Holistic Development through Yogasana

2021, CHETANA, The International Journal of Education


The word wholesome development denoted to physical, mental, social, nuro-muscular and emotional development of an individual. Today`s busy life individual are woks like a machine; that's why overall development are impossible. But if we go through various games, sports and specially yoga can be the only solution to overcome the problem. Yoga enables us to attain and maintain a dynamic sukhasthanam-a dynamic sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The Bhagavad Gita (II: 48) characterizes Yoga as samatvam meaning along these lines that Yoga is an amicable and adjusted condition of poise or equipoise at all levels. This might be additionally perceived as an ideal condition of dynamic prosperity wherein actual homeostasis, passionate equilibrium and mental serenity show in congruity. Yoga, physical postures and breathing exercises improve muscle strength, flexibility, blood circulation and oxygen uptake as well as hormonal function. Yoga can improve the quality of life in physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual aspects Itroduction The word 'yoga' signifies "to consolidate or Yoke". It brings the body and psyche together to turn into an amicable encounter. Man is a physical, mental and otherworldly being; yoga advances a reasonable improvement of all the three. Yoga is a technique of discovering that