EEG Waves for Robotics and Prosthesis Grasping and Motorization

International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing


He is also a member of Bahrain NATIONAL Higher Education Skills-Innovation Steering Committee. Back on 1986, he received the bachelor of science in electrical eng. from University of Bahrain, pursued studies for MSc. in electronics in 1988 in University of Southampton, and in 1994, he was awarded a Ph.D. in cybernetics, robotics control from University of Reading with supervision of Prof. K. Warwick, professor of cybernetics. He worked on 13 research projects, including King Saud University Robotics Project, KSA. He supervised a number of (Ph.D., M.Sc., Undergraduate) students, and is currently working towards Brainwaves Decoding and Learning for robotics hand control. He got lots of awards, including