A Religiosidade Trinitária do povo goiano


EnglishThis article intends to insert the reader within the universe of popular Catholicism in the state of Goias in Brazil through three dimensions: the popular cult of God as father which is called in Goias the Divino Pai Eterno in the city of Trindade; the devotion of the Son called Bom Jesus dos Passos in the city of Goias and at last, the cult of Holy Spirit as it is shown in the city of Pirinopolis during a festivity known as Festa das Cavalhadas. In central region of Brazil the popular religiosity, the sacred and the profane appear mixed. This research clarifies that people does not separate their faith from their everyday experiences. People from Cerrado land knows both how to suspend temporarily the hardness of daily life and to dive into the state of grace. They come out from that experience fulfilled with the necessary energy to deal with the vicissitudes their lives impose upon them. In Goias the religious scene is marked by the festivities described in this article alon...