Visibility queries in a polygonal region

2009, Computational Geometry


In this paper, we consider the problem of computing the region visible to a query point located in a given polygonal domain. The polygonal domain is specified by a simple polygon with m holes and a total of n vertices. We provide two bounds on the complexity of this problem. One approach constructs a data structure with space complexity O (n 2) in time O (n 2 lg n) and yields a query time of O ((1 + min(m, |V (q)|)) lg 2 n + m + |V (q)|). Here, V (q) represents the set of vertices of the visibility polygon of a query point q, and |E| denotes the number of edges in the visibility graph. The other approach provides a data structure with space complexity O (min(|E|, mn) + n) in time O (T + |E| + n lg n) with the query time of O (|V (q)| lg n + m). Here, T is the time to triangulate the given polygonal region (which is O (n + m lg 1+ m) for a small positive constant > 0). In both of these approaches, O (m) additive factor in the query time is eliminated with an additional O ((min(|E|, mn)) 2) space and an additional O (m(min(|E|, mn)) 2) preprocessing time.