We are pleased to welcome you to the 2007 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference! We have a very exciting program around the theme "Technology, Marketing, Consumers, and Society," designed to encourage thinking, research, and managerial insights into the effects of technology on business, consumers, and society. In addition to the usual sessions on cutting-edge research, two Mplanet sessions (one on ethics), and three preconference programs, this year's conference features five sessions under the new Career and Professional Development Track that address how to deal with the diverse demands of an academic career. Organizing a conference with 80 sessions, featuring participants from all over the world, is a challenging task, and many people assisted with this process. We thank the people who submitted papers and who developed special sessions. This year, we received a record number of competitive paper submissions. We also acknowledge the hundreds of individuals who reviewed the papers and helped shape the program. In addition, the presenters, discussants, and session chairs involved in the competitive and special sessions were essential to the conference's smooth execution. The SIGs assumed an active role in developing sessions. Finally, we recognize the efforts of Jack Nevin and his "Blue Ribbon Panel" from the University of Wisconsin, which selected the Best Paper Awards for the conference. Anyone who has worked closely with an AMA Educators' Conference knows that the behind-the-scenes efforts of the track chairs make a conference successful. The track chairs did a wonderful job encouraging submissions, coordinating the review process, and developing the sessions. We thank them for their tireless efforts. By track, these people are as follows: