Open questions in understanding life’s origins

Communications Chemistry


The chemical space of prebiotic chemistry is extremely large, while extant biochemistry uses only a few thousand interconnected molecules. Here we discuss how the connection between these two regimes can be investigated, and explore major outstanding questions in the origin of life. As we search for habitable and inhabited planets beyond Earth, defining life and understanding how it originates is critical to designing life detection missions 1. Though scientists from many fields have tried to understand the origins of life, and many hypotheses exist, a precise definition of life remains elusive 2 , and we do not presently know how life began. From interstellar observations and carbonaceous meteorites, it is known that complex organic chemistry occurs widely in primitive solar system environments (e.g., ref. 3). Conversely, we have the single data point of the chemistry produced by our biosphere. The space between these data points is sparsely filled by experiment, model, and hypothesis. Experimentally addressing the chemical origins of life is complicated by the size of organic chemical space 4 , and the tandem sparsity and complexity of reactions which could give rise to autocatalytic, replicative and ultimately living chemistry. A large amount of chemistry remains to be explored, and it is likely the field will benefit from a combination of experimental, observational and computational studies. For example, computational chemists can algorithmically explore chemical space using graph "grammars" 5 much more rapidly than "wet" chemists can experimentally, though such computations are still hampered by accuracy and computational capacity 6. Origins of life models, regardless of biases along heterotrophic/autotrophic axes 7 , all depend on the origin of chemical reaction networks. But life is more than a collection of reactions and compounds, it is a systemic phenomenon characterized by feedbacks that modulate kinetics. Within reaction networks, slight differences in reactivity can cause large systemic effects. Network closure, in which the edges (in this case reactions) and nodes (here, chemical compounds) of a network form a single connected component 8 , is a unifying concept defining hierarchically functional and selectable biological units (e.g., metabolic pathways, genes, organelles, cells,