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2014, IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME)
Despite the increasing growth in popularity of virtual classrooms and online-learning, some factors which include limited bandwidth for audio and video, poor transmission quality, poor collaborative work and limited feedback during virtual classroom sessions still need to be addressed. This paper presents the design and implementation of a virtual classroom system that focuses on collaborative learning between students and tutors at remote locations. The different components of the system allows students to engage in group activities and collaborate with instructors in a commonly shared windows on which text, audio or video objects are added and shared online. The system was developed and hosted on the web using Moodle, Elluminate, WAMP Server, Java Script, MySQL, PHP and Dreamweaver. A practical demonstration was carried out using an
IEEE EDUCON 2010 Conference, 2010
There are many e-learning web sites and e-learning systems that are available with excellent content and design but they generally lack interactive response and face-to-face communication. Students cannot ask questions and get responses immediately. It is similar to one way communication for learning. However, learning is most effective when it actively constructs knowledge during group social interaction and collaboration. Therefore, this paper proposes to inspire creativity in e-learning called the virtual interactive classroom by using RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) which is a sophisticated TCP-based real-time networking protocol which supports the efficient exchange of messages, synchronized data, audio, and video. Teachers and students can publish streaming audio, video and other data messages to present streaming media with interaction or navigation. Using this virtual classroom on the internet, students can immediately interact with teachers as though they were studying in a real classroom. In addition to the virtual interactive classroom, this article also proposes using web-based collaborative work as an add-on feature to the learning system. Both teacher and student can use web-based collaborative work for sharing resources and exchanging ideas after the class. The integration of the two concepts of the virtual interactive classroom and web-based collaborative work in order to enhance teaching and learning performance has been created.
The modern web technology provides enabling environment for students to explore knowledge as well as the communication convenience for them to interact. Virtual learning environments are hugely diverse in size, capability and services offered can cater for ...
Computers & Education, 2007
To build a web-based virtual learning environment depends on information technologies, concerns technology supporting learning methods and theories. A web-based virtual online classroom is designed and developed based on learning theories and streaming media technologies. And it is composed of two parts: instructional communicating environment (ICE) and collaborative learning environment (CLE). ICE provides learners with learning materials, lecture videos, and interactive environment etc. CLE supports active learning by providing the environment with learning tools, learning materials and contextual discussion for learners. The environments are designed with event-based synchronous strategies and e-learning technologies standards.
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2001
The paper presents the results of the "Virtual Classroom" project sponsored by the University of Westminster, Educational Initiative Centre (EIC) for delivering lectures online. The ultimate aim was to provide a portable hardware and easy to use software toolset as well as easy to follow guidelines on how to propel the lectures from the conventional dull chalk and talk environment to the realm of all interactive computer assisted Web based electronic classroom. The additional goal was to minimise the number of staff required to give the lectures and allow them to use their valuable time for other academic duties. The proposed hardware/software setup is a fully automatic solution controllable from a single PC. It allowed full student interaction and use of multimedia in the lecture. Although the best quality was achieved by use of multicasting, the students connecting via modem can also take interactive part in the lectures
This paper describes, in design, architecture and implementation level, a web based environment for co-operative teleworking and collaborative learning over TCP/IP networks, such as Internet. The implemented tool claims to be an efficient solution for a group of users/students that need a shared workspace containing various communication utilities, including on-line and off-line communication, with focus on transparent and secure interaction.
2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2012
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are online learning systems that are used to enhance a student's learning experience by providing a set of teaching, learning and communication tools. The current VLEs, however, are not fully utilised or exploited to support effective collaborative learning. This paper investigates how to build effective online collaborative virtual learning environments, by exploring the requirements of VLEs from personal users. A prototype is then created to show how the designs of current VLEs can be improved to provide the essential functionalities and ease of use.
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2017
Student-Teacher relationship has evolved over the WEB CLASS. Through the use of internet, the interaction between student and teacher has increased. So through our project we will create a classroom portal which will provide students effective and interactive learning and at the same it will reduce the work of teachers. Our portal is a new approach of classroom learning. It provides an option for the teachers to upload teaching videos which are related to the topic taught in the class. It provides an opportunity for the students to ask individual doubts in the chat option. This feature is helpful for the students who are afraid to ask doubts in the class. Virtual education is an emerging concept. Here the classes are not taken face-to-face in a classroom but through an electronic medium as a substitute. These virtual classrooms are gaining importance every day and very soon they are going to be an integral part of our world. As the number of Internet access points are growing rapidly, E-Learning is also gaining a new peak. This electronic medium serves best for dissemination of information. E-Learning is proving itself as a boon for students especially for the disabled who are not able to go and attend the lectures. All these emphases the need for developing an Open Source software that can be used to generate rich multimedia presentation for E-Learning.
Educational Technology & Society, 2000
A significant opportunity presented by the availability of high-speed network access in the classroom is the ability to collaborate with remote students and mentors. To be successful, however, the design of tools to support collaborative activities must consider the unique constraints of the classroom. In this paper we discuss these constraints and overview the Virtual School, a collaborative environment developed by the Learning in Networked Communities (LiNC) project at Virginia Tech. We describe the types of collaborative activities for which the Virtual School has been used, the features of the environment designed to address the constraints of the classroom, and experiences with using the environment for a variety of cross-age and cross-school collaborative projects in six classrooms over several school years.
2010 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SIBIRCON), 2010
Some of the challenges being face by the South African Department of education are the shortage of teachers, overcrowded classrooms and lack of teaching resources such as textbooks. Alternative teaching and learning platforms are needed to supplement traditional classroom teaching and learning. Virtual classrooms have been proven to offer an alternative teaching and learning platform for students and teachers to engage on an academic level. They have been widely used for tertiary course delivery, such that some universities offer their courses purely online. However, current implementations require high bandwidth in order to support the communication tools that they offer, including voice and video conferencing, a shared whiteboard, instant messaging and file sharing. In developing countries such as South Africa the high cost of broadband internet access is a major deterrent to the country's broadband penetration rate. Users are opting for cheaper subscriptions plans at very slow dial-up speeds. This renders current implementations nonviable due to their high bandwidth requirements. As a result, virtual classroom applications that require minimal bandwidth have become necessary as a viable supplement to traditional classroom teaching and learning. Minimizing the bandwidth requirement of virtual classrooms is key to its wide adoption by general users with low bandwidth speeds. Virtual classroom applications are collaborative applications that bring students and facilitators together on a virtual platform using computers for teaching and learning. Whiteboards are considered the main features of virtual applications and are used as the main teaching tool. Means to synchronize the facilitators' whiteboard with those of participants is necessary to facilitate real-time communication due to the limited time that virtual classroom sessions are scheduled for. The use of HTTP and co-browsing methods lead to security risks. Screen sharing technologies also add to increased bandwidth requirements of virtual classrooms due to the amount of data (pictures) transmitted between clients for synchronization. This thesis proposed the use of text messages to facilitate whiteboard updates. Due to the small size of textual files, they can be transmitted quickly to ensure real-time communication. This method of facilitating whiteboard updates will require some level of intelligence on the client side to process the received text in order to update the whiteboard appropriately. The virtual classroom framework proposed leverages on the security provided
The increase in the use of the Internet not only as a repository of resources for learning but also as a means for the delivery of courses and specially prepared teaching material is a particularly significant innovation in the range of education. The main concept here is a Virtual class, which is based on the principles of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) systems. This paper describes an integrated, WWW based platform for the development of web enabled environments over TCP/IP networks, such as Internet. This platform is designated through a Teletraining and Collaborative Learning Application. The proposed platform aspires to be an efficient solution for a group of students and teachers that need a shared workspace, supporting remote interactive lectures, flexible exchange of teaching material and various communication utilities, with focus on transparent and secure interaction.
The nature of computer based learning and instructional environments that support it have changed dramatically in the last decade. The growth of hypertext, hypermedia and multimedia provided the capabilities necessary for developing complex learning environments. The system described in this paper is being developed to be used in Personal Computer workstations with multimedia and network capabilities and is intended to be used in small or medium learning scenarios. The tools developed span several topics, from navigation trough desktop reality, hypermedia tools for editing and playing learning material and cooperative asynchronous and synchronous tools.
The World Wide Web is a worldwide connection of computers which enables users to easily view text, graphics, sound, and video from any computer with Internet access. The web allows users ("web surfers") to easily jump from one "web site" to another by clicking on hyperlinks, which might be text or graphics. The amount of information available on the Web has grown exponentially in the past several years. Organizations and individuals who develop and maintain web sites do so to share information, advertise products and services, enable online shopping, and engage in interactive processes with suppliers, dealers, and customers (Warkentin, 1995; Warkentin and Sayeed, 1995). The Web also makes it possible to collect information with forms, to conduct worldwide "web searches," and to enable exciting new ways of delivering educational services to college students.
Because of high demands for higher education in the provinces of Thailand, the school of Industrial Education and Technology at KMUTT has started off-campus courses since 2002. However, the major problem of operation is distance. To cope with the problem, a real-time virtual classroom system with two-way communication has been developed. The system has to overcome the bandwidth problem, which is the major struggle of web-based learning in Thailand, and to maintain the two-way communication between instructors and students. To cope with those problems, video streaming and live chat systems are used. The technique is the trade-off between two-way and low bandwidth communications. The system consists of video broadcasting, slides, and a live chat system. Instructors give lectures using the video broadcasting and slides, and students can use the live chat system to ask questions. Moreover, the instructor may ask a few questions via the live chat system. The questions are shown on the instructor's screen and stored in the instructor's database. The instructor has a choice to re-explain unclear topics, or to answer the questions after the topics. Students may ask questions or answer to other questions via the live chat system. This project used a PHP programming with MySQL databases for managing the data and databases of the website.
ABSTRACT The development of Information Technology (IT) has contributed to changes in the teaching and learning process. IT is redefining completely the mode of education delivery and methods of acquiring knowledge. As a result, there are new educational classrooms called Virtual Classroom. Virtual Classroom is an online simulated classroom that allows students and instructors located in different places to participate in self-paced and real time classes, record and archive the entire classroom experience for later review. E-Learning and virtual classroom is a critical support mechanism for educational institutions to grow, improve the performance of students, teachers, as well as useful for organizations to enhance the performance of their employees. This research is based on literature review, academic analysis and design that gather information from university environment for the implementation of the virtual classroom system architecture. A multi-tier Virtual Classroom System architecture is proposed. These include the Client Tier, Web Tier and Enterprise Information System (EIS) Tier. The implementation environment is characterized by Window operating system, Apache web server, My SQL and PHP (WAMP); MOODLE and Blackboard Collaborate. The SMS messaging system of the virtual classroom make communication between the users of the virtual classroom fast and easy. A prototype of the Virtual Classroom System implemented provides a platform for conducting both self-paced and real-time class session via the Internet. It provide perfect environment for online teaching and learning with a feel of being in the classroom itself. The virtual classroom is a replica of traditional classroom and the case study of CSC 806 (Expert System) an M. Tech Degree course in the Department of Computer Science, the Federal University of Technology, Akure carried out shows that the proposed Virtual Classroom System is effective and efficient for teaching and learning and could yield significant improvement over the existing system if adopted for teaching and learning in university environment and beyond.
VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences, 2018
E-Learning and Virtual Classroom applications have gained a lot of popularity due to growing population, easy access and low cost solution. The study in this paper proposes an open source Virtual Classroom application that tends to mimic all the functionalities and features of real class room. Its interface designs are based on the online learning theories. It will provide the students and teachers a real time virtual platform, where they can learn, share and properly propagate their knowledge, views and ideas. This open source application allows the faculty members to conduct all the class activities as if they are in real classroom. On the other hand, students have the advantage of raising questions during the lecture with the help of a chat box and a white board. In order to assess the interfaces of this application, Micrsoft Visual Studio 2012 has been used. Our application provides security and reliability to all its users. All the courses, students and faculty members are managed in a real time using this application. Administrator handles all these procedures, and has all the rights over the system including the users and databases.
32nd Annual Frontiers in Education, 2002
The specific issue addressed in this paper is tailoring specific functionality to allow a group of teachers and students to carry out the learning process in Digital Signal and Image Processing in an electronic virtual environment that is meant to replace the physical class environment. In order such an environment to be performed, not only the course content itself but also different Webbased tools for interaction between the students and teachers are needed. A Graphical User Interface (GUI), designed and presented here, brings together the students and teachers through virtual class and lab-sessions help and chat rooms. As Digital Signal and Image Processing are areas that heavily depend on mathematics, the lab-sessions are performed through MATLAB Web Server. Some specific applications are shown as well as complementary tools like Web-calendar and Digital Library. Finally, benefits and future work on this virtual classroom are discussed.
The information age and a networked world are forcing educators to rethink the educational experience. It has become very clear that the value add in a 'knowledge based future' will be a learning environment that develops and encourages the ability to think and learn both independently and collaboratively. The recent trend in computer based education is to move beyond traditional ways towards more interactive media and hyper media, where computing and communication technology are combined to make flexible connections. The method combines media such as writing paragraphs, video, sound, graphic and computing to forum is called virtual classroom. A virtual classroom is a learning environment created in the virtual space. The objectives of a virtual classroom are to improve access to advanced educational experiences by allowing students and instructors to participate in remote learning communities using personal computers; and to improve the quality and effectiveness of education by using the computer to support a collaborative learning process. Virtual learning provides a learning system. As virtual classroom offers a flexible self-paced, self-centred learning is very help for the students. Students come to a place nearer, use the technology and even know how the technologies are very important in the daily life and also the computer simulation used in wide variety in almost all fields. There by educational goals and objectives can be achieved.
Web-based Learning System with video conference is to take an important role of developing of teaching and learning at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. UTHM. First, the students should enroll the subjects in the semester so that the teaching and learning process can be done in video conference service. The aim to develop this system is to make student discussion with lecturer or among them through online by using video conference technology. Rapid Application Development methodology (RAD) is used to develop the system. However, it used Real-Time Messaging Protocol within the web technology to develop video conferencing service part. The system is available as long as internet connectivity is available. The system can accessed without limition of the time and place.
Knowledge transfer is an essential ingredient in the development of any country or society. Its effectiveness is determined by the actual assimilation of the subject matter or learning performance by the beneficiaries. This is a problem due to the large number of admissions into higher institutions in this part of the world. This project seeks to solve this problem by presenting an interactive virtual classroom for Electrical Engineering degree course; which will definitely be applicable to any degree with a little variation. The program was designed using computer programming languages and web technologies such PHP, MySQL, etc. The students' response to the work showed that over 50% agreed that the program was easy to use and efficient.
— This paper entitled Virtual Classroom System is mainly for all educational colleges such as engineering colleges, medical colleges, pharmacy colleges and others where there is connection between faculty, student and courses. In colleges, sometimes there may be loose connection between faculty, student and courses for some students due to some reason such as missing lectures, doing part time job along with study, distance learning courses; for that, this project help them in an efficient way. In effect, we maintain an updated database of all details like all courses, all faculty information, all student information, all courses information, all exam information such as view previous exam question paper, view exam result. Its purpose is to automate and centralise whole system of department. We are attempting to improve our existing system that runs generally by pen and paper now a days. It is basically designed for student who are unable to attend the class due to some reason. For that, it will help them to view lecture, view exam assignment at any time. we try to offer a range of facilities in this software that will maintain all student, faculty and course records in a much more efficient way with much less hassle.
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