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2017, arXiv: Algebraic Topology
Let $F(X,k)$ be the configuration spaces of ordered $k-$tuples of distinct points in the space $X$. Using the Fadell and Neuwirth's fibration, we prove that the configuration space $F(M,k)$ of certain topological manifolds $M$, is not contractible.
arXiv: Algebraic Topology, 2018
Let $F(M,k)$ be the configuration space of ordered $k-$tuples of distinct points in the manifold $M$. Using the Fadell-Neuwirth fibration, we prove that the configuration spaces $F(M,k)$ are never contractible, for $k\geq 2$. As applications of our results, we will calculate the LS category and topological complexity for its loop space and suspension.
In the study of topological (n k ) configurations in the projective plane we have n pseudo-lines and n points. Precisely k of these points are incident with each pseudo-line and, vice versa, precisely k pseudo-lines are incident with each point. We describe a non-orientable 2-manifold associated in a natural way to a topological (n k )-configuration in the projective plane. Apart from being interesting in its own right, this manifold defines an equivalence class within topological configurations. It can be used to distinguish topological (n k )-configurations.
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 1996
For a connected space M , let F (M, d) be the space of ordered conf igurations of d distinct points in M , which is defined by F (M, d) = {(x 1 , • • • , x d) ∈ M d : x i = x j if i = j}. Let Σ d be the symmetric group of d letters {1, 2, • • • , d}. Σ d acts on F (M, d) freely in the usual manner. The orbit space C d (M) = F (M, d)/Σ d is called the space of conf igurations of d distinct points in M. In this paper we shall assume that M is an open manifold, i.e. each component is non-compact and without boundary. Adding a point near one of the ends of M gives (up to homotopy) a stabilization map j d : C d (M) → C d+1 (M).
Topology and its Applications, 1987
We consider the bordism theory generated by quadruples (M k, f; X; g) where Mk is an oriented smooth manifold f: Mk-f X is a map, and g: Mk + R k is a smooth map exhibiting only the simplest, i.e. fold, singularities. We show this theory represents the unreduced stable homotopy of X, and we give a variant representing the groups n,(l"S"(X) for S"(X) the unreduced suspension of X. We interpret these results as giving a sub-space OFSn(X) of 0"S"(X) with the inclusion flus'+ n"s"(X) a natural weak equivalence. We then give configuration space models F,,(X) and a natural weak equivalence co,,: F,,(X)+ 0~S"(X). Finally we give a category theoretic model for the functor F,,(). This allows us to interpret the previous results as a geometric proof of the Barratt-Priddy-Quillen equivalence OmS"(x) + BS(m)+ x 2, and as an unstable, functorial geometric version of this equivalence.
The workshop followed the usual AIM workshop style, with two talks each morning and informal activities in the afternoon. Michael Farber kicked off the workshop by giving a talk on the topology of the configuration space of polygonal linkages in 2D. He reviewed the usage of Morse theory to study the manifold structure and Betti numbers of configuration spaces via Morse critical points. These are the collinear configurations for polygonal linkages. He also gave a brief introduction to his proof of Walker’s conjecture that the topology of the configuration space determines the linkage up to a permutation orbit of chambers in the space of edge-lengthvectors. These are delineated by walls determined by edge-lengths that permit critical or collinear configurations. The chambers are determined by the short subsets i.e. the set of bars of the polygon whose sum of lengths is less than the sum of the lengths of the remaining bars. Gaiane Panina gave a talk on the cell decomposition of the co...
This paper deals with the existence, or absence, of coalescent contractions of contractible spaces. These are the contractions such that when the tracks of any two points meet, at time t0, they remain together thereafter. If a finite simplical complex K is collapsible, then any collapse ofK encodes coalescent contractions of K. Examples of contractible spaces where no coalescent contractions exist are the dunce hat and Bing’s house. We establish a criteria for contractible finite simplical complexes that ensures there are no coalescent contractions: the star-disc property.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 2009
For Gamma a finite, connected metric graph, we consider the space of configurations of n points in Gamma with a restraint parameter r dictating the minimum distance allowed between each pair of points. These restricted configuration spaces come up naturally in topological robotics. In this paper, we study the homotopy, homeomorphism, and isotopy types of these spaces over the space of parameters r and provide a polynomial upper bound (in the number of edges of Gamma) for the number of isotopy types.
Topology, 2002
We prove realizability theorems for vector-valued polynomial mappings, real-algebraic sets and compact smooth manifolds by moduli spaces of planar linkages. We also establish a relation between universality theorems for moduli spaces of mechanical linkages and projective arrangements.
Journal of Topology, 2015
We study the Fadell-Husseini index of the configuration space F (R d , n) with respect to various subgroups of the symmetric group Sn. For p prime and k 1, we compute Index Z/p (F (R d , p); Fp) and partially describe Index (Z/p) k (F (R d , p k); Fp). In this process, we obtain results of independent interest, including: (1) an extended equivariant Goresky-MacPherson formula, (2) a complete description of the top homology of the partition lattice Πp as an Fp[Zp]-module, and (3) a generalized Dold theorem for elementary abelian groups. The results on the Fadell-Husseini index yield a new proof of the Nandakumar and Ramana Rao conjecture for primes. For n = p k a prime power, we compute the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category cat(F (R d , n)/Sn) = (d − 1)(n − 1). Moreover, we extend coincidence results related to the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, as obtained by Cohen and Connett, Cohen and Lusk, and Karasev and Volovikov.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2009
We show that topological (n 4 ) point-line configurations exist for all n ≥ 17. It has been proved earlier that they do not exist for n ≤ 16.
Homological stability for unordered configuration spaces of connected manifolds was discovered by Th. Church and extended by O. Randal-Williams and B. Knudsen: $H_i(C_k(M);\mathbb{Q})$ is constant for $k\geq f(i)$. We characterize the manifolds satisfying strong stability: $H^*(C_k(M);\mathbb{Q})$ is constant for $k\gg 0$. We give few examples of manifolds whose top Betti numbers are stable after a shift of degree.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1983
Let F(R n , k) be the configuration space of ordered sets of k distinct points in R". F(R n , k) is acted upon freely by the symmetric group on k letters, Σ k. In this paper we calculate the order of the vector bundles {",*: F(R", k) X Σt R k-F(R", k)/Σ k. Applications to the study of iterated loop spaces of spheres are also discussed.
Geometry and Topology of Caustics – Caustics '02, 2003
We discuss some approaches to the topological study of real quadratic mappings. Two effective methods of computing the Euler characteristics of fibers are presented which enable one to obtain comprehensive results for quadratic mappings with two-dimensional fibers. As an illustration we obtain a complete topological classification of configuration spaces of planar pentagons.
Topology and its Applications, 2002
Let F be a family of convex sets in R n and let T m (F ) be the space of m-transversals to F as subspace of the Grassmannian manifold. The purpose of this paper is to study the topology of T m (F ) through the polyhedron of configurations of (r + 1) points in R n . This configuration space has a natural polyhedral structure with faces corresponding to what has been called order types. In particular, if r = m + 1 and T m−1 (F ) is nonempty, we prove that the homotopy type of T m (F ) is ruled by the set of all possible order types achieved by the m-transversals of F . We shall also prove that the set of all m-transversals that intersect F with a prescribed order type is a contractible space. (J. Bracho), [email protected] (L. Montejano), [email protected] (D. Oliveros). 0166-8641/02/$ -see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 6 -8 6 4 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 1 -6
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007
The structure set of a given manifold fits into a surgery exact sequence, which is the main tool for classification of manifolds. In the present paper, we describe relations between various structure sets and groups of obstructions which naturally arise for triples of manifolds. The main results are given by commutative braids and diagrams of exact sequences.
We prove a transversality "lifting property" for compactified configuration spaces as an application of the multijet transversality theorem: the submanifold of configurations of points on an arbitrary submanifold of Euclidean space may be made transverse to any submanifold of the configuration space of points in Euclidean space by an arbitrarily C 1-small variation of the initial submanifold, as long as the two submanifolds of compactified configuration space are boundary-disjoint. We use this setup to provide attractive proofs of the existence of a number of "special inscribed configurations" inside families of spheres embedded in R n using differential topology. For instance, there is a C 1dense family of smooth embedded circles in the plane where each simple closed curve has an odd number of inscribed squares, and there is a C 1-dense family of smooth embedded (n − 1)-spheres in R n where each sphere has a family of inscribed regular n-simplices with the homology of O(n).
arXiv: Group Theory, 2013
Soit F i h (k, n) le ième espace de configuration ordonné de tous les points distincts H 1 ,. .. , H h dans la Grassmannienne Gr(k, n) de sousespaces de dimension k de C n , dont la somme est un sous-espace de dimension i. Nous prouvons que F i h (k, n) est (si non vide) une sousvariété complexe de Gr(k, n) h de dimension i(n − i) + hk(i − k) et son groupe fondamental est trivial si i = min(n, hk), hk = n et n > 2 et egal au groupe de tresses de la sphère CP 1 si n = 2. Finalement, nous calculons le groupe fondamental dans le cas particulier des arrangements d'hyperplans, c'està dire k = n − 1.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1996
We obtain a general coincidence theorem for multifunctions in very large classes defined on contractible spaces. Our theorem generalizes a recent result due to Tarafdar and Yuan (1994) and many other earlier works including the Fan-Browder fixed point theorem.
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