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BlåtAnt is a distributed and adaptive algorithm inspired by Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to create overlay networks with small diameter by adding and removing logical links. In contrast to most ex-isting methods, our algorithm is dynamic and can be used in evolving networks, where dynamic connections and disconnections are possible. Simulation results show that our approach produces and maintains net-works with bounded diameter. A formal proof of the logic behind the algorithm is also provided.
In this paper we describe BlåtAnt, a new algorithm to create overlay networks with small diameters. BlåtAnt is a fully distributed and adaptive algorithm inspired by Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), which targets dynamic and evolving networks without requiring a global knowledge. Simulation results show that our approach results in networks with a bounded diameter. This algorithm, implemented and empirically tested, will be the foundation of a fully decentralized resource discovery mechanism optimized for networks with small diameters.
… Collective Intelligence. Semantic Web, Social Networks …, 2009
Abstract. Nowadays organizations are willing to share and cooperate in building better services and products. A distributed framework is needed to support these current trends. An ant colony metaphor is a great source of inspiration to build such a framework. This paper proposes a study of Ant Colony Optimization on handling dynamic networks. The novelty of our work consists in using a multi-agent architecture to model the dynamic network and artificial intelligence to decide on the type of ants needed. Our approach allows greater ...
In this paper we introduce a biobjective ant colony algorithm for constructing low cost overlay routing networks. The ant colony algorithm is distributed and adaptive in finding shortest paths from source to destination nodes while also constructing a low cost overlay routing network. Additionally, we define a cost model for overlay network construction that includes network traffic demands. The proposed ant colony algorithm was applied to a randomly generated 100-node network with an average node degree of 10.2. The results show that the algorithm quickly converges to the shortest path between nodes while converging on a low cost overlay routing network topology, despite changing traffic demands.
2009 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2009
This paper describes a distributed algorithm to construct and maintain a peer-to-peer network overlay with bounded diameter. The proposed approach merges a bioinspired self-organized behavior with a pure peer-to-peer approach, in order to adapt the overlay to underlying changes in the network topology. Ant colonies are used to collect and spread information across all peers, whereas pheromone trails help detecting crashed nodes. Construction of the network favors balanced distribution of links across all peers, so that the resulting topology does not exhibit large hubs. Fault resilience and recovery mechanisms have also been implemented to prevent network partition in the event of node crashes. Validation has been conducted through simulations of different network scenarios.
International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering, 2022
Due to the dynamic nature of computer networks today, there is need to make the networks self-organized. Self-organization can be achieved by applying intelligent systems in the networks to improve convergence time. Bio-inspired algorithms that imitate real ant foraging behaviour of natural ants have been seen to be more successful when applied to computer networks to make the networks self-organized. In this paper, we studied how Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been applied in the networks as a bio-inspired algorithm and its challenges. We identified the number of ants as a drawback to guide this research. We retrieved a number of studies carried out on the influence of ant density on optimum deviation, number of iterations and optimization time. We found that even though some researches pointed out that the numbers of ants had no effect on algorithm performance, many others showed that indeed the number of ants which is a parameter to be set on the algorithm significantly affect its performance. To help bridge the gap on whether or not the number of ants were significant, we gave our recommendations based on the results from various studies in the conclusion section of this paper.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2000
E cient exploration of large networks is a central issue in data mining and network maintenance applications. In most existing work there is a distinction between the active \searcher" which both executes the algorithm and holds the memory and the passive \searched graph" over which the searcher has no control at all. Large dynamic networks like the Internet, where the nodes are powerful computers and the links have narrow bandwidth and are heavily-loaded, call for a di erent paradigm, in which a non-centralized group of one or more lightweight autonomous agents traverse the network in a completely distributed and parallelizable way. Potential advantages of such a paradigm would be fault tolerance against network and agent failures, and reduced load on the busy nodes due to the small amount of memory and computing resources required by the agent in each node. Algorithms for network covering based on this paradigm could be used in today's Internet as a support for data mining and network control algorithms. Recently, a Vertex Ant Walk (VAW) method has been suggested WLB98] for searching an undirected, connected graph by an a(ge)nt that walks along the edges of the graph, occasionally leaving \pheromone" traces at nodes, and using those traces to guide its exploration. It was shown there that the ant can cover a static graph within time nd where n is the number of vertices and d the diameter of the graph. In this work we further investigate the performance of the VAW method on dynamic graphs, where edges may appear or disappear during the search process.
Proc. IEEE ICN'04, 2004
Lately, peer-to-peer overlay networks and their ability to reflect the underlying network topology have been a focus in research. The main objective has been to reduce routing path lengths, stretched by the overlay routing process. In most solutions developed, a kind of fixed infrastructure in the form of so called landmarks or excessive message exchange are necessary to guarantee good overlay locality properties. Some solutions also deliberately give up even overlay ID distribution when constructing an overlay network with locality information. This paper presents a topology-aware overlay network based on Pastry which does not rely on any fixed set of infrastructure nodes. Additionally, the approach presented here tries to construct the overlay with only little communication overhead and still tries to distribute overlay IDs as evenly as possible. Two bootstrap strategies were developed and analyzed, both explicitly designed to work in dynamic networks.
Antsw, 2004
Designing an optimal overlay communication network for a set of processes on the Internet is a central problem of peer-to-peer (P2P) computing. Such a network defines membership and allows for members to disseminate information within the group. The network has to be robust and the available bandwidth has to be utilized in an optimal manner to allow for maximally efficient communication. This problem can be formulated as a dynamic optimization problem where classical combinatorial optimization techniques must face the further challenge of time-varying input data. ACO systems appear to be particularly fit for this class of problems, being able to construct an internal model of the instance to face and to exploit it for fast adaptation to modified contexts. This paper proposes to use elements resulting from mathematical techniques, in this case Lagrangean relaxation, in an ACO framework in order to achieve sound hot start states for fast response to varying network structures.
Swarm Intelligence(SI) is the emergent collective intelligence of groups of simple agents. Economy is an example of SI. Simulating an economy using Ant Colony algorithms would allow prediction and control of fluctuations in the complex emergent behavior of the simulated system. Such a simulation is far beyond SI's capabilities, which is still in its infancy. This paper presents a distributed approach implementing Ant Colony Optimization(ACO). We present our agent based architecture of ACO and initial experimental results on the Travelling Salesman Problem. The innovation of our work consists of: i)representing network nodes as software agents, ii) representing software agents as software objects that are passed as messages between the nodes according to ACO rules.
IJCSNS, 2009
Routing in dynamic network is a challenging one, because the topology of the network is not fixed. This issue is addressed in this presentation using ant algorithm to explore the network using intelligent packets. The paths generated by ants are given as input to genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm finds the set of optimal routes. The importance of using ant algorithm is to reduce the size of routing table. The significance of genetic algorithm is based on the principle evolution of routes rather than storing the precomputed routes.
This paper presents two new methods for network analysis. Ant colony optimization is a nature inspired algorithm succesfull in graph traversal and network path finding whereas network reduction based on stability introduces two new properties of network vertices based on their long-term behavior, their role in the network and the understanding of how memory works. We illustrate the algorithms on applications in social network analysis and information retrieval using the DBLP dataset and a small network of hyperlinked documents.
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2006
Appropriate routing in data transfer is a challenging problem that can lead to improved performance of networks in terms of lower delay in delivery of packets and higher throughput. Considering the highly distributed nature of networks, several multi-agent based algorithms, and in particular ant colony based algorithms, have been suggested in recent years. However, considering the need for quick optimization and adaptation to network changes, improving the relative slow convergence of these algorithms remains an elusive challenge. Our goal here is to reduce the time needed for convergence and to accelerate the routing algorithm's response to network failures and/or changes by imitating pheromone propagation in natural ant colonies. More specifically, information exchange among neighboring nodes is facilitated by proposing a new type of ant (helping ants) to the AntNet algorithm. The resulting algorithm, the ''modified AntNet,'' is then simulated via NS2 on NSF network topology. The network performance is evaluated under various node-failure and nodeadded conditions. Statistical analysis of results confirms that the new method can significantly reduce the average packet delivery time and rate of convergence to the optimal route when compared with standard AntNet.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Designing an optimal overlay communication network for a set of processes on the Internet is a central problem of peer-to-peer (P2P) computing. Such a network defines membership and allows for members to disseminate information within the group. The network has to be robust and the available bandwidth has to be utilized in an optimal manner to allow for maximally efficient communication. This problem can be formulated as a dynamic optimization problem where classical combinatorial optimization techniques must face the further challenge of time-varying input data. ACO systems appear to be particularly fit for this class of problems, being able to construct an internal model of the instance to face and to exploit it for fast adaptation to modified contexts. This paper proposes to use elements resulting from mathematical techniques, in this case Lagrangean relaxation, in an ACO framework in order to achieve sound hot start states for fast response to varying network structures.
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2014
Network reconfiguration of a power distribution system is an operation to alter the topological structure of distribution feeders by changing open/closed status of sectionalizing and tie switches. Network reconfiguration balances feeder loads and helps in managing overload conditions of the network by transferring load from heavily loaded feeders to lightly loaded ones. In this paper we have introduced an ant colony system algorithm for performing network reconfiguration efficiently so as to minimize power losses occurring in a distribution network. The main idea is that of having a set of agents, called ants, which perform search in parallel for good solutions and cooperate through pheromone-mediated indirect and global communication. Informally, each ant constructs a solution path in an iterative way. Validation of the proposed algorithm has been carried using a standard IEEE network. The results found are satisfactory and prove ant colony system algorithm to be an efficient tool for optimal network reconfiguration.
There has been a lot of research on the application of Swarm Intelligence to the problem of adaptive routing in telecommunications networks in the recent past. A large number of algorithms have been proposed for different types of networks, including wired networks and wireless ad hoc networks. In this paper we focus on the application of Swarm Intelligence design to one particular class of optimization problems, namely adaptive routing in telecommunications networks .We discuss both the principles underlying the research and the practical applications that have been proposed. Then we present Ant Colony Routing Algorithm which is used for evaluating minimum cost function for a given network which is adaptive.
We introduce new distributed algorithms that dynamically construct network topologies. These algorithms not only adapt to dynamic topologies where nodes join and leave, but also actively set up and remove links between the nodes, to achieve certain global graph properties. First, we present a novel distributed algorithm for constructing overlay networks that are composed of d Hamilton cycles. The protocol is decentralized as no globally-known server is required. With high probability, the constructed topologies are expanders with O(log dn) diameters and 22d-1+e second largest eigenvalues. Our protocol exploits the properties of random walks on expanders. A new node can join the network in O(log dn) time with O(d log dn) messages. A node can leave in O(1) time with O(d) messages. Second, we investigate a layered construction of the random expander networks that can implement a distributed hash table. Layered expanders can achieve degree-optimal routing at O(log n/log log n) time, whe...
Various forms of swarm intelligence are inspired by social behavior of insects that live collectively. AntNet is a form of such social algorithms, but it has a scalability problem with growing network size. If every node sends only one ant to each destination node and there are N nodes in the network, the total number of ants that are sent is N(N-1). In addition with increasing overhead for large networks, most of the ants are often lost for distant destinations. Furthermore, due to long travel times, ants that do arrive may carry outdated information. In this paper, a novel hierarchical algorithm is proposed to resolve this scalability problem of AntNet. The proposed Super-AntNet divides a large scale network into several small networks that are chosen based their internal traffic patterns. A separate ant colony is then assigned to each of these networks. A Super-Ant Colony is then responsible to coordinate data routing among the colonies. Performance of Super-AntNet is compared with those of standard AntNet as well as two other conventional routing algorithms such as Distance Vector (DV) and Link State (LS) in terms of end-toend delay, throughput, packet loss ratio, increased overhead, as well as jitter. Application to a 16-node network indicates the superiority of the proposed algorithm. I. INTRODUCTION wide variety of routing algorithms exist for communication networks. In traditional routing, routing tables are updated by exchanging routing information among the routers. In Distance-vector (DV) based routing, for instance, routing tables are exchanged, and in Link-State (LS), link state information is flooded over the network. More recently, mobile agents have been used to network routing by inspiration from ant routing algorithms. As Dhillon and Van mieghem [1] gave the general name ANTRAL (ANT Routing Algorithms) to hop-by-hop routing algorithms based on the stigmergic communication found in natural ant colonies. Stigmergy is a form of indirect communication by modifying the environment [2,4]. AntNet is a type of ANTRAL that was first proposed by Di Caro and Dorigo [4] in 1998. AntNet is a promising routing paradigm due to its complete distributed nature of information dissemination and is shown to provide good adaptation during network failures. But AntNet has a growing scalability problem with larger scale networks, because each node has to generate many ants for updating its routing table. In large networks, both over head and ant loss Saeed Saffari Aman is with the Switching Center 1 (SC1) of Mashhad, Korasane Razavi Telecom.
Studies in computational intelligence, 2012
Overlay networks are virtual networks of nodes and logical links built on top of the existing network infrastructure, with the purpose of contributing new functionality. There are many different solutions proposed to tackle a range of specific needs such as content distribution and caching, file sharing, improved routing, multicast and streaming, ordered message delivery, and enhanced security and privacy. In this chapter, the focus lies on the optimization of overlay networks in terms of cost, performance, and reliability. In particular, the main objective is the optimization of data mirroring. Three different optimization approaches are introduced. The first approach is based on a "related work" implementation using Genetic algorithms, the second makes use of artificial immune systems, and the third approach uses the Particle swarm optimization approach. The three algorithms are implemented and experiments are conducted to measure the overall performance, the behavior and feasibility of network and link failures, as well as a scalability analysis is performed.
In this paper we present AntNet, a novel adaptive approach to routing tables learning in packet-switched communications networks. AntNet is inspired by the stigmergy model of communication observed in ant colonies.
In ant societies, and, more in general, in insect societies, the activities of the individuals, as well as of the society as a whole, are not regulated by any explicit form of centralized control. On the other hand, adaptive and robust behaviors transcending the behavioral repertoire of the single individual can be easily observed at society level. These complex global behaviors are the result of self-organizing dynamics driven by local interactions and communications among a number of relatively simple individuals. The simultaneous presence of these and other fascinating and unique characteristics have made ant societies an attractive and inspiring model for building new algorithms and new multi-agent systems. In the last decade, ant societies have been taken as a reference for an ever growing body of scientific work, mostly in the fields of robotics, operations research, and telecommunications.
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