Nature Astronomy
he Solar System formed by the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud core, which resulted in the formation of a circumsolar disk of gas and dust (sometimes called the 'solar nebula'). This disk was ultimately transformed into a planetary system consisting of a single central star, the Sun, surrounded by four terrestrial planets in the inner Solar System, four giant planets in the outer Solar System beyond the 'snow line' , and a multitude of smaller bodies, including asteroids, moons, dwarf planets and comets. To understand how the Solar System evolved towards its present-day configuration, the events and processes occurring during the earliest stages of Solar System history must be reconstructed at a very high temporal and spatial resolution. Although astronomical observations 1 and dynamical modelling 2 provide fundamental insights into the structure and dynamics of protoplanetary disks, and the processes of planetary accretion, the study of meteorites allows the reconstruction of the Solar System's earliest history with unprecedented resolution in time and space. Recent analytical advances in the precision of isotope ratio measurements make it possible not only to date meteorites at submillion-year precision 3-5 (see Box 1) but also to identify distinct nucleosynthetic isotopic signatures. This allows genetic links between planetary materials to be determined and helps constrain the area of the disk a given meteorite originated from 6-8. Most meteorites derive from asteroids that are at present located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (at ~2.0-3.3 au), and have traditionally been viewed as samples from bodies that formed where they are found today. However, recently, this perspective has changed dramatically with the discovery of a fundamental genetic dichotomy observed in the nucleosynthetic isotope signatures of non-carbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC) meteorites 6,8,9. This discovery, combined with the establishment of a precise chronology for the accretion of meteorite parent bodies, has enabled the integration of meteoritic constraints into large-scale models of disk evolution and planet formation.