Initial Boundary and Telicity in the Semantics of Perfectivity


The main purpose of this paper is to explore inceptive/inchoative verbs in view of the dominating current theories of aspectuality. In section 1 I provide a sketchy and selective overview of standard approaches to aspectual distinctions. In section 2 I review the Slavic aspectual system to set the background for exploring the relationship between Slavic aspectual contrasts and telicity in section 3. Then in section 4 I proceed to investigate inceptive/inchoative verbs. I demonstrate that in Slavic languages there is a systematic alternation between inceptive/inchoative verbs and stative verbs expressed by perfective and imperfective forms respectively. I conclude that this alternation is similar in many respects to the well recognized alternation between perfective and imperfective action verbs (i.e., telic and atelic events) also expressed by the perfective and imperfective forms respectively. This leads into the direction of postulating a symmetric approach to aspectual distinctions where initial boundary phenomena are a mirror image of final boundary phenomena.