Pattern of Congenital Heart Diseases in Paediatric Age Group


Background: To determine the pattern of differenttypes of congenital heart diseases, in paediatric agegroup.Methods: In this observational cross sectionalstudy cases of congenital heart defects (CHD) wereincluded, through simple random samplingirrespective of age and gender. Every patient’s dataon echocardiographic report clearly indicating hisCHD type along with age and gender was recorded.Variables of study i.e. type of CHDs, age, and genderwith relative frequencies were presented separatelygraphically.Results: Out of 298 diagnosed patients of CHD 156were males and 142 were females. Isolatedventricular septal defect found to be the mostcommon anomaly (32.6%). In combination atrialseptal defect and ventricular defect were found to bemost common with 5.4% burden rate. Out of 298patients Acyanotic CHDs were 67.1% while CyanoticCHDs were found to be 32.9%.Conclusion: Acyanotic CHDs were found to bedominant over Cyanotic CHDs with relativepercentages of 67.1% and 32.9% respectively