The Gulf between Practical and Theoretical Reason

This paper argues that it’s a profound mistake to blur the line between practical and theoretical forms of reasoning, as done in the pragmatistic traditions of epistemology prominently exemplified today in Subjective Bayesianism, not least because the diagnosis of bias in science becomes misshapen if the line is blurred. In this paper the distinction between practical and theoretical reasoning is articulated in terms of differences in the norms themselves, with the most important being asymmetries in their preemption patterns. Elements of this account have roots in lines of argument found in Aristotle and Kant. The differences between practical and theoretical adduced here explain a certain puzzle: why is it that we (correctly) judge Buridan’s ass to be completely above reproach when he picks (randomly, if necessary) between two identical and equally convenient bales of hay, but that a detective or judge faced with identical evidence for the guilt of two different suspects is decidedly at fault if she should simply “pick” one as the guilty party. The answer is—as it must be—that the standards of reasoning to which we hold the principals accountable in these contrasting cases are categorically different.