Farm animal well-being and intensive production systems

Journal of Animal Science

Animal welfare, or well-being, is a concerns or development of alternative systems. social issue with ethical, scientific, political, and Genetic approaches involve changing the behavioral aesthetic properties. Answering questions about the and(or) physiological nature of the animal to reduce welfare of animals requires scientific definition, as-or eliminate behaviors that are undesirable within sessment, solutions, and public acceptance. With intensive system. Therapeutic approaches of a physirespect to the actual well-being of the animal, most cal (tail docking, beak trimming) and physiological issues are centered on how the animal "feels" when (drug and nutritional therapy) nature bring both managed within a specific level of confinement, during concern and promise with regard to the reduction of special agricultural practices (e.g., tail docking, beak confinement stress. Finally, the recent focus on trimming, etc.) and handling. Questions of this nature commodity quality assurance programs may indirectly may require exploration of animal cognition, motiva-provide benefits for animal well-being. Although tion, perception, and emotional states in addition to research in the area of animal well-being will provide more commonly recognized indicators of well-being. important information for better animal management, Several general approaches have emerged for solving handling, care, and the physical design of intensive problems concerning animal well-being in intensive production systems there is still some uncertainty production systems: environmental, genetic, and ther-regarding public acceptance. The aesthetics of modern apeutic. Environmental approaches involve modifying intensive production systems may have as much to do existing systems to accommodate specific welfare with public acceptance as with science.