Experience in Use Alpha Lattice Design in Pakistan

2011, International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics


The agricultural field experiments play an important role for selection and screening of varieties. In Pakistan, these experiments are usually conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD). It is very difficult to maintain the homogeneity condition when number of varieties exceeds eight or ten in a block. Due to this reason, in scientifically advance countries, RCBD are criticized for large field experiments for large number of varieties and varietal trials are conducted using generalized lattice design called Alpha designs. Nine maize varietal trials were conducted at Maize and Millet Research Institute (MMRI), Yousafwala (Sahiwal, Pakistan) during the year 2004-07 using alpha design. Data from each trial was analyzed using Alpha Lattice and RCBD and the efficiency was calculated using Yates [30] method. The average calculated efficiency was 114% in favour of Alpha Lattice. The detailed examination suggested that alpha lattice design is more effective. Ranking of genotypes i...