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2009, Дух народа и другие духи
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Soviet mythology and rituals
ΙΕΡΟΔΙΑΚΟΝΙΚΌΝ себто СЛУЖЕБНИК ДИЯКОНСЬКИЙ на користь всім благочестивим священнодияконам Української Греко-Католицької Церкви з різних книг зібраний, 2019
Увійшовши у святилище, тричі поклоняються перед святою трапезою. Диякон цілує престол (якщо є звичай-теж напрестольний хрест). ОДЯГАННЯ РИЗ Диякон приходить у ризницю, бере у руки свій стихар і тричі вклоняється до сходу, мовлячи: Боже, милостивий будь мені, грішному. Поклавши на праву руку стихар, орар і нарукавники, диякон підходить до ієрея і, схиливши голову, мовить: Благослови, владико, стихар з орарем. Ієрей благословляє: Благословенний Бог наш… Диякон: Амінь. Тоді відходить і, ставши на якомусь місці святилища (або у ризниці), одягає стихар, мовлячи: Нехай радіє душа моя в Господі, бо Він одягнув мене в ризу спасіння й одежею веселості одів мене; немов на жениха, поклав на мене вінок і, як невісту, приоздобив мене красотою.
This article is devoted to dramatic history of formation of the so-called ancient Russ nationality. Historiographical analyses show that the concept of the ancient Russ nationality is the Soviet version of a very old empire myth. This is a typical ideological structure formed after the Second World War as a result of pressure of Kremlin ideologists on the Soviet historical science.
Javni Dedinac, 2024
This short study offers a deconstructive analysis of the mechanism of Milan Dedinac’s photo poem Public Bird (1926). It analyzes Dedinac's hallucinatory surrealist cine-dispositive as a taintless mirror, revealing that it is the blindness (to the feminine other) that makes all (male) reflexivity/specularity possible.
Border defense is a key element of national security of any country. In the beginning of the 20th century the leaders of Ukrainian liberation struggle were well aware of it. The Ukrainian border guards originated from the Separate Border Guards Corps, founded in March 1918 by the decree of Ukrainian Central Council, the parliament of Ukrainian People's Republic. Due to the negative course of war events by the middle of 1920 the Corps, in fact, ceased to exist. Therefore, in September 1920, when the southwestern counties of Podillia region were liberated from Bolsheviks, the Corps reactivation became an important and urgent issue. The Corps had to secure the western border of Ukrainian People's Republic with Poland along the Zbruch river and the southern border with Romania along the Dnister river. However, for less than two months, between late September and late November 1920, not too much was done. The central office was created, the core of one brigade was formed and one small detachment was sent to the border, where it guarded the 40 km section of the state limit. Further development was interrupted by Bolshevik offensive. In Polish internment camps the core units of Separate Border Guards Corps existed until April 1923, when they were finally disbanded. Basing mainly on unpublished archival documents, the author of this article elucidates the process of reactivation of Separate Border Guards Corps in the autumn of 1920.
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