Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil: A Morality of Immoralism


Friedrich Nietzsche (I X4•1-1<)00) presents a radical and enigmatic approach to existentialism by over emphasizing' the ntlr ihutcs or subjectivity of the individual over the group, community and God. especially the Christian God. This essays takes a critical appraisal of the major presuppositions of Nietzsche. especially as contained in his work 1JC:)'o/1I1 Gooit and Evil (I S86) which is a major amalgam of N ictzschc S works on ex istcnt ialisrn. The essay concludes that notwithstauding the empowerment Nietzsche gives to man through the Will to power and the concept Superman. his perspective on the absolute freedom and supremacy of man over human institutions which serve regulatory functions arc couutcr-Iunctionul to social order as they obscure our thorough sense of morality.