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2012, Procedia Engineering
The condensed adamantane (C 10 H 16 ) is the smallest member consisting of one diamond-structure-like used for lightemitting devices. We have simulated the electronic structure of C 10 H 16 by discrete variational (DV)-Xα molecular orbital method. The 26(Td) high symmetries of C 10 H 16 cluster models were designed by using 216 space group and used lattice parameter of diamond. The cluster models, radial function, energy levels, density of states, bond overlap and contour map were simulated and analyzed. It was found that the energy levels and density of states obtained the value of energy gap about of 6.25 eV, agree with literature data. The bond overlap population has bonding and antibonding of atom interaction in cluster model and contour map of HOMO and LUMO.
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
Diamondoids, of which adamantane (C$$_{10}$$ 10 H$$_{16}$$ 16 ) is the simplest representative, constitute an intriguing class of carbon based nanomaterials with interesting chemical, mechanical and opto-electronic properties. While neutral diamondoids have been extensively studied for decades, their cationic counterparts were a subject of recent experimental investigations motivated by their potential role in astrochemistry. Here, we perform a computational study of the adamantane cation (C$$_{10}$$ 10 H$$_{16}^+$$ 16 + ) complementing the recent experimental findings. Specifically, we extend earlier theoretical work on vibrationally resolved electronic spectroscopy by accounting for the higher lying electronically excited states of the cation in the absorption and photoelectron spectra. We also perform adiabatic and nonadiabatic (surface hopping) molecular dynamics simulations to study (fast) fragmentation processes and electronic relaxation of C$$_{10}$$ 10 H$$_{16}^+$$ 16 + . Ou...
We present the opto-electronic properties of adamantane (C10H16) compared to hydrogen-terminated sila-and germa-adamantane (Si10H16 and Ge10H16) as calculated by the density functional theory. We have shown that the electronic properties of adamantane in comparison to sila-and germa-adamantane are more affected by hydrogen atoms. Our calculations show that the electron affinity of C10H16 is negative, while those of Si10H16 and Ge10H16 are positive. Electronic properties and optical gaps resulting from hybrid functionals are in close agreement with quantum Monte Carlo results.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2010
We performed a first principles investigation on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of crystals made of chemically functionalized adamantane molecules. Several molecular building blocks, formed by boron and nitrogen substitutional functionalizations, were considered to build zincblende and wurtzite crystals, and the resulting structures presented large bulk moduli and cohesive energies, wide and direct bandgaps, and low dielectric constants (low-κ materials). Those properties provide stability for such structures up to room temperature, superior to those of typical molecular crystals. This indicates a possible road map for crystal engineering using functionalized diamondoids, with potential applications ranging from space filling between conducting wires in nanodevices to nano-electro-mechanical systems.
Journal of Molecular Structure: …, 2006
Optimized geometrical parameters are obtained for adamantanes (X 10 H 16 ) and diamantanes (X 14 H 20 ) (XZC, Si, Ge, Sn) using B3LYP method with 6-311G** and/or LANL2DZ basis sets. For carbon compounds Hartree-Fock (HF) and MP2 methods are also used for the study. The harmonic vibrational frequencies are obtained for all the molecules at their respective optimized geometries. The algorithm for the scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) method reported from our lab is modified to include Pulay's scaling procedure. Experimental frequencies of adamantane (XZ C) and four of its isotopomers with different symmetry point groups are fitted to the calculated harmonic frequencies to get suitable scale factors for the diagonal local force constants. These scale factors are used to predict the experimental vibrational frequencies of adamantane and diamantane. The assignments are proposed for all fundamentals of the title compounds based on normal coordinate analysis. q
A new model to calculate electronic states of the diamond vacancies has been developed using many body techniques. This model is based on physical assumptions of previous molecular models but does not use configuration interaction. Present model allows an accurate and unified treatment of electronic levels and related eigen functions for diamond vacancies, in addition to transition energies of the first dipole-allowed transitions in the neutral (V 0) and negatively charged (V À) vacancies, GR1 and ND1 band. For the first time, we calculated their optical transition intensities. For obtaining these results, we solved a generalized form of the Hubbard Hamiltonian, which consists of all electron-electron interaction terms on atomic orbital basis. Spatial symmetry of the defect, T d symmetry, is included in the form of the Hamiltonian, and the eigen states have automatically the correct spin and symmetry properties. We discuss the possibility of the reduction of the wide gap between theoretical and semiempirical wisdom by including deformation of the dangling orbital or delocalization of the vacancy electrons to the next nearest neighbor (NNN) atoms of the vacancies. Our prediction for low lying the 3 T 1 level of the neutral vacancy in diamond is consistent with experimental expectations. We report the variation of the ground and excited states of the GR1 and ND1 lines with hopping parameter t and also the electronic configurations of these states.
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2020
In this study, the structural geometry and vibrational frequencies (IR) of 1,3-Diaza-adamantane-6-ones derivatives including Adamantane (A), 1,3-Diaza-adamantan (D), 1,3-Diaza-adamantan-6-one (DO), 5-Benzyl-1,3-diaza-adamantan-6-one (BD), 5-(4-Hydroxybenzyl)-1,3-diaza-adamantan-6-one (HBD), 5-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1,3-diaza-adamantan-6-one (MBD), and 5-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-1,3-diaza-adamantan-6-one (HMBD) were theoretically studied. In addition, molecular orbital energies, including the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs), and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs), and electronic properties of the titled molecules were theoretically studied using the computational method. Optimized molecular structures were obtained by DFT method with the hybrid B3LYP functional at a relatively small basis set of 6-31G. The calculated vibrational wavenumbers were obtained using the same level of the theory mentioned above. The contributions to the molecular orbitals of adamantane a...
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2010
The effect of the surface of diamond on atomic, electronic, and spin properties of diamond nanocrystals containing single nitrogen-vacancy defects ([NV]centers) is studied. The surface was modeled with clusters C 33 H 30 [NV] -, C 66 H 72 [NV] -, which were constructed based on bulk clusters C 33 H 36 [NV]and C 69 H 84 [NV] -, respectively. In all cases, clusters in the triplet state S = 1 are considered with the cluster charge being -1. The geometric structure of clusters is optimized using the principle of minimization of the total energy of the system; then, the electronic and spin characteristics of clusters are calculated by the density functional theory. The isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interaction constants of the electron spin of the NV center with the nuclear spin of the nitrogen atom and 13 C atoms located at different sites in the cluster are calculated. It is found that, in contrast to bulk clusters with [NV]centers in which the spin density is mainly localized at the three carbon atoms that are the nearest neighbors of the vacancy of the center, upon arrange ment of the NV center in the immediate proximity to the surface, the spin density is redistributed such that it is mainly localized at the three carbon atoms that are the nearest neighbors of the nitrogen atom of the center and at C atoms that form the first atomic layer of the (111) surface of the nanocrystal.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2015
Diamondoids are hydrocarbons having a carbon scaffold comprised from polymer-like composites of adamantane cages. The present paper describes computed total energies and "SWB-tension" energies (often referred to as "strain" energies) for species having n adamantane or diamantane units sharing pairwise: one carbon atom (spiro-[n]adamantane or spiro-[n]diamantane); one CC bond (one-bond-sharing-[n]adamantane or one-bond-sharing-[n]diamantane); or one chair-shaped hexagon of carbon atoms (1234-helical-cata-[n]diamantanes). Each of the five investigated polymer-like types is considered either as an acyclic or a cyclic chain of adamantane-or diamantane-unit cages. With increasing n values, SWB-tension energies for acyclic aggregates are found to increase linearly, while the net SWBtension energies of cyclic aggregates often go thru a minimum at a suitable value of n. In all five cases, a limiting common energy per unit (/ E n) is found to be approached by both cyclic and acyclic chains as n → ∞ , as revealed from plots of / E n versus 1/n for acyclic chains and of / E n versus 1/n 2 for cyclic chains.
Unusual optoelectronic properties of diamondoids produce some discrepancies between experiments and the outstanding many-body calculation outputs. Therefore, many theoretical efforts are attracted to resolve these inconsistencies. Here first, by combining time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) and Franck-Condon (FC) approximation, the effect of electron-phonon (e-ph) interaction on the optical gap (OG) of the smallest diamondoids and one of its derivatives is studied. Then, the surface effects on the e-ph coupling and the optical properties of these structures in a comparative manner are considered. We show that the collective motion of carbons modifies the previous OG of adamantane predicted by TD-DFT technique. The introduction of this effect can also fully explain the overestimated gap predicted by the diffusion quantum Monte-Carlo (DMC) method. In addition, we show that the chemistry of the surface is another noticeable effect that can influence the OG renormalization...
Nanotechnology, 2014
Diamondoids are nanoscale diamond-like cage structures with hydrogen terminations, which can occur in various sizes and with a diverse type of modifications. In this work, we focus on the structural alterations and the effect of doping and functionalization on the electronic properties of diamondoids, from the smallest adamantane to heptamantane. The results are based on quantum mechanical calculations. We perform a self-consistent study, starting with doping the smallest diamondoid, adamantane. Boron, nitrogen, silicon, oxygen, and phosphorus are chosen as dopants at sites which have been previously optimized and are also consistent with the literature. At a next step, an amine-and a thiol-group are separately used to functionalize the adamantane molecule. We mainly focus on a double functionalization of diamondoids up to heptamantane using both these atomic groups. The effect of isomeration in the case of tetramantane is also studied. We discuss the higher efficiency of a double-functionalization compared to doping or a single-functionalization of diamondoids in tuning the electronic properties, such as the electronic band-gap, of modified small diamondoids in view of their novel nanotechnological applications.
Diamond and Related Materials, 2004
A self-consistent environment-dependent tight binding method is used to examine electron emission-related properties of hydrogen passivated nano-diamond (ND) particles. For sizes larger than 2.5 nm particle bandgap was found to be equal to the bandgap of bulk diamond. Coulomb potential distributions and electron affinities of clusters were found to be insensitive to the particle size if it exceeds 1.0 nm. Tunneling probabilities for homogeneous and inhomogeneous emission models were estimated. The simulation results indicate that the low emission threshold for hydrogen passivated diamond nano-clusters is due to hydrogen-assisted emission from the edges of small unpassivated islands. Essentially the same mechanism is claimed to be responsible for good emission properties of hydrogen passivated diamond films by Ristein [Diam. Relat. Mater. 9, 1129 (2000)].
Diamond and Related Materials, 2010
We generated and evaluated energetically a very large number of vacancy V n clusters representing nanosize voids or cavities in diamond for n up to 14 using a new generational algorithm. We evaluated the relaxed geometries and energies of these contiguous vacancy clusters using a tight binding density functional theory (TBDFT). For up to n = 7 we generated all possible structures and evaluated their relaxed geometries. For n = 8 through n = 14 we selectively generated a large number of vacancy clusters and obtained highly stable structures and their energies. By analyzing the energy levels and the corresponding orbitals, we identified the surface states of the voids and their symmetries. Significant differences with respect to vacancy clusters in silicon were found. The results were interpreted by finding that certain structures become relatively more stable due to a process we call local graphitization, which can be identified by a tetrahedron of graphitization (TOG), and it can be characterized by elongation of certain carbon-carbon contacts and by the concomitant appearance of new states in the gap. The beginning of graphitization, as indicated by geometrical and energetic descriptors in small stable vacancy clusters, may have a role in the formation mechanisms of various sp 2 hybridized structures in carbons.
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
We have used the density functional method to model the atomic and electronic structure of diamond nanocrystals passivated by hydrogen atoms and either not containing defects or containing a single [NV]-center. We have shown that in all cases, after relaxation the nanocrystals are formed as diamond-like structures.
IntechOpen eBooks, 2023
In this chapter, we present a study on the electronic properties of diamond carbon, using band structure and density of states calculations. The calculations are based on the use of the grid-based projector-augmented wave (GPAW) and atomic simulation environment (ASE) methods. The main results of our work are the optimization of diamond energy (to À17.57 eV) and the calculation of the gap with the PBE (Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof) and the functional hybrid PBE0 hybrid functional, which is about 5.368 eV (the closest value to the value found in the literature). We were also able to reproduce the experimental value of the lattice constant of diamond to within 0.2% for PBE0 and 0.4% for PBE. Our results contribute to the study of the electronic properties of diamond using GPAW and ASE simulation, which is a set of Python modules, designed to facilitate the setup, execution, and analysis of atomic/electronic calculations. This tight integration of ASE and GPAW should be exploited in future research of the electronic properties of diamond, which is one of the most promising materials for the integrated electronic and photonic, radio, optoelectronic, and quantum devices industry. This chapter provides interesting information for the theoretical and experimental communities working in this field.
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2018
A detailed structural analysis of two adamantane derivatives namely, ethyl 2-[(Z)-1-(adamantan-1-yl)-3-(phenyl)isothioureido]acetate I and ethyl 2-[(Z)-1-(adamantan-1-yl)-3-(4fluorophenyl)isothioureido]acetate II is carried out to understand the effect of fluorine substitution. The introduction of fluorine atom alters the crystal packing and is completely different from its parent compound. The fluorine substitution drastically reduced the intermolecular H•••H contacts and this reduction is compensated by intermolecular F•••H and F•••F contacts. The relative contributions of various intermolecular contacts present in these structures were quantified using Hirshfeld surface analysis. Energetically significant molecular pairs were identified from the crystal structures of these compounds using PIXEL method. The structures of I and II are optimized in gas and solvent phases using the B3LYP-D3/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The quantum theory of atoms-in-molecules (QTAIM) analysis was carried out to estimate the strengths of various intermolecular contacts present in these molecular dimers. The results suggest that the H-H bonding take part in the stabilization of crystal structures. The experimental and theoretical UV-Vis results show the variations in HOMO and LUMO energy levels. In silico docking analysis indicates that both compounds I M
Diamondoid Molecules with Applications in Biomedicine, Materials Science, Nanotechnology & Petroleum Science, 2012
INTRODUCTION Diamondoid molecules are cage-like, ultra stable and saturated hydrocar-bons. The basic repetitive unit of the diamondoids is a ten carbon tetracy-clic cage system called “adamantane” (Fig. 1.1). They are called “diamondoid” because they have at least one adamantane unit and their carbon–carbon framework is completely or largely superimposable on the diamond lattice (Balaban and Schleyer, 1978; Mansoori, 2007). The diamond lattices structure was first determined in 1913 by Bragg and Bragg using X-ray diffraction analysis (Bragg and Brag, 1913). Diamondoids show unique properties due to their exceptional atomic arrangements. Adamantane consists of cyclohexane rings in “chair” conformation. The name adamantane is derived from the Greek language word for diamond since its chemical structure is like the three-dimensional diamond subunit as it is shown in Fig. 1.2.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2006
We present tight binding molecular dynamics simulations of the diffusion and bonding of hydrogen in bulk diamond. The motion of hydrogen atoms and the resultant structural and electronic energy level changes are investigated. The hydrogen atoms were found to have a tendency to migrate to the surface layer of diamond, resulting in a local deformation of the lattice, creating new energy states above and below the Fermi energy in the bandgap of the diamond density of states. In the diamond bulk, at high hydrogen concentrations, vacancies created by a hydrogen atom are quickly filled with other hydrogen atoms causing a deformation of the diamond lattice, inducing H 2 formation. This creates new energy states above the Fermi energy and reduces the secondary bandgap of the diamond density of states.
Physical Review B, 2007
We compare fluctuation electron microscopy data to simulations from phenomenological atomic models and demonstrate a strong correspondence between some features in the experimental data and certain atomic configurations. This allows the nature of atomic clustering in a highly hydrogenated diamondlike carbon to be determined more closely. We compare the structural information garnered from fluctuation electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy for a particular diamondlike carbon and find consistency between the two techniques in the region where their information overlaps.
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2019
Density functional theory, as implemented in SIESTA code, was utilized in this study to investigate the structural, electronic and stability properties of bare and hydrogenated small nanoclusters of diamond. The results obtained by studying different nanoparticles of diamond composed of 19, 50, and 104 carbon atoms, revealed that while the gap energy of hydrogenated nanodiamonds reduced from 8.2 to 6.5 eV by increasing the size of nanoparticles (number of carbon atoms), the bare nanodiamonds showed almost no gap energy except C19 sample which has the highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of about 0.33 eV. Electron affinity of hydrogenated samples was calculated and it was found that hydrogenated nanodiamond exhibits negative electron affinity. The quantum confinement effect found to be still significant for the sample larger than 1 nm i.e. the largest hydrogenated sample of C104H90 with a diameter of about 1.2 nm which showed greater gap energy in comparison to the bulk diamond. This achievement was explained considering electron affinity and partial density of states analysis. The calculated formation energy of the nanoparticles confirmed that the small hydrogenated nanoclusters of diamond have more stability compared to the bare nanodiamonds.
Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2012
In this investigation, a systematic attempt has been made to understand the interaction between adamantane and benzene using both ab initio and density functional theory methods. C-H...π type of interaction between C-H groups of adamantane and π cloud of benzene is found as the important attraction for complex formation. The study also reveals that the methylene (-CH 2) and methine (-CH) groups of adamantane interact with benzene resulting in different geometrical structures. And it is found that the former complex is stronger than the later. The diamondoid structure of adamantane enables it to interact with a maximum of four benzene molecules, each one along the four faces. The stability of the complex increases with increase in the number of benzene molecules. The energy decomposition analysis of adamantane-benzene complexes using DMA approach shows that the origin of the stability primarily arises from the dispersive interaction. The theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) supports the existence of weak interaction between the two systems. The electrostatic topography features provide clues for the mode of interaction of adamantane with benzene.
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