster management involves different stakeholders who are to be constituted and managed through effective interagency linkages and effective coordination engendered by a flexible disaster management policy. This paper posits that effective disaster management results from understanding a community's disaster situation and the process of disaster management, and designing a disaster management policy. It also discusses the communication demands of disaster management and underscores the importance of disaster handling evaluation in recursive policy revision.
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, 2019
The purpose of this study was to analyze disaster communication management activities carried out by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center in coordinating disaster information and identifying information coordination that occurred between Kab. Sleman, community, and non-governmental organizations @merapi_news. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data search is done by in-depth interviews with parties involved in the disaster management process, namely Supervisors, Operators of PB Emergency Operations District. Sleman, the private organization @Merapi_news, and the Sleman community. The results of the study showed that the Sleman Emergency Operation Center was still not maximal in the implementation of the disaster communication management process. The lack of coordination of information that causes miss communication and distribution of disaster information to the community is often too late, the use of Instagram social media is not optimal by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center, and mitigation needs to be done simultaneously both BPBD and Pusdalops to shape the attitudes and knowledge of the community and implementing officers in disaster management.
Innovative Research Journal
Disasters come across as a black day to any country or place within the country. It causes various destructions in the geographical and life of people. Analyze the uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in the disaster period, explore the effective communication channel used in disaster management, and identify the best communication tools and channels in disaster periods in educational institutes' main objectives of this study and the Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, and Dadeldhura districts of Nepal are the main study area. During the disaster period, the government brings different communication tools and awareness programs to minimize risk and destruction. However, due to a lack of proper implementation and unawareness, using those tools effectively has become a major challenge. There are challenges for integrating ICT tools for disaster management because of a lack of knowledge about the ICT tools, and how to use them inappropriately. Social media, smar...
Background: The frequency and severity of disaster occurrence and emergency situation, and the importance of disaster risk communication of relief organizations to increase the readiness of societies in the case of disaster is increasing around the world. This study aimed to identify relief organizations' strategies to improve disaster risk communication in Iran. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted with the participation of 25 managers, relief workers, and people who had experiences in response to one of the disasters. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using conventional content analysis.Results: The analysis of the data of this study led to the identification of 3 categories and 9 sub-categories regarding strategies of relief organizations to improve risk communication. These categories are 1) management of information and training communication (facilitation of training processes, diverse training strategies, and integrated informi...
INTRODUCTION: Information is known as the main source of power over others. In this respect, the use of correct, accurate, and timely information in decision-making, planning, and other related issues can be effective in the outcome of activities and services provided by organizations. In times of crisis and disaster incidence, information plays a key and crucial role and affects various disaster response processes. This study was conducted to investigate the communication and information processes and information analysis in the Iranian Red Crescent Society at the time of disasters in 2019. METHODS: This qualitative study with a content analysis design was carried out on 17 experts and managers in the Iranian Red Crescent Society. The necessary data regarding the existing information processes were collected through performing interviews with the participants. The collected data from conducting and implementing the interviews were then coded in MAXQDA software using qualitative ana...
Jurnal Manajemen Komunikasi
Disaster management is needed to minimize the impact of disasters. It aims to prepare and educate people living in disaster-prone areas to be better prepared to respond to the impact of disasters. Sumbawa Regency is an area prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, landslides, and others. The Regional Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD) of Sumbawa Regency is to implement a program called "Desa Tangguh Bencana" to improve disaster mitigation management in Sumbawa. This study aims to determine the communication strategy of disaster mitigation planning by BPBD of Sumbawa Regency, early 2020–2021. This study uses descriptive methods and data collection techniques by observation and in-depth interviews with the initiators of the program and their effectiveness in tackling the impact of disasters. The study results showed that communication strategy is the main point of successful program implementation by selecting communicators with scientific credibilit...
The complexity of current disasters creates a challenge for crisis communication. This paper aims at identifying gaps in communication in disaster management experienced in practice in order to facilitate learning from those situations. The research was conducted using a qualitative online open-ended questionnaire. It shows that despite the developments in the discipline, communication as an integral part of decision making in disaster management needs to be further developed. The paper provides a practical-oriented overview of the communication constraints in complex crisis situations, which has not been provided so far. This research is part of an international project developing performance indicators for a quality measurement system for crisis communication.
Rapid disaster response is necessary since it involves various stakeholders in disaster. However, rapid response is difficult to implement due to structural constraints and organizational hierarchy. This research aims to reveal structural constraints to crisis communication management in the internal organization of the Transportation Ministry. Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) approaches offer a framework to understand management in general in responding to crisis situation. This research uses a qualitative method with case study approaches. The results of this research show that in the pre-crisis phase the organization serves as media for sections at the Transportation Ministry to interact in monitoring potential crisis. In the crisis and post-crisis response phases, the establishment of an Ad Hoc Crisis Communication Team (TKK) has changed the organization from being under stringent hierarchic structure to being more flexible and responsive in crisis response. This r...
The scale and frequency of large-scale disasters and the wide range of severities and the myriad ways a nation has been affected by, reveals the importance of a reliable communication system in emergency response scenarios. Communication may fail for a broken network component, infrastructure failure, or unreachability. A variety of communication technologies have been deployed at crisis sites but the problems of interoperability, unreachability, unclear communication plan and resource allocation still exist. Communication in emergency response applications has unique demands for the minimum or no a priori knowledge, unpredictability, and short or no advance warning. Through participation in several real-life scenario exercises, analysis of network data, examination of after-incident reports, and interviews with first responders, this dissertation investigates the complex communication problem at both network and organizational levels. This dissertation argues that just the deployment of a robust and reliable communication infrastructure does not solve communication problem in emergency response without investigating and improving communication protocols at organizational level. This work justifies that the communication problem strongly correlates with the dynamics of communication protocols at organizational level among first responders in addition to a good choice of communication technology. This effort presents event-driven models based on real-life scenarios to examxviii ine structural and behavioral properties of communication protocols at organizational level and to develop supervisory control solutions to assist decision makers with information exchange. This study illuminates the ways in which a supervisor can improve performance by reducing complexity of event-driven models and predicting deadlock in advance. This work incorporates communication technology and organizational communication protocols into traditional stereotypes of communication perspective. xix This chapter, in part, is a reprint of the material of the following paper: R.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Badan Penanggulan Bencana Daerah (BPBD or Disaster Management Agency) of Banda Aceh City was established through Banda Aceh bylaw (or Qanun) No. 3 of 2011 following the significant 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Meanwhile, as Banda Aceh’s population has grown, an increasing number of people have moved to and decided to stay in areas once affected by the tsunami. Given this background, disaster risk communication is indispensable. It is important for the BPBD of Banda Aceh City to disseminate risk messages throughout the community. Disaster risk communication is informed by the communication targets set by the BPBD of Banda Aceh City. The purpose of this study is to explore the issues and challenges in implementing disaster risk communication in the Banda Aceh community and across various sectors. A qualitative research design is applied to gain an insight into the disaster risk communication of the BPBD of Banda Aceh City. Data were collected through interviews and document analysis...
Jurnal Komunikasi, Malaysian Journal of Communication
The management of information among various stakeholders in natural and human induced disasters is fundamental to the mitigation and effective disaster-relieve operations. Efficient information exchanges are a vital component of disaster response and relief operations. This is based on the idea that precise and timely information is made available prior, during and after disasters. Disasters always happen abruptly, and often with different levels of severity, posing a major challenge for effective information exchanges and coordination. Extended droughts, trans-boundary haze, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic activities and severe weathers have created havoc and displaced populations in many parts of this continent. These events have given rise to the realization that a more strenuous attempts to uncover the emerging patterns in disaster communication. By drawing from experiences in disasters, especially in Asia, the paper firstly conceptualizes disaster, vulnerabilities and disaster communication, in the broader literature on disaster. Secondly, it examines how the emerging features, such as disaster communication and coordination mechanism, the role of social media and technology, reliability of communication systems, social capital and cultural knowledge can assist first responders, care givers and disaster related agencies in helping disaster victims more effectively.
This study is on the contribution of effective communication system in the management of disaster in Nigeria. The method of data collection used in this study was field survey method; this involved the use of questionnaire. The study covers the four communities affected by the 2012 flooding in Anambra East-Nigeria. The result of the analysis showed that awareness during the disaster 2012 did not contribute significantly to the management of the disaster. Also, it was observed that the use of traditional communication system during the 2012 disaster did not contribute to the management of the disaster. In addition, the feedback system and level of involvement in the affected communities did not contribute to the management of the disaster. From the result of the analysis the present study concluded that early warnings can only be effective to the extent to which the messages are adapted to the environment or community. Also, there is the need for the development of sustainable community based disaster management system which will accord a place to traditional communication systems. The development of local systems for dissemination of warning messages is crucial for effective disaster management in communities. The process of communication should be horizontal, that is, a two-way flow of communication.
International Journal of Education and Practice, 2016
The purpose of this study was to investigate how disasters are managed in organizations in Kenya. The study objectives were: to examine the planning approaches used in disaster management and to establish the communication approaches used in disaster management. A multiple case study of five organizations was used. The sample size was twenty managers in the sampled organizations. Interview guides and document analysis were used as instruments for data collection. The study revealed that managers in the sampled institutions did not use a proactive approach in disaster management. They lack knowledge about integrating disaster management into strategic planning processes. They also lack knowledge about a proactive approach to communication in disaster management. The researcher recommends that: Training and workshops in disaster management should be provided to managers and other employees. Organizational members should be exposed to disaster management simulations.
Jurnal Komunikasi/Jurnal komunikasi, 2023
The potential for natural disasters to increase in intensity in various regions requires early attention and vigilance. That's why disaster mitigation needs to be disseminated to all levels of society. One area that has a high level of vulnerability is Kulon Progo is a case study with a descriptive type in this research. Recorded in 2019 having 53 landslide-prone areas in 5 sub-districts. To anticipate victims, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kulon Progo Regency formed 3 Disaster Response Villages as bottom-up disaster mitigation pilots, one of which is Kalirejo Village. This effort is interesting in examining how communication patterns are carried out in natural disaster-prone areas (Kalirejo Village) in mitigating natural disasters. This study is qualitative and involves several elements including Kelurahan government officials, self-help groups, disaster risk reduction forums, volunteers, and residents who represent stakeholders related to mitigation. A qualitative approach is used to deepen understanding through observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. Data analysis uses an interactive model recommended by Miles and Huberman. The main findings of the study show that the most frequent natural disasters are landslides and floods. This is caused by the topography which causes unstable soil conditions so that it easily causes landslides when rainfall is high. The dominant communication pattern in terms of natural disaster management/mitigation is bottom-up, from the community to the Village, Kapanewon, and
this study aimed to determine the role of information in disaster management operations and to highlight the goals such as "clarification the role of information in crisis and disaster management and the necessity to provide information for the correct and appropriate decisions", This study is an applied study on disaster management in the General Directorate of civil defense of Jordan, the questionnaire was adopted as the main tool of survey ,the study sample consisted (60) employee from the department of disaster management. the descriptive was used through Review of previous studies on the same subject, Been using the statistical package for the social sciences in addition to descriptive and statistical methods for tabulating data and processed to achieve the study objectives and hypothesis testing set Key findings of the study "there is a clear impact on the work of disaster management in the State provide accurate, clear, comprehensive and fast information, with ...
The study sought to address the gap in empirical studies about crisis managers' communication strategies for natural disasters in Uganda. The study used the situational crisis communication theory (SCCT) for theoretical frame work. Moreover; the study employed a qualitative research approach. Three newspaper archives were selected purposively and analyzed for data generation through coding sheets as research instruments, the themes were identified and analyzed using content analysis methods. The results of the study indicate that crisis managers' selection for the most appropriate print media outlets for communication with their targeted audiences based on their consumption patterns helps to promote crisis management. Moreover audience segmentation and designing for key messages is paramount in promoting crisis communication.
Eighty per cent of small companies without a comprehensive crisis plan vanish within two years of suffering a major disaster-a remarkable and ominous statistic. Crises are occurring more often in all organizations, and when they occur, they are leaving a wake of financial, operational, and reputational damage. Why this trend, now? There are five important reasons: 1) a more volatile workplace involving financial, legal, or management issues within the organization; 2) an extreme production mentality often obscuring the conditions under which crises might otherwise be recognized, addressed, or mitigated; 3) enhanced technological platforms for information delivery, such as the Internet, generating a revolving information door thus promoting organizational stress and crisis; 4) fast-paced and invasive journalism practices that eliminate invisibility for decisionmaking or reaction; and, 5) lack of strategic planning for crisis. There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that crises in an organizational environment, whether created by act-of-God or manmade circumstances, have defined and predictable characteristics often relating to communication problems in the discourse community.
During a disaster event there are many actors, some officially, others unofficially involved in the event. This paper explores the relationships between these individuals and between them and the activities performed during the response time. We claim that understand the roles and these relationships is an important starting point for developing information systems for response management. Many systems focus on the supporting activities played by these roles and not on the communication channels that enable a better understanding of the system requirements. This article describes a preliminary study towards this goal.
The government organization, which is bureaucratic and hierarchical, tends to be slow in making decisions to respond to the crisis. This is caused by the communication gaps at the Sub-Sector level in its internal organization. This research aims to reveal the communication gaps in managing crisis communication in the internal organization of the Ministry of Transportation. The method of this research applies a literature review and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The result of this research shows the establishment of the Crisis Communication Team as a medium to overcome the communication gaps among internal organizations in the Ministry of Transportation. This Crisis Communication Team is an Ad Hoc institution in which the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are arranged to create a consensus that begins at the pre-crisis phase, then crisis response phase, and ended at post-crisis phase.
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