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2022, Curs in sala sau curs la distanta
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Cursuri în sală sau cursuri la distanță Deseori întâlnim studenți care preferă să asiste la un curs ținut în sală, cu lector pe care îl poți întreba ce nu înțelegi. Contactul uman direct prezinta o doză consistentă de încredere. Până la urmă, alegerea este personală și depinde de structura fiecărui individ, cursant. Cei obișnuiți cu studiul individual, cu autoinstruirea, vor simți eficiența lecțiilor video pe DVD, în timp ce cursanții tradiționali tind să urmeze soluția clasică. În cazul lecţiilor video, cursanţii urmăresc modul în care lectorul lucrează în faţa lor, pe desktopul calculatorului, în timp ce li se oferă explicaţii audio. Cursanţii reiau apoi operaţiile demonstrate, aplicând cunoştinţele dobândite şi lucrând în propriul ritm, acasă, pe calculatorul propriu. Spre deosebire de cursurile care au loc la sediul trainerului, unde trebuie să te deplasezi, să te încadrezi într-un program, să participi împreună cu o întreagă grupă de studiu şi să te adaptezi ritmului comun, să transporţi laptopul propriu, să îţi instalezi programele necesare la curs şi să plăteşti licenţele software aferente, să comprimi tot procesul de învăţare într-un timp relativ scurt, avantajele cursului la distanţă sunt:
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, and exchanging information and ideas. In the present article, we recommend various teaching strategies: Text Map, Character Network, Review Skeleton, Interview on Reading, Story Pyramid, etc., used in the Reading Workshopan effective way to train reflective reading skills and abilities. The teacher, in the reading workshops, teaches the pupil to interact with the text, helps him to overcome the level of superficial reading, making him more responsible and stimulating his thinking processes.
In ultimul timp au luat amploare cercetările cu referire la evaluarea formativă. Prezenţa constantă a evaluării formative in invăţământul universitar explică, fără indoială, locul central al acesteia in procesul instructiv-educativ. Evaluarea formativă apare ca o strategie nouă in educaţia postmodernă, care permite studenţilor să-si dezvolte competenţe pentru a deveni autonomi in invăţare. Evaluarea formativă prezintă valoare in invăţământul universitar, reiesind din caracterul ei de diagnoză, remediere si corecţie a procesului de predare–invăţare. Fiind axată pe invăţare, evaluarea formativă este importantă in invăţământul universitar datorită feedback-ului realizat intre profesori si studenţi; in rezultat, evaluarea formativă reprezintă, pe de o parte, remedierea procesului didactic pentru atenuarea dificultăţilor intâmpinate de către studenţi si, pe de altă parte, reglarea procesului de predare–invăţare. Evaluarea formativă in invăţământul universitar cuprinde in centrul său de ...
Obiectivul principal al acestui studiu constă in identificarea si analiza esenţei si specificului activităţii independente a studentului (AIS) prin prisma evaluării formative in invăţământul universitar. Activitatea independentă a studentului contribuie la realizarea eficientă a finalităţilor educaţionale si la formarea competenţelor lui profesionale, in condiţiile unei planificări eficiente din partea profesorului si a studentului. Evaluarea formativă vizează imbunătăţirea activităţii independente a studentului, in cazul in care profesorul si studentul interacţionează intre ei, in baza unui feedback formativ oportun si suportiv. Evaluarea formativă permite reglarea interactivă a AIS; astfel, studentul poate să automonitorizeze activitatea independentă, iar profesorul – să adapteze strategia de predare. Eficienţa AIS depinde de colaborarea actorilor educaţionali – profesorul si studentul, fiecare având rolul său specific in activitatea independentă a studentului. Imbunătăţirea fo...
Journal of Pedagogy - Revista de Pedagogie, 2020
Competenţele de cetăţenie digitală ale viitorilor profesionişti în educaţie. Abordări în contextul măsurilor de distanţare socială generate de răspândirea Covid-19, 2018
One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely.
Psihologia. Revista științifico-practică = Psychology. Scientific-practical journal, 2021
The article highlights the development trends of preschool children, associated with the characteristics of modern socialization. Today, the process of including the child in culture has a number of specifi c features. An adult ceases to be a unique carrier of culture for the child, the eff ectiveness of traditional parenting and teaching practices becomes ambiguous, decreases the intensity of communication between a child with adults and other children. One of the reasons for these changes is the rapid introduction of digital technologies into the child’s daily life: the Internet, the computer, the tablet, the phone and other gadgets that a preschooler often masters better than his parents. Gadgets become not only a toy, but also a means of socializing. To defi ne and describe the new facet of the child’s socialization, the term „digital socialization” is used, which is characterized by the following: children’s use of an arsenal of high-tech digital technology, the duration of a c...
Starting from the idea that researchers have extended homonymy to other levels of the language in addition to the lexical one and defined it as an association of identical phonological structures with different meanings, the objective of the current paper is to examine some aspects of grammatical homonymy with reference to the Subject and Object Complements-syntactic functions that represent a highly debatable issue among linguists. We have in view the presence of the Complement in several constructions that can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the part of speech through which it is realized and its flexibility. In such ambiguous structures, the Subject and Object Complements can be frequently analyzed as Attributes, Predicatives or Objects. Moreover, many Romanian constructions with the Subject and Object Complements have very interesting derivative histories, but, at the same time, debatable from a certain perspective: the way they were produced. Subsequently, for clarifying, one can use techniques like articulation or word order change. This proves, once again, the necessity of an integrated approach to Romanian grammar, in order to avoid confusion: although it is still a problem of morpho-syntax, grammatical homonymy must be studied in relation with semantics and phonetics, thus being a typical case of interrelation between the branches of any language.
Among the early institutions of theological education in Bessarabia, after the opening of premiere Chisinau Theological Seminary, second was the Orthodox Ecclesiastical School for Boys, founded as the result of reform of this Theological Seminary. Until the 1960s this school was the unique institution of this kind in the Romanian province. The author highlights that the term of study at the Orthodox Ecclesiastical School for Boys constituted four years. Relevant are his observations on the study process. According to it the school graduates had the right to enroll in the first class of the Theological Seminary. Are observed the main objects included in the school program - curriculum of the ecclesiastical school for boys in Chisinau and Edinet. The last one was founded after the decision of the Diocesan Congresses of years 1867 and 1869., 2017
Continuity of care is an important attribute of family medicine. Proper understanding of this concept allows a better organization of health care, with lower costs and better outcomes, in terms of patient satisfaction and health. Continuity is not limited to the provision of out-of-hours health care, but offers the integration of the patient’s information at the level of the family doctor. Continuity improves the quality of care, provides trust in the medical act, builds a long-term patient-doctor partnership, sometimes throughout their lives. Providing services through the out-of-hours centers is a pragmatic solution to the modern way of life, whereby the state is trying to provide health care to the population during periods when the primary care offices are closed. But their organization must respect the principle of continuity and not lead to the fragmentation of medical care.
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2016
Education a soul, shaping it, does not only involve guiding it towards an informational system based on acquiring knowledge, but also towards a formative system of embracing the moral values. As the soul bears the image of God, school must use the religious element in order to stimulate the students conscience. The religious education has an important role in shaping one's character, but parents should also create a proper environment for producing a spiritual state favourable to morality. There have been major changes lately in the relationship between parents and children and they tend to increase as children grow up. Some of the causes have been identified in the research I starded in 2011 by aplying questionnaires to parents of secondary and high school students. Both parents and teachers should be involved in establishinganefficient social communication. This is the reason why we have searched for concrete ways for achieving an efficient partnership between family and school.
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
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