Automation of Visual Inspection Using Image Processing

Industrial Engineering Journal


With current era of the Automobile industry, the product is manually or visually checked by using check list there is difficulty in inspection due to dependence on human skills and lack of ergonomic applications which cause fatigue. Inspection is one of the primary segments of the industrial parts production process. Machine vision is a present day strategy to inspect produced parts and it is a subcategory of engineering machinery, dealing with issues of information technology, optics, mechanics and industrial automation. Machine vision systems are used increasingly to solve problems of industrial inspection. This paper introduces an automatic vision based defect inspection or detection and dimensional measurement. The system identifies defects (Part Miss, Part Location, Welding Defects and grinding defects etc.) which usually occur in an assembly Structure component. The image processing technique used for Defect detection and algorithms developed for defect detection and linear dimension measurement. Various types of sensors were interfaced with the vision hardware and the part handling mechanism, to complete the total automated vision based inspection system. This system is an accurate, repeatable, fast and cheap solution for industries. This image processing technique is finished utilizing MATLAB programming. This work presents a strategy which decreases the manual work.