The Italian Data Buoy Network


The Italian Data Buoy Network consists of 15 oceanographic buoys, deployed along Italian coasts, on a seabed 100 meters deep. It collects directional sea wave data, meteorological data, sea surface temperature and in some cases quality parameters. Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and hyperspectral probes will be added in the future. The network will be also the main framework for tsunami wave study in the central Mediterranean Sea, and an early technological platform to study low-frequency sea motion detected in open sea using high-precision, multichannel, multisatellite GPS/Glonass/Galileo receivers and sea bottom instrumentation equipped with nano-resolution pressure sensors. Keywords: Data buoys, coastal management, directional wave measurement, gravity waves, physical oceanography, iSSH, SST, tide, tidal waves, tsunami.