Performance of Diesel Engine using Bio-Fuel From Sesame Oil



Energy has become a crucial factor for humanity to continue the economic growth and maintain high standard of living especially after industrial revolution. “Fossil fuels are still the main source of energy. But the endless consumption of fossil fuels will bring the reserve to an end in near future. As a result fuel prices are soaring because of diminishing supply than demand. So researchers world over are in constant search of alternate fuels in the last three to four years, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and global dependency on fossil fuels. The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engine causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is blending of fuel. In this study, a mix of 5%, 10%,15%, 20%, 25% sesame oil and diesel fuel was used as alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Diesel engine performance ...