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Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the intended recipient knows of the existence of the message. In today’s world, it is widely used in order to secure the information. Since digital forensics aims to detect, recover and examine the digital evidence and steganography is a method for hiding digital evidence, detecting the steganography is an important step in digital forensics process. In this paper, the traditional spectral estimation methods are introduced. The performance analysis of each method is examined by comparing all of the spectral estimation methods. Finally, from utilising those performance analyses, a brief pros and cons of the spectral estimation methods are given. Also we give a steganography demo by hiding information into a sound signal and manage to pull out the information (i.e. the true frequency of the information signal) from the sound by means of the spectral estimation methods.
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1108.2152, 2011
Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the intended recipient knows of the existence of the message. In today's world, it is widely used in order to secure the information. In this paper, the traditional spectral estimation methods are introduced. The performance analysis of each method is examined by comparing all of the spectral estimation methods. Finally, from utilizing those performance analyses, a brief pros and cons of the spectral estimation methods are given. Also we give a steganography demo by hiding information into a sound signal and manage to pull out the information (i.e, the true frequency of the information signal) from the sound by means of the spectral estimation methods.
Steganography means, a method for hiding secret information for example password text or image inside a cover file. In this paper, a combination of audio steganography and image steganography is used and also forensic technique is used for authentication. The aim is to hide secret data in the audio and image of a video file. Video has so many still frames of image and audio, we can select any frame for hiding our data. Two algorithms can be used for this purpose.4LSB for image steganography and phase coding algorithm for audio steganography.
Steganography is the art of covered or hidden text message. The purpose of steganography is covert communicationto hide the existence of a secret message from a third party. This paper is intnded as a high-level technical introduction to steganography for those unfamiliar with the field. It is directed at forensic computer examiners who need a practical understanding of steganography without study into the mathematical, although references are provided to many of the ongoing research for the person who needs or wants additional detail covered by audiovideo file. Although in this paper gives a historical context for steganography, the significance is on digital applications use anti Forensics technique, focusing on hiding information in online audio and video files. Examples for tools of software that employ steganography to hide data inside of audio-video file as well as software to detect such hidden files will also be presented. Suitable algorithm such as LSB is used for image steganography suitable parameter of security and authentication is like PSNR, histogram are obtained at transmitter\sende and receiver side which are exactly identical, hence data security can be increased. This paper focus on the idea of computer anti forensics technique and its use of video steganography in both investigative and security manner.
IJCSIS Vol. 18 No. 5 May 2020 Issue, 2020
Abstract—In this study, we present how digital steganography can be analyzed in computer forensic. Computer forensics is a scientific study of computers in a manner consistent with the principles of the rules of evidence and court rules of procedure. Steganography is a state of art that is used for hiding information within different media. In this paper, we will discuss how the criminal can use steganography to hide evidence and tracks, and how the steganalysis for computer forensic can be done. There are different types of steganography, such as image, text, video, and audio steganography, all will be discussed in detail. The paper will focus on how the investigator can detect the steganography in all its forms using several techniques. The main goal of this paper is to assist computer forensics investigators in knowing how the criminals can conduct their crimes and obscure evidence from computer systems using steganography techniques. Index Terms—Steganography, Forensics, Detection
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2019
The present work carries out a descriptive analysis of the main steganography techniques used in specific digital media such as audio and image files. For this purpose, a literary review of the domains, methods, and techniques as part of this set was carried out and their functioning, qualities, and weaknesses are identified. Hence, it is concluded that there is a wide relationship between audio and image steganography techniques in their implementation form. Nevertheless, it is determined that LSB is one of the weakest techniques, but the safest and the most robust technique within each type of the presented medium.
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 2017
Steganography is the method of hiding any secret information like password, text and image, audio behind original cover file. Original message is converted into cipher text by using secret key and then hidden into the LSB of original image. The proposed system provides audio-video cryptostegnography which is the combination of image steganography and audio steganography using Forensics Technique as a tool to authentication. The main aim is to hide secret information behind image and audio of video file. As video is the application of many still frames of images and audio, we can select any frame of video and audio for hiding our secret data. Suitable algorithm such as AES is used for image steganography suitable parameter of security and authentication, hence data security can be increased. And for data embedding we use 4LSB algorithm.
Steganography is used to encrypt any secret information like password, text and picture, audio behind original cover file. Original message is converted into cipher text by using mystery key and then hidden into the LSB of original image. The current work signifies cryptostegnography of audio and video which is the combination of image steganography, audio and video steganography by making use of Forensics Technique as a tool for authentication. The main aim is to hide secret data behind image and audio of video file. As video is the utilization of many still frames of images and audio, thus for hiding secret information any frames can be selected for audio and video. Suitable algorithm such as AES for security and authentication image processing is used, hence data security can be increased. And for data embedding, use 4LSB algorithm
International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 2015
Steganography is the technique of hiding any secret information like data, password and image behind any cover file. In this paper we propose a method which is an audio-video crypto steganography system which is the combination of audio steganography and video steganography using some computer forensic technique for the secure communication. Our motto is to hide confidential information behind image and audio of video file. Since video contains the audio file as well as many still frames of images i.e. video frames. We can select a particular frame and audio from video file for hiding our secret information.LSB algorithm can be used for image steganography and RLSB algorithm can be used for audio steganography. Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm can be used for encryption and decryption of data. With the help of parameter appropriate parameters like PSNR value, histogram is obtained at both the receiver side and transmitter sides which are found to be identical at both ends for ...
Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity. Steganography works by replacing bits of useless or unused data in regular computer files (such as graphics, sound, text, HTML, or even floppy disks) with bits of different, invisible information. This hidden information can be plain text, cipher text, or even images. In a computer-based audio Steganography system, secret messages are embedded in digital sound. The secret message is embedded by slightly altering the binary sequence of a sound file. Existing audio Steganography software can embed messages in WAV, AU, and even MP3 sound files. Embedding secret messages in digital sound is usually a more difficult process than embedding messages in other media, such as digital images. These methods range from rather simple algorithms that insert information in the form of signal noise to more powerful methods that exploit sophisticated signal processing techniques to hide information.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2009
To improve a recently developed mel-cepstrum audio steganalysis method, we present in this paper a method based on Fourier spectrum statistics and mel-cepstrum coefficients, derived from the second-order derivative of the audio signal. Specifically, the statistics of the high-frequency spectrum and the mel-cepstrum coefficients of the second-order derivative are extracted for use in detecting audio steganography. We also design a wavelet-based spectrum and mel-cepstrum audio steganalysis. By applying support vector machines to these features, unadulterated carrier signals (without hidden data) and the steganograms (carrying covert data) are successfully discriminated. Experimental results show that proposed derivative-based and wavelet-based approaches remarkably improve the detection accuracy. Between the two new methods, the derivative-based approach generally delivers a better performance.
Information hiding is a technique that embeds secret information into digital contents such as images, audios, movies, documents, etc. This work presents an anti-forensic steganography method that can embed and extract messages from images, which uses the same principle of LSB. The proposed model combines cryptography and steganography. First, the secret information are encrypted using Rijndael Encryption Algorithm. Then, the cover image is divided into several matrices. The number of matrices will be determining by a user, by entering a number, which will also be used to generate a set of random numbers. However, these random numbers will be the index to hiding the encrypted data bits randomly in the least significant bits of pixel channels. This randomization is expected to increase the security of the system as well as the capacity. The metric used for image quality are Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Correlation Coefficient (Corr). Experimental results show that the proposed method can provide high data security and capacity.
International journal of scientific research in computer science, engineering and information technology, 2022
Electronically communicating has increased in the covid scenario giving birth too numerous new styles to transmit information securely and robustly. So to achieve communication in secured way audio steganography can be used. Audio steganography is a method to hide text message in audio. In this paper, comparison between Least Significant bit (LSB) and phase encoding steganographic methods are carried out by implementing these techniques. Also the audio extraction features like amplitude envelope, Root mean squared energy, Zero crossing rate, Band energy ratio, Spectral centroid, Spectral bandwidth and mfccs.
secondary message in the presence of a primary message. It is a sub-discipline of information hiding that focuses on concealing the existence of messages. Digital audio is stored on a computer as a sequence of 0's and 1's with the right tools, it is possible to change the individual bits that make up a digital audio file. Such precise control allows changes to be made to the binary sequence that are not discernible to the human ear. In a computer-based audio steganography system, secret messages are embedded by slightly altering the binary sequence of a sound file. We propose complete steganography on wav audio files using four stages of genetic algorithm – Encryption, Modulation, Decryption and Demodulation. We can hide any text within the layer of data structure of wav files.
Today's internet community the secure data transfer is bounded due to its attack on data communication. Security of data can be achieved by implementing steganography techniques. All of the existing steganographic techniques use the digital multimedia files as a cover medium to conceal secret data. Audio file use as a cover medium in steganography because of its larger size compare to other carrier's file such as text, image. So there are more possibilities to hide large amount of data inside digital audio file. Signals and digital audio files make suitable mediums for steganography because of its high level of redundancy and high data transmission rate. This is not easy to hide data in real time communication audio signals. In this paper we will survey the overall principles of hiding secret data in audio file using audio data hiding techniques, and deliver an overview of present techniques and functions and also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of audio steganography methods. In this paper we have proposed a new method of audio steganography incorporating encryption and pseudorandom sequence as a key. The secret data has been encrypted using RSA and pseudorandom sequence. The encrypted data is then embedded in the audio signals. The use of the pseudorandom sequence increases the complexity of the encryption and the RSA algorithm gives a very tight cipher design.
Audio as a cover mediu m in steganography has its own place due to its bigger size compare to other carrier's file like (text, image, etc.). So there are more possibilities to hide large amount of data inside audio as a cover. There are also some inherent characteristics in Hu man Auditory System (HAS), which make it great success in field of Steganogarphy. Dig ital contents are easy to be pirated and to be distributed in today's world. Recently created technology on web increases the rate of data transmission, open new possibilit ies for audio steganography. Digital steganography is based on the fact that artifacts like audio files contain redundant informat ion, so instead of eliminating the redundant information, we replace some of it with other data based on human auditory system. Audio steganography, or information hiding in audio signals, is gaining widespread importance for secure communication of informat ion such as covert battlefield data. On another level, watermarking of audio signals for digital rights management is becoming vital to prevent illegal copying, file sharing, etc. In fact, when co mmunicat ion about highly confidential topics is needed, steganography combined with cryptography would be the most secure way to go. Because the mere existence of an encrypted communication draws attention to it, hiding it in another file ups your security level substantially. In this paper we will take an in-depth look at this technology by introducing the reader to various existent methods of Audio Steganography, its practical applications, what works, what does not, and possible research areas.
The rapid development of multimedia and internet allows for wide distribution of digital media data. It becomes much easier to edit, modify and duplicate digital information. Besides that, digital documents are also easy to copy and distribute, therefore it will be faced by many threats. It is a big security and privacy issue, it become necessary to find appropriate rotation because of the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the information. Steganography and Cryptography are considered as one of the techniques which are used to protect the important information, but both techniques have their pro's and con's. This paper aims to conquer their respective drawbacks and to achieve this we are using a double layer protection technique which is cryptography cum steganography approach.
In this paper, we propose an audio steganalysis method called reference based Fourier Spectrum Steganalysis. The mean values and the standard deviations of the high frequency spectrum of the second and high order derivatives are extracted from the testing signals and the reference versions. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed to discriminate the unadulterated carrier signals and the steganograms wherein covert messages were embedded. Experimental results show that our method delivers very good performance and holds great promise for effective detection of steganograms produced by Hide4PGP, Invisible Secrets, S-tools4 and Steghide.
Steganography which is normally used to solve security issues can be implemented using two processes, namely embedding and extracting. With current steganography methods it is not possible to ascertain and verify that the secret message has been attacked or otherwise. This paper proposes an enhanced secure method for audio steganography (SSAS) which can perform better than that proposed by Atoum et al . This proposed method has the capability to verify whether the secret message has been attacked or not, thus improving the message security. PSNR and X 2 are two criteria used in the experiment to gauge the robustness and imperceptibility of the stego-object file for the proposed SSAS.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Steganography is one of the anti-forensic techniques used by criminals to hide information in other messages which can cause problems in the investigation process and difficulties in obtaining original information evidence on the digital crime. Digital forensic analysts are required ability to find and extract the messages that have been inserted by using proper tools. The purpose of this research is to analyze the hidden digital evidence using steganography techniques. This research uses the static forensics method by applying five stages in the Generic Forensics Investigation Model framework, namely pre-process, acquisition & preservation, analysis, presentation, and postprocess as well as extracting files that have been infiltrated based on case scenarios involving digital crime. The tools used are FTK Imager, Autopsy, WinHex, Hiderman, and StegSpy. The results on the steganographic file insertion experiment of 20 files indicate that StegSpy and Hiderman are effective on the steganographic analysis of digital evidence. StegSpy can detect the presence of secret messages with 85% success rate. The extraction process using Hiderman for 18 files with containing steganographic messages had 100% successful.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011
In this paper, we propose a new approach which is sophisticated for concealing the data. We are using Audio Steganography to make the confidential data more secure, so that the data cannot be tracked and modified by the intruders. To make the confidential data secure we are using efficient and reliable algorithms. This paper describes how the data is secured form the intruders even though they trace the audio file which contains the confidential data.
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