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2017, arXiv: Algebraic Topology
First, by inspiration of the results of Wood \cite{differential,problems}, but with the methods of non-commutative geometry and different approach, we extend the coefficients of the Steenrod squaring operations from the filed $\mathbb{F}_2$ to the dyadic integers $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and call the resulted operations the dyadic Steenrod squares, denoted by $Jq^k$. The derivation-like operations $Jq^k$ generate a graded algebra, called the dyadic Steenrod algebra, denoted by $\mathcal{J}_2$ acting on the polynomials $\mathbb{Z}_2[\xi_1, \dots, \xi_n]$. Being $\mathcal{J}_2$ an Ore domain, enable us to localize $\mathcal{J}_2$ which leads to the appearance of the integration-like operations $Jq^{-k}$ satisfying the $Jq^{-k}Jq^k=1=Jq^kJq^{-k}$. These operations are enough to exhibit a kind of differential equation, the dyadic Steenrod ordinary differential equation. Then we prove that the completion of $\mathbb{Z}_2[\xi_1, \dots, \xi_n]$ in the linear transformation norm coincides with a cert...
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, 2018
The Mod $2$ Steenrod algebra is a Hopf algebra that consists of the primary cohomology operations, denoted by $Sq^n$, between the cohomology groups with $mathbb{Z}_2$ coefficients of any topological space. Regarding to its vector space structure over $mathbb{Z}_2$, it has many base systems and some of the base systems can also be restricted to its sub algebras. On the contrary, in addition to the work of Wood, in this paper we define a new base system for the Hopf subalgebras $mathcal{A}(n)$ of the mod $2$ Steenrod algebra which can be extended to the entire algebra. The new base system is obtained by defining a new linear ordering on the pairs $(s+t,s)$ of exponents of the atomic squares $Sq^{2^s(2^t-1)}$ for the integers $sgeq 0$ and $tgeq 1$.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1977
Motivated by the construction of Steenrod cup-i products in the singular cochain algebra of a space and in the algebra of non-commutative differential forms, we define a category of binomial cup-one differential graded algebras over the integers and over prime fields of positive characteristic. The Steenrod and Hirsch identities bind the cup-product, the cup-one product, and the differential in a package that we further enhance with a binomial ring structure arising from a ring of integer-valued rational polynomials. This structure allows us to define the free binomial cup-one differential graded algebra generated by a set and derive its basic properties. It also provides the context for defining restricted triple Massey products, which have a smaller indeterminacy than the classical ones, and hence, give stronger homotopy type invariants. Contents
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1991
Let Ps be the mod-2 cohomology of the elementary abelian group (Z/2Z) x • ■ • x (Z/2Z) (s factors). The mod-2 Steenrod algebra A acts on Ps according to well-known rules. If A C A denotes the augmentation ideal, then we are interested in determining the image of the action A ® Ps-* Ps: the space of elements in Ps that are hit by positive dimensional Steenrod squares. The problem is motivated by applications to cobordism theory [PI] and the homology of the Steenrod algebra [S]. Our main result, which generalizes work of Wood [W], identifies a new class of hit monomials. Theorem 1.1 (R. Wood, [W]). Suppose x e Ps is a monomial of degree ô, and suppose a[ô + s] > s. Then x is hit.
Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2018
Let 𝒜 = 𝒜 p {\mathcal{A}=\mathcal{A}_{p}} be the mod p {\mathrm{mod}\,p} Steenrod algebra, where p is a fixed prime and let 𝒜 ′ {\mathcal{A}^{\prime}} denote the Bockstein-free part of 𝒜 {\mathcal{A}} at odd primes. Being a connected graded Hopf algebra, 𝒜 {\mathcal{A}} has the canonical conjugation χ. Using this map, we introduce a relationship between the X- and Z-bases of 𝒜 ′ {\mathcal{A}^{\prime}} . We show that these bases restrict to give bases to the well-known sub-Hopf algebras 𝒜 ( n - 1 ) {\mathcal{A}(n-1)} , n ≥ 1 {n\geq 1} , of 𝒜 ′ {\mathcal{A}^{\prime}} .
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2005
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2008
We write P˝s for the polynomial ring on s letters over the field Z=2, equipped with the standard action of † s , the symmetric group on s letters. This paper deals with the problem of determining a minimal set of generators for the invariant ring .P˝s/ † s as a module over the Steenrod algebra A. That is, we would like to determine the graded vector spaces Z=2˝A .P˝s/ † s. Our main result is stated in terms of a "bigraded Steenrod algebra" H. The generators of this algebra H, like the generators of the classical Steenrod algebra A, satisfy the Adem relations in their usual form. However, the Adem relations for the bigraded Steenrod algebra are interpreted so that Sq 0 is not the unit of the algebra; but rather, an independent generator. Our main work is to assemble the duals of the vector spaces Z=2˝A .P˝s/ † s , for all s 0, into a single bigraded vector space and to show that this bigraded object has the structure of an algebra over H.
Ricerche di Matematica, 2014
In this paper we show how to embed A * , the dual of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra, into a certain inverse limit of algebras of invariants of the general linear group. The prime 2 is fixed throughout the paper.
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 2016
The mod 2 Steenrod algebra A 2 can be defined as the quotient of the mod 2 Leibniz-Hopf algebra F 2 by the Adem relations. Dually, the mod 2 dual Steenrod algebra A * 2 can be thought of as a sub-Hopf algebra of the mod 2 dual Leibniz-Hopf algebra F * 2. We study A * 2 and F * 2 from this viewpoint and give generalisations of some classical results in the literature.
Let Pk = H((RP )) be the modulo-2 cohomology algebra of the direct product of k copies of infinite dimensional real projective spaces RP . Then, Pk is isomorphic to the graded polynomial algebra F2[x1, . . . , xk] of k variables, in which each xj is of degree 1, and let GLk be the general linear group over the prime field F2 which acts naturally on Pk. Here the cohomology is taken with coefficients in the prime field F2 of two elements. We study the hit problem, set up by Frank Peterson, of finding a minimal set of generators for the polynomial algebra Pk as a module over the mod-2 Steenrod algebra, A. In this Note, we explicitly compute the hit problem for k = 5 and the degree 5(2 − 1) + 24.2 with s an arbitrary non-negative integer. These results are used to study the Singer algebraic transfer which is a homomorphism from the homology of the mod-2 Steenrod algebra, TorAk,k+n(F2, F2), to the subspace of F2 ⊗A Pk consisting of all the GLk-invariant classes of degree n. We show that ...
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
In 1947, N.E. Steenrod defined the Steenrod Squares, which are mod 2 cohomology operations, using explicit cochain formulae for cup-i products of cocycles. He later recast the construction in more general homological terms, using group homology and acyclic model methods, rather than explicit cochain formulae, to define mod p operations for all primes p. Steenrod's student J. Adem applied the homological point of view to prove fundamental relations, known as the Adem relations, in the algebra of cohomology operations generated by the Steenrod operations. In this paper we give a proof of the mod 2 Adem relations at the cochain level. Specifically, given a mod 2 cocycle, we produce explicit cochain formulae whose coboundaries are the Adem relations among compositions of Steenrod Squares applied to the cocycle, using Steenrod's original cochain definition of the Square operations.
manuscripta mathematica, 2005
The mod 2 universal Steenrod algebra Q is a homogeneous quadratic algebra closely related to the ordinary mod 2 Steenrod algebra and the Lambda algebra introduced in [1]. In this paper we show that Q is Koszul. It follows by [7] that its cohomology, being purely diagonal, is isomorphic to a completion of Q itself with respect to a suitable chain of two-sided ideals.
Let Pn := H((RP )) ∼= F2[x1, x2, . . . , xn] be the graded polynomial algebra over the prime field of two elements, F2. We investigate the Peterson hit problem for the polynomial algebra Pn, viewed as a graded left module over the mod-2 Steenrod algebra, A. For n > 4, this problem is still unsolved, even in the case of n = 5 with the help of computers. The purpose of this paper is to continue our study of the hit problem by developing a result in [17] for Pn in the generic degree ks = r(2 − 1) + m.2 with r = n = 5, m = 13, and s an arbitrary non-negative integer. Note that for s = 0, k0 = 5(20 −1)+13.20 = 13, and s = 1, k1 = 5(21 −1)+13.21 = 31, these problems have been studied by Phuc [16], and [17], respectively. Moreover, as an application of these results, we get the dimension result for the graded polynomial algebra in the generic degree d = (n − 1).(2n+u−1 − 1) + l.2n+u−1 with u an arbitrary non-negative integer, l ∈ {23, 67}, and in the case n = 6. One of the major applica...
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014
As recently observed by the second author, the mod2 universal Steenrod algebra Q has a fractal structure given by a system of nested subalgebras Q s , for s ∈ N, each isomorphic to Q. In the present paper we provide an alternative presentation of the subalgebras Q s through suitable derivations δ s , and give an invariant-theoretic description of them.
We investigate the Hopf algebra conjugation, χ, of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra, A 2 , in terms of the Hopf algebra conjugation, χ ′ , of the mod 2 Leibniz-Hopf algebra. We also investigate the fixed points of A 2 under χ and their relationship to the invariants under χ ′ .
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2005
Let T r k be the algebraic transfer that maps from the coinvariants of certain GL k-representations to the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra. This transfer was defined by W. Singer as an algebraic version of the geometrical transfer tr k : π S * ((BV k) +) → π S * (S 0). It has been shown that the algebraic transfer is highly nontrivial, more precisely, that T r k is an isomorphism for k = 1, 2, 3 and that T r = k T r k is a homomorphism of algebras. In this paper, we first recognize the phenomenon that if we start from any degree d and apply Sq 0 repeatedly at most (k − 2) times, then we get into the region in which all the iterated squaring operations are isomorphisms on the coinvariants of the GL k-representations. As a consequence, every finite Sq 0-family in the coinvariants has at most (k − 2) nonzero elements. Two applications are exploited. The first main theorem is that T r k is not an isomorphism for k ≥ 5. Furthermore, for every k > 5, there are infinitely many degrees in which T r k is not an isomorphism. We also show that if T r detects a nonzero element in certain degrees of Ker(Sq 0), then it is not a monomorphism and further, for each k > , T r k is not a monomorphism in infinitely many degrees. The second main theorem is that the elements of any Sq 0-family in the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra, except at most its first (k − 2) elements, are either all detected or all not detected by T r k , for every k. Applications of this study to the cases k = 4 and 5 show that T r 4 does not detect the three families g, D 3 and p , and that T r 5 does not detect the family {h n+1 g n | n ≥ 1}.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003
For a commutative Hopf algebra A over Z/p, where p is a prime integer, we define the Steenrod operations P i in cyclic cohomology of A using a tensor product of a free resolution of the symmetric group S n and the standard resolution of the algebra A over the cyclic category according to . We also compute some of these operations.
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, 2019
Let $mathcal{A}_p$ be the mod $p$ Steenrod algebra, where $p$ is an odd prime, and let $mathcal{A}$ be the subalgebra $mathcal{A}$ of $mathcal{A}_p$ generated by the Steenrod $p$th powers. We generalize the $X$-basis in $mathcal{A}$ to $mathcal{A}_p$.
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