India's Foreign Policy

2013, Mongolian Journal of International Affairs

Notes 277 India's Foreign Policy India and the World 26 INDIA'S FOREIGN POLICY very sovereign country has its foreign policy. India too has one. Foreign policy refers to the sum total of principles, interests and objectives which a country promotes while interacting with other countries. Even though there are certain basic features of a foreign policy it is not a fixed concept. The thrust of foreign policy keeps on changing according to changing international conditions. India's foreign policy is shaped by several factors including its history, culture, geography and economy. Our Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, gave a definite shape to the country's foreign policy. Objectives After studying this lesson, you will be able to identify the basic principles of India's foreign policy ; explain the meaning and significance of non-alignment ; analyse the relevance of non-alignment in the post cold war period ; explain the major concerns in India's foreign policy in the post cold war period ; recognise India's contribution to UN efforts for peace and disarmament ; explain India's participation in UN peace keeping and its claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council. 26.1 Basic Objectives and Principles of Foreign Policy Preservation of national interest, achievement of world peace, disarmament, independence for Afro-Asian nations have been important objectives of India's foreign policy. These objectives are sought to be achieved through some principles viz. Panchsheel; nonalignment; anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, anti-racism, and strengthening the UN. It would be befitting to expand these principles.