A Note on the Allative Ventive in Connection


The ventive is primarily a means of spatial and not “personal ” deixis (with K. passim), but it is different from deictic words of this ~ that, here ~ there type: the latter point to (the location of) the participants of a situation vis-à-vis the speaker, whereas the (+/–) ventive localizes (or, rather, orients) the situation or “fact ” (action, process or state) itself— primarily also vis-à-vis the speaker. That is why the ventive does not agree with personal arguments. Thus, in German the spatial deixis has two elements: dieser/hier vs. jener/dort, while the verb’s spatial orientation includes three gram-memes denoted by verbal prefixes: ‘hither ’ (her-) ~ ‘whither ’ (hin-) ~ Ø. Thus, heraufsteigen ~ hinaufsteigen ~ steigen.