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Energy has become a crucial factor for humanity to continue the economic growth and maintain high standard of living especially after industrial revolution. “Fossil fuels are still the main source of energy. But the endless consumption of fossil fuels will bring the reserve to an end in near future. As a result fuel prices are soaring because of diminishing supply than demand. So researchers world over are in constant search of alternate fuels in the last three to four years, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and global dependency on fossil fuels. The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engine causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is blending of fuel. In this study, a mix of 5%, 10%,15%, 20%, 25% sesame oil and diesel fuel was used as alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Diesel engine performance ...
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), 2019
In this world where technology moves faster than anything else, demand of energy resources are increasing for cop up with our requirement. Our earth has vast sources of energy which could provide as much best as possible. But these resources does not gives us guarantee that it could support us in growth of our economy and at the same time provide better environment conditions. We have to choose those options which give us optimum results and help us to reaching our goal of energy security, economic growth and environment safety. In transportation sector, to meet our global requirement, demand of liquid fuel is very high. Although presently we are working on production of third generation biofuel, like algal biofuel, hydrogen fuel, but its implementation would require huge technological challenges to overcome. Until that we can use first and second generation biofuels to fulfil global oil demand and secure oil reserves for future purpose. This study provides utilization of vegetable oil (sesame oil) blend with diesel and its effect on performance parameters of diesel engine.
Recent decades continuous increased in the fuel price and fast depletion of the available fossil fuel reservoir, so it is necessary to find out the alternative fuel for the engine. The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is fuel blending. In this study, a blend of sesame oil in the various proportion like 20%, 30%, 40%, and up to 50% in the diesel fuel was used as an alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Find the best suitable blend and add the ethanol in that blend in the 5%, 10%, and 15% find the engine performance. Engine performance was investigated and compared with the ordinary diesel fuel in a diesel engine. It is observed that fuel consumption increased with increase in sesame oil concentration in Diesel fuel but the blend of S30D70 fuel consumption is nearest to the diesel fuel. The break thermal efficiency of S20D80 blend also found nearest to the diesel fuel. It is concluded that it is possible to use Sesame oil in diesel engines as an alternate fuel in the future.
The interest in alternative fuels increases continuously in order to meet the growing demand for energy and protect the environment. A successful alternative fuel meets the environmental and energy security needs without operational performance. One of the most successful alternative fuels is biodiesel, which is always attention in today's world. Operationally, biodiesel blends perform very similar to conventional diesel in terms of performance and emissions without major changes in the engine, because the properties of biodiesel and conventional diesel are similar. In the present work, biodiesel is made from sesame oil and short-term tests were conducted with various mixtures of diesel and biodiesel in a single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine and power and rated emissions and engine operation.
Renewable Energy, 2008
The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is fuel blending. In this study, a blend of 50% sesame oil and 50% diesel fuel was used as an alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared with the ordinary diesel fuel in a diesel engine. The experimental results show that the engine power and torque of the mixture of sesame oil-diesel fuel are close to the values obtained from diesel fuel and the amounts of exhaust emissions are lower than those of diesel fuel. Hence, it is seen that blend of sesame oil and diesel fuel can be used as an alternative fuel successfully in a diesel engine without any modification and also it is an environmental friendly fuel in terms of emission parameters. r
When vegetable oil used in CI engine causes some problem due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuels. Various techniques & methods are used solve the problems of high viscosity. One of these techniques fuel blending. The vegetable oil used in blending is sesame oil is blended with diesel fuel in diesel engine & showing its effects on performance parameter and emission characteristics of single cylinder 4 stroke diesel CI engine. The sesame oil blended in varying proportion with diesel fuel in the CI engine and performance parameter & emission characteristics are evaluated and compared with diesel operation.
ABSTRACT An experimental study was made on bio-diesel prepared from vegetable oil i.e. mustard oil has been presented in this article. Without trans-esterification reaction, the mustard oil has been blended with diesel in different proportion of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% and named as bio-diesel bland B20, B30, B40, and B50. During the fuel and bio-fuel have been tested it fuel properties in the laboratory, different ASTM standards were maintained to findout the properties of the bio-diesel. The characteristics of the bio-diesel blends have been carried out at different temperature. The blended bio-diesel have been tested on a four stroke, single cylinder DI diesel engine. The engine performance has been analyzed for different bio-diesel blends and compared to fossil diesel fuel . During the engine test, B20 and B30 have better performance than other bio-diesel blends.
In this review paper, we would like to review the use of sesame oil as biodiesel. The main problem behind not using sesame as a fuel is because of high viscosity there occurs problems with atomization and self-ignition does not takes place. But still with the help of transesterification we can reduce the viscosity of sesame oil; as well blending with diesel can also help in reducing the viscosity. Sesame oil when blended with diesel in various proportions can reduce the viscosity. Ultimately blended sesame oil is used in single cylinder diesel engine and showing its performance and emission characteristics.
International journal of current research and review, 2012
The rapidly increasing petroleum prices, uncertainties concerning its availability and growing concern of the environment revived research interests on the usage of alternative fuels in internal combustion engines. Biodiesel is a methyl or ethyl ester of fatty acids made from vegetable oils and animal fat. It can be used in diesel engines with very little or no engine modifications. In this present work the experimental investigations are carried out on the test engine operated with methyl esters of sesame oil and diesel blends. Comparative measures of performance parameters, smoke opacity, unburned hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), Oxides of nitrogen (NOx), Carbon dioxide (CO2) and unused oxygen (O2) emissions are calculated. In the initial stage the tests are conducted on the four stroke single cylinder water cooled direct injection diesel engine by using diesel and base line data is generated. In the second stage, tests are carried out using Methyl esters of sesame oil wit...
This study offers comprehensive details on the use of bio-fuel as a viable and alternative source of energy. The bio-fuel was prepared from vegetable oil, i.e., mustard oil and tested in a diesel engine in both pure form and as a diesel blend. The mustard oil blend proportions were 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% and named as bio-diesel blends B20, B30, B40 and B50. A fuel-testing laboratory determined the properties of the pure mustard oil fuel and its blends, i.e., density, viscosity, dynamic viscosity, carbon residue, flash point, fire point and calorific value. An assessment of engine performance, i.e., brake horsepower (bhp), brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc), brake thermal efficiency (bte) and brake mean effective pressure (bmep) etc., was carried out for pure diesel, pure mustard and the blends, both in laboratory conditions and under British Standard (BS) conditions. Finally, an analysis and comparison was made of the effects of the various fuels on the different engine properties.
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International journal of engineering research and technology, 2019
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 2012
Energy Conversion and Management, 2001
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, 2019