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Rape has been perceived as the most brutal crime against women that affects not only the physical being but also the psychological being of the victim. We know that several rape cases take place in our society but very few are reported. The most important reason for this is the prevalence of rape myths in our society which are false beliefs about rape and about those who are affected by it. India is a developing country and is changing quickly. It is witnessing remarkable developments in several fields such as science, technology etc. But unfortunately the crime rate is also increasing in this country, especially the crime of rape. The present research study is an attempt to understand that to which degree the rape myths are prevalent in India. The paper will also bring into light the amount, respondents in the study are aware of rape facts. For the present study 100 individuals were selected between the age of 18-35 years, out of which 50 were males and 50 were females. The paper r...
International journal of scientific research, 2015
Rape seems to have taken a common form of violence and attitudes have been of central concern in relation to such violence. The aim of this study was to examine the current state of rape myth acceptance, attitude towards rape survivors among college students and the predictors for formation of attitude towards rape survivors. Findings based on the sample size of 275 college students showed that higher the rejection of rape myths, lower will be the unfavorable attitude towards survivors of rape. Regression analysis indicates that the variables ‘She asked for it’, ‘He didn’t mean to’ and ‘She lied’ inversely predicts unfavourable attitude towards the rape survivor. Chi-square analysis showed that males are less likely to reject rape myths and have high unfavourable attitude towards rape survivors than females.
Temida, 2014
In general, most people display stronger beliefs in ?aggravated rape? or ?real rape?; including victims of such rape cases who often identify themselves as ?rape victims? than the victims of ?simple rape?, where none of the aggravating circumstances are present. Despite myths to the contrary these ?simple rape? cases in fact make up the majority of cases. This article considers the implications of ?real rape? and demonstrates how notions about what a ?typical rape? should be, in the form of rape myths, directly impact on societal attitudes towards rape victims and how the media continue to reinforce and perpetuate the notion of real rape through their selective reporting of ?serial rape?, ?stranger rape? or especially ?violent rapes?.
Rape is one of the most heinous crimes ever committed, but India’s government and law enforcement authorities have ignored this atrocity committed in the institution known as "marriage." Marital rape is a serious problem that our laws have failed to address. Women in India who have been raped by their spouses are coming out these days, but our judicial system ignores them because the concept of rape in a marriage is not recognized. Marital rape has very serious emotional and psychological implications that are far worse and more serious than physical harm. With the use of statistics and observations, this article will explain the notion of marital rape and how women in India suffer in silence owing to a lack of regulations. The goal of this study is to look into India’s urgent need for appropriate laws against marital rape. Over the past two decades, the abuse related to women and children whether it is physical or sexual has become widely recognized. But violence is at wo...
Developing Country Studies, 2014
The identity of any person is based on his characteristic behaviors. But it is bitter true fact that civilized society reflects the good characteristic of human being that is living in the society. In the 21 st century men are trying to touch the untouched part of universe. In the field of medical science human has progressed to resolve the incurable diseases. We have developed a lot of infrastructures for the day to day uses. Men are talented to go anywhere by air, water and land mode within a short time. But in case of social context especially woman's rights and honors we are not able to say us a civilized citizen. Men always try to show his dominant nature over the women. The men's nature of dominant over the women in each sector of life style is called paternalism. Men always say the paternalism is a part of human value system. There is no need to more say about the current status of women in the society. According to National Crime Records Bureau data confirm that Delhi saw 572 women raped cases in the year 2011 as compared to 239 in Mumbai, 47 in Kolkata, 67 in Chennai, 96 in Bangalore. Let it see in another way, while Delhi had 7 rape victims among 1 Lakh females in 2011, Haryana had 6, Rajasthan had 5, Mumbai had 3, Uttar Pradesh had 2, Bangalore had 2 and Chennai had 2. My main questions are from where the rape was started?, How the rape came in the society?, Who was behind it?, Why these rapes are happening in our society?, Why we are not able to control it?, How the people encourage rape events with using the name of religion?, How the ethical value are demolished by men dominating power?, How we can make our society free from rapist?, etc.In this article Dr. Prashant Kumar Astalin has tried to give the answers for all the above mentioned questions.
The purpose of this study is to revisit the concept of rape as represented by professionals in the literature as well as its perception (beliefs and attitudes) in the population at large and to propose methodological improvements to its measurement tool. Rape is a serious crime threatening its victim-s physical and mental health and integrity; and as such is legally prosecuted in all modern societies. The problem is not in accepting or rejecting rape as a criminal act, but rather in the vagueness of its interpretations and "justifications" maintained in the mentality of modern societies - known in the literature as the phenomenon of "rape-myth". The rapemyth can be studied from different perspectives: criminology, sociology, ethics, medicine and psychology. Its investigation requires rigorous scientific objectivity, free of passion (victims of rape are at risk of emotional bias), free of activism (social activists, even if wellintentioned are also biased), free o...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Rape is one of the most alarming issues at present in India. The central point of this paper is to obtain different perceptions of rape and rape victims through the lens of gender stereotyping. This empirical study involves in-depth interviews of hundred young adults living in West Bengal, India. This paper deals with the perception and motives of this heinous crime, as measured by young adults. Attitude towards rape victim scale has been used to measure the outlook of young adults towards the victim. Female participants of the studied group have explained the term rape as an imposition of unwanted social stigma whereas, male respondents expressed as the commodification of sex. The contrasting gender ideologies reflect the psychological trauma and objectification of sex. Women have more sympathetic attitudes towards the victim than the men.
Before beginning this essay a few things should be pointed out. The sole purpose of discussing this matter is to look at rape from not what we perceive or largely trained to understand it in a particular manner, which is to say, let us not treat the crime as what we are conditioned to think or be judgmental upon this matter and look beyond what is just visible.
Innovative Publication, 2016
Abstract Background: Increasing reports of rapes and responsibilities of clinicians. Objective: To analyse rape in preteens, adolescents and adults in India over a period of two plus decades. Methods: Rape rate was computed from National Crime Records Bureau of India crime data and US Census Bureau International population census statistics for the age groups- 0-12 (Preteen), 13-18 (Adolescent) and above 18 (Adults) for the period 1991-2014. Rate was computed and trend plotted. Results: The total rape victims during the index period were 432847 averaging 18819. There were a total of 43520 preteen, 102833 adolescent and 286494 adult rape victims in the index period averaging 1892, 4471 and 12456 per annum respectively. The linear trend line indicates an increase in adolescent and adult group and almost stationary in preteens. Conclusions: As rape rate is high in adolescents and adults and is on the raise, there is an urgent need for strategic planning in detecting, treating, and de-stigmatizing the act. Keywords: Rape-Rape Rate- Trend-Preteen-Adolescent-Adult-India.
The offence of rape brings out a plethora of responses from the diverse units of society that includes the family and extends to the Criminal Justice System on the victim of rape, Besides the obvious physical scars, the emotional trauma stemming from rape is unparalleled which is often intensified by the way the family, community, and the justice delivery system reacts. Instead of being the support system the law enforcement system also resorts to shaming the victim, thereby, adding to her trauma and preventing her from regaining normalcy. In India, law recognises only rape committed on women by men, thus, seeking to protect the values held sacred to women that is her dignity, sexual autonomy, and physical integrity. Shaming responses emerge from various rape myths and percolates notjust to, the family but also to the diferent stake holders of the Criminal Justice System. In this paper, the authors have analysed the dilemmas in the responses towards the victim that occurs at diferent levels, that is by the family, by the community and the criminal justice process, including the law enforcement agencies and the courts, while also discussing the extent to which they are supported or dejected by these units. This paper also aims to unveil the impact on survivor throughout her journeyafter the rape,. in light of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 2013 that aim at responding more effectively to the survivor, and finally analyses if those changes are, at al, serving their purpose I. INTRODUCTION Patriarchy in Indian society stems from the primafacie belief that men are the superior sex. This sense of superiority has been instilled in the psyche of not only men but also women since ancient times when India thrived under kings and conquests, A cursory look through the pages of time would show that as a general practice, men were required to fight battles
Today global warming and climate change, natural hazards and disasters, environmental pollution and degradation, hunger and poverty, terrorism and wars etc are the biggest concern for the global community. I just want to add one more problem which is prevalent across all the societies irrespective of the level of their economic development-crime. I would like to call it a social disaster. It's a disaster which disrupts the functioning of the society. In recent years, news papers are full of brutal rape cases which show an alarming rise of rape in metros like Delhi. Currently Delhi is reporting 4 rape cases every day. Rape is a crime which questions over public security as well as public health. The present study is a content analysis of rape cases published in daily news. The aim of the study is to find out the place of crime, site of the crime, nature of the crime, age of the victim and offender and the relationship between victim and offender. A total of 298 rape cases were found in last three years of reporting. It was found that most of the victims were unmarried and below 18 years of age. In majority of the cases victim knew the perpetrator. 25 percent cases of rape were in form of gang rape which shows the brutality of the crime. More than 60 percent rape victims were found below 18 years of age and 75% rapists were known to the victim. 10% cases of rape were found as incest rape. Average age of victims is 17.5 years while average age of the rapists is found 31 years.
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International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2021
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