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Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento
13 pages
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In the current article, the historical transformations of teaching activity in Brazil as well as its participation in academic-scientific research is addressed, considering from the influences arising from inherited religions from Europe to the hallmarks of resources technologies in the hands of domestic users. This moment is marked by the transition between the 20th and 21st centuries, thus representing a rampant revolution in the technological sector, with the Internet being the main tool of communication and research, which resulted in a long process of adaptation. It is necessary to mention the difficulty that there is in the process of isolating the knowledge of his local culture, opinions and experiences of his own and the academic baggage with which a teacher needs to transmit to the student body, because he must understand that the Brazil records influences of various peoples around the world, which has made us have such a mixed culture. In the midst of so many historical tr...
Sociabilidades Urbanas , 2021
The aim of this paper is to analyse the Brazilian technological evolution in national progress in education and culture, social development, and innovation technological issues. It will focus on the legitimacy of its democratic institutions, the complexity of its economy and the role on the international scene, founded on respect for the rule of law, on the search for peace and on the promotion of development. Education is a prerequisite for achieving this objective inserting the population in political debate and participation in scientific, artistic production and cultural events. The world is experiencing fast changes through the reshaping of technology and the academic institutions aiming at the internationalization of education. It has a qualitative approach, using the methodology of documental analysis and bibliographical research. The main documents analyzed pose questions about educational norms and where do universities place themselves. The literature consulted were primarily international and constitutional law, focusing on an open agenda to allow members of the academic community to consider new plans for their respective institutions and to implement joint programs for the development of the universities in an era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Revolution 4.0.
This article is concerned with the History of Education in Brazil in two key areas: the disciplinary field and the research field. As a discipline, the History of Education has formed a part of the school curriculum since the beginning of the 20 th century. As a research field, it gained impetus in the 60s with the setting up of postgraduate courses and became one of the most consolidated areas of Brazilian education. In the light of this, there is a discussion about academic organisation and an attempt is being made to show how the field is characterised by theoretical renewal and is facing two key challenges: cultural exchanges involving the use of English and a recognition of the value of the History of Education as a discipline in the light of the fact that less space is being devoted to it in teacher-training curricula. *** Este artículo se refiere al ambito de la formación en la Historia del Educacion en Brasil en dos áreas clave: el campo disciplinar y el campo de la investigación. Como disciplina, la Historia de la Educación ha formado parte de los programas escolares desde el comienzo del siglo XX. Como campo de investigación, ganó impulso en la década de 1960 con la creación de cursos de postgrado y se convirtió en una de las áreas más consolidadas de la educación brasileña. A la luz de esto, hay una discusión sobre la organización académica y se está haciendo un intento de mostrar cómo el campo se caracteriza por la renovación teórica y se enfrenta a dos retos fundamentales: los intercambios culturales que implican el uso del Inglés y un reconocimiento del valor de la Historia de la Educación como disciplina, a la luz del hecho de que actualmente menos espacio está dedicado a ella en los programas de formación de maestros.
The article investigates the issues that were central to the debate about Brazilian education in intellectual circles in the 1920s-1930s and 1950s1960s. It analyzes the project for Universidade do Distrito Federal, highlighting what set it apart from other higher education models, and the articulation between education and social science that oriented the work of Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Educacionais, founded and run by Anísio Teixeira. The positions of Darcy Ribeiro and Anísio Teixeira concerning the plans for Universidade de Brasília are set forth. The changes in Brazil’s intellectual field in the midst of competing university projects and the prospect of developing social science research and applying it to education policymaking are analyzed.
This article analyses the general characteristics of the construction of the field of history of education in Brazil. To do so, it highlights the existing historiography and aims to describe the process of institutionalisation of this knowledge field, which, in general terms, has been focused on the area of teacher training. Since the nineteenth century, however, it has also been possible to identify systematic historiographical efforts in Brazil that are not directly related to the school system, but rather to the teaching of and research into the history of education within Brazilian universities. The article addresses the organisation of the field, the ways in which it has been structured and the strategies of academic legitimisation employed to achieve this. These include the regular production of dissertations and doctoral theses, the publication of books and journals, academic events and the creation of research groups and scientific associations, through which research findings have found national and international circulation. This set of indicators creates conditions for an understanding of the expansion and reconfiguration of the field of history of education that began in the 1980s, as well as of the challenges this phenomenon presents to current historiography and teacher training in Brazil.
Paedagogica Historica, 2014
This article analyses the general characteristics of the construction of the field of history of education in Brazil. To do so, it highlights the existing historiography and aims to describe the process of institutionalisation of this knowledge field, which, in general terms, has been focused on the area of teacher training. Since the nineteenth century, however, it has also been possible to identify systematic historiographical efforts in Brazil that are not directly related to the school sys tem, but rather to the teaching of and research into the history of education within Brazilian universities. The article addresses the organisation of the field, the ways in which it has been structured and the strategies of academic legitimi sation employed to achieve this. These include the regular production of disserta tions and doctoral theses, the publication of books and journals, academic events and the creation of research groups and scientific associations, through which research findings have found national and international circulation. This set of indicators creates conditions for an understanding of the expansion and reconfig uration of the field of history of education that began in the 1980s, as well as of the challenges this phenomenon presents to current historiography and teacher training in Brazil.
Science & Education, 2001
This article presents somedidactic material and educational experiences whichhave been developed by the Teknê Group in Brazil.The work is part of a major project which aims atimproving teaching of science. Science is presented ina broader context of culture, where the theories areno discovered but built by historic men based on theinterpretation of facts. The first part of thisarticle shows some of the principles which informTeknê Group's work, followed by a description ofmaterial and experiences which are used in Brazilianschools.
Educação e Pesquisa
This article outlines areas of action of researchers as tools to interpret for whom the area of Education produces knowledge. It contextualizes the research in Education in Brazil in its peculiar institutional and epistemological conditions. It works with sociological concepts such as scientific field, scientific capitals, and autonomy of the professional field to illuminate aspects of the Brazilian academic context of knowledge production in Education. It associates these concepts with the notions of domain and dialogue with audiences to advance in the interpretation of the contradictions and heteronomies faced by the area. It is grounded on the qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with Brazilian researchers recognized for their academic representativeness with productivity grants and a history of leadership in scientific research. It questions how relationships with different social groups support processes of knowledge production and circulation. To account for this...
The present study aims at analyzing the articles published in the period from 2000 to 2010 in one of the leading educational journals in Brazil, “Educar em Revista”, edited by the Department of Education of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The goal is to depict the ensemble of authors who publish in this journal, as well as their affinities and networks, in order to obtain clues to help identify the current status of the Brazilian educational field, increasingly characterized by the culture of performativity based on intense competition. The leading hypothesis is that research articles published in major Brazilian journals can offer significant elements to understand the structure and dynamics of the field of education in the line proposed by Pierre Bourdieu. Methodological procedures were mobilized for the purpose of article examination and particular attention is paid to external referents present in the articles. Data is also collected based on bibliographical references,...
This scientific work investigates the referrals in educational practices Science-Technology-Society in the context of northeastern Brazil, contemplates the presence of values of interests in the direction given to scientific-technological development and socio-environmental issues. Science has supported the scientific investigation in the field of Education in many countries and Technology Management Systems, an area of lower visibility, usually referred to the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities. In the specific case of Science Education, this discussion also exists, with some authors choosing the term Science Education and other Science Education. It is a position of epistemological nature that has a lot to do with the objects of study, the scientific Education of the non-specialist citizen or, in the second case, the scientific Education in curricular context.In the case of one or the other, they take as crucial the development of scientific culture as an integral part of democratic citizenship. It is the perspective of the present work, intending to reflect aspects and guidelines for the teaching of Science in an orientation of scientific culture, a concept of polysemy that always includes knowledge of content, development of critical awareness about the potential and limitations of Science and adoption of attitudes and behaviors according to the social role of each one. Thus, we signal the need to assume a new objective in educational processes, besides empowering the participation in decision-making processes involving the formulation of public policies for Science-Technology.
Science & Education, 2001
This paper discusses a Master's degree in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching recently created in Brazil. The paper will report alocal experience but its analysis raises questions of general interest, in particular to less developed countries. This interest concerns firstly the challenges of doing research and educating people in science teaching, and developing a scientific culture, and secondly the institutional obstacles that face new and/or interdisciplinary research groups. We anticipate the conclusion that in Brazilian conditions of today projects from emergent andinterdisciplinary groups can be damaged by political, cultural and institutionalobstacles.
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Historia, ciencias, saude--Manguinhos
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Latin American Program), Working Paper, 1979
Educação em Revista, 2022
education policy analysis archives
in Jung Cheol Shin; Akira Arimoto; William K. Cummings; Ulrich Teichler. (Org.). Teaching and research in contemporary higher education: systems, activities and rewards. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, p. 221-236., 2013
História, Ciência, Saúde, Manguinhos, 2014
Higher Education Forum, 2010
Debates em Educação, 2020
Journal of History of Science and Technology, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2017
Revista Internacional de Educação Superior