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A method to find hard logic synthesis examples with known upper bound is presented. The circuits can be small and yet difficult to synthesize. Any area-related metric can be used in finding the circuits and testing synthesis tools. The hardness of the examples is robust with respect to the metric used and to minor alterations in the circuit.
In this paper we introduce a new set of example circuits, primarily intended for using in logic synthesis and optimization, mostly for testing and benchmarking purposes. Basically, the proposed set of circuits is a collection of former popular benchmark sets. By putting these circuits together, we have formed a more comprehensive, but unified and well-arranged set of example circuits, from which a user can select circuits (or the whole benchmarks) upon his wishes and needs. The collection comprises of several sets, which, even though they sometimes contain the same circuits, are customized to particular needs of the user. This paper documents the example set, together with origins of its parts, and statistics on the circuits are provided.
Abstract The development of EDA tools is driven by the desire to find near-optimal solutions for circuits of increasing size. However, quantifying sub-optimality and scalability of optimization heuristics is non-trivial. We follow related developments in physical design where tools for circuit partitioning and placement miss optimal solutions by up to a factor of two on multi-million-gate netlists.
Digest of technical papers /, 2002
The ultimate goal of logic synthesis is to explore implementation flexibility toward meeting design targets, such as area, power, and delay. Traditionally, such flexibility is expressed using "don't cares" and we seek the best implementation that does not violate them. However, the calculation and storing of don't care information is CPU and memory-intensive. In this paper, we give an overview of logic synthesis approaches based on techniques developed for Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG). Instead of calculating and storing don't cares explicitly, ATPG-based logic synthesis techniques calculate the flexibility implicitly. Low CPU and memory usage make those techniques applicable for practical industrial circuits. Also, the basic ATPG-based logic level operations create predictable, small layout perturbations, making an ideal foundation for efficient physical synthesis. Theoretical results show that an efficient, yet simple add-a-wire-and-remove-a-wire operation covers all possible complex logic transformations.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 1997
Mostproblems in logic synthesis are computationally hard, and are solved using heuristics. This often makes algorithms unstable ; if the input is changed slightly, the new result of synthesis can be significantly different. A designer can spend much effort hand-optimizing a circuit, so it is desirable to retain as much of this human insight as possible. This motivates the need for incremental synthesis. We propose a re-synthesis algorithm, which allows the designer to designate non-resynthesizable portions of a circuit. We define the concept of minimal change caused by re synthesis, i.e. given a functional change to the circuit, we examine the minimal change to implement this change. For the evaluation of a region for re-synthesis we present techniques for evaluating the "sensitivity" or gain possible with resynthesis of a set of nodes. We conclude with experimental results and future directions.
Objective of this paper is to present historiography of logic switching circuits. The research mainly focuses on chronological development and application of logic in the field of electronic and computer applications. This paper briefly discussed on the basic needs of logic synthesis and also discuss few interesting facts and design consideration regarding logic synthesis. It also enhances student’s deep understanding of different logic function minimization technique during a lecture and practical implementation.
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 2002. ICCAD 2002., 2002
The ultimate goal of logic synthesis is to explore implementation flexibility toward meeting design targets, such as area, power, and delay. Traditionally, such flexibility is expressed using "don't cares" and we seek the best implementation that does not violate them. However, the calculation and storing of don't care information is CPU and memory-intensive. In this paper, we give an overview of logic synthesis approaches based on techniques developed for Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG). Instead of calculating and storing don't cares explicitly, ATPG-based logic synthesis techniques calculate the flexibility implicitly. Low CPU and memory usage make those techniques applicable for practical industrial circuits. Also, the basic ATPG-based logic level operations create predictable, small layout perturbations, making an ideal foundation for efficient physical synthesis. Theoretical results show that an efficient, yet simple add-a-wire-and-remove-a-wire operation covers all possible complex logic transformations.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020
Approximate synthesis is a recent trend in logic synthesis where one changes some outputs of a logic specification, within the error tolerance of a given application, to reduce the complexity of the final implementation. We attack the problem by exploiting the allowed flexibility in order to maximize the regularity of the specified Boolean functions. Specifically, we consider two types of regularity: symmetry and D-reducibility, and contribute two algorithms to find, respectively, a symmetric and a D-reducible approximation of a given target function f , within the given error rate threshold if possible. When targeting symmetry, we characterize and compute polynomially the closest symmetric approximation, i.e., the symmetric function obtained by injecting the minimum number of errors in the original incompletely specified Boolean function, with an unbounded number of errors; then, we discuss strategies to achieve partial symmetrization of the original specification while satisfying given error bounds. Finally, we present a polynomial heuristic algorithm to compute a D-reducible approximation of an incompletely specified target function, under a bit error metric. Experimental results on classical and new benchmarks confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2008
During synthesis of circuits for Boolean functions area, delay and testability are optimization goals that often contradict each other. Multi-level circuits are often quite small while circuits with low depth are often larger regarding the area requirements. A different optimization goal is good testability which can usually only be achieved by additional hardware overhead.
32nd Design Automation Conference, 1995
We propose a synthesis method that modifies a given circuit to reduce the number of gates and the number of paths in the circuit. The synthesis procedure is based on replacing subcircuits of the given circuit by structures called comparison units. Comparison units are fully testable for stuck-at faults and for path delay faults. In addition, they have small numbers of paths and gates. These properties make them effective building blocks for synthesis of testable circuits. Experimental results demonstrate reductions in the number of gates and paths and increased path delay fault testability. The random pattern testability for stuck-at faults remains unchanged.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2000
A (k; K) circuit is one which can be decomposed into nonintersecting blocks of gates where each block has no more than K external inputs, such that the graph formed by letting each block be a node and inserting edges between blocks if they share a signal line, is a partial k-tree. (k; K) circuits are special in that they have been shown to be testable in time polynomial in the number of gates in the circuit, and are useful if the constants k and K are small. We demonstrate a procedure to synthesise (k; K) circuits from a special class of Boolean expressions.
Logic Programming languages and combinational circuit synthesis tools share a common "combinatorial search over logic formulae" background. This paper attempts to reconnect the two fields with a fresh look at Prolog encodings for the combinatorial objects involved in circuit synthesis. While benefiting from Prolog's fast unification algorithm and built-in backtracking mechanism, efficiency of our search algorithm is ensured by using parallel bitstring operations together with logic variable equality propagation, as a mapping mechanism from primary inputs to the leaves of candidate DAGs implementing a combinational circuit specification. Using a new exact synthesizer that automatically induces minimal universal boolean function libraries, we introduce two indicators for comparing their expressiveness: the first, based on how many gates are used to synthesize all binary operators, the second based on how many N-variable truth table values are covered by combining up to M gates from the library. By applying the indicators to an exhaustive enumeration of minimal universal libraries, two dual asymmetrical operations, Logic Implication "⇒" and Half XOR "<" are found to consistently outperform their symmetrical counterparts, NAND and NOR. Our expressiveness metrics bring support to the conjecture that asymmetrical operators are significantly more expressive that their well studied symmetric counterparts, omnipresent in various circuit design tools.
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2006
This paper presents a constructive synthesis algorithm for any n-qubit reversible function. Given any nqubit reversible function, there are N distinct input patterns different from their corresponding outputs, where N ≤ 2 n , and the other (2 n − N) input patterns will be the same as their outputs. We show that this circuit can be synthesized by at most 2n • N '(n − 1)'-CNOT gates and 4n 2 • N NOT gates. The time complexity of our algorithm has asymptotic upper bound O(n • 4 n). The space complexity of our synthesis algorithm is also O(n • 2 n). The computational complexity of our synthesis algorithm is exponentially lower than the complexity of breadthfirst search based synthesis algorithm.
Approximate synthesis is a recent trend in logic synthesis that changes some outputs of a logic specification to take advantage of error tolerance of some applications and reduce complexity and consumption of the final implementation. We propose a new approach to approximate synthesis of combinational logic where we derive its closest symmetric approximation, i.e., the symmetric function obtained by injecting the minimum number of errors in the original function. Since BDDs of totally symmetric functions are quite compact, this approach is particularly convenient for BDD-based implementations, such as networks of MUXes directly mapped from BDDs. Our contribution is twofold: first we propose a polynomial algorithm for computing the closest symmetric approximation of an incompletely specified Boolean function with an unbounded number of errors; then we discuss strategies to achieve partial symmetrization of the original specification while satisfying given error bounds. Experimental results on classical and new benchmarks confirm the efficacy of the proposed approach.
Recently, it has been shown that synthesis of some circuits is quite difficult for conventional methods. In this paper we present a method of minimization of multi-level logic networks which can solve these difficult circuit instances. The synthesis problem is transformed on the search problem. A search algorithm called Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) is applied to synthesize various difficult circuits. Conventional circuit synthesis usually fails for these difficult circuits; specific synthesis processes must be employed to obtain satisfactory results. We have found that CGP is able to implicitly discover new efficient circuit structures. Thus, it is able to optimize circuits universally, regardless their structure. The circuit optimization by CGP has been found especially efficient when applied to circuits already optimized by a conventional synthesis. The total runtime is reduced, while the result quality is improved further more.
Abstract Traditional digital circuit synthesis flows start from an HDL behavioral definition and assume that circuit functions are almost completely defined, making don't-care conditions rare. However, recent design methodologies do not always satisfy these assumptions. For instance, third-party IP blocks used in a system-on-chip are often overdesigned for the requirements at hand.
This chapter investigates some restructuring techniques based on decomposition and factorization, with the objective to move critical signals toward the output while minimizing area. A speci c application is synthesis for minimum switching activity (or high performance), with minimum area penalty, where decompositions with respect to speci c critical variables are needed (the ones of highest switching activity, for example). In order to reduce the power consumption of the circuit, the number of gates that are affected by the switching activity of critical signals is maintained constant. This chapter describes new types of factorization that extend Shannon cofactoring and are based on projection functions that change the Hamming distance among the original minterms to favor logic minimization of the component blocks. Moreover, the proposed algorithms generate and exploit don't care conditions in order to further minimize the nal circuit. The related implementations, called P-circuits, show experimentally promising results in area with respect to classical Shannon cofactoring.
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2014
The reversible circuit synthesis problem can be reduced to permutation group. This allows Schreier–Sims algorithm for the strong generating set-finding problem to be used to find tight bounds on the synthesis of 3-bit reversible circuits using the NFFr library. The tight bounds include the maximum and minimum length of 3-bit reversible circuits, the maximum and minimum cost of 3-bit reversible circuits. The analysis shows better results than that found in the literature for the lower bound of the cost. The analysis also shows that there are 2460 universal reversible sub-libraries from the main NFFr library.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Logic Programming languages and combinational circuit synthesis tools share a common "combinatorial search over logic formulae" background. This paper attempts to reconnect the two fields with a fresh look at Prolog encodings for the combinatorial objects involved in circuit synthesis. While benefiting from Prolog's fast unification algorithm and built-in backtracking mechanism, efficiency of our search algorithm is ensured by using parallel bitstring operations together with logic variable equality propagation, as a mapping mechanism from primary inputs to the leaves of candidate Leaf-DAGs implementing a combinational circuit specification. After an exhaustive expressiveness comparison of various minimal libraries, a surprising first-runner, Strict Boolean Inequality "<" together with constant function "1" also turns out to have small transistor-count implementations, competitive to NAND-only or NORonly libraries. As a practical outcome, a more realistic circuit synthesizer is implemented that combines rewriting-based simplification of (<, 1) circuits with exhaustive Leaf-DAG circuit search.
ArXiv, 2017
Synthesis of reversible logic circuits has gained great atten- tion during the last decade. Various synthesis techniques have been pro- posed, some generate optimal solutions (in gate count) and are termed as exact, while others are scalable in the sense that they can handle larger functions but generate sub-optimal solutions. Although scalable synthe- sis is very much essential for circuit design, exact synthesis is also of great importance as it helps in building design library for the synthesis of larger functions. In this paper, we propose an exact synthesis technique for re- versible circuits using model checking. We frame the synthesis problem as a model checking instance and propose an iterative bounded model checking calls for an optimal synthesis. Experiments on reversible logic benchmarks shows successful synthesis of optimal circuits. We also illus- trate optimal synthesis of random functions with as many as 10 variables and up to 10 gates.
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2014
In this paper, a novel method to synthesize circuits based on threshold logic gates (TLG) is proposed. Synthesis considering TLGs is quite relevant, since threshold logic has been revisited as a promising alternative to conventional CMOS integrated circuits due to its suitability to emerging technologies, such as tunneling diodes, memristors and spintronics devices. A constructive process is applied to generate optimized TLG networks taking into account multiple goals and design costs, including gate count, logic depth and number of interconnections. Experiments carried out over MCNC benchmark circuits have shown an average gate count reduction of circa 32%, reaching up to 54% in some cases, in comparison to related approaches.
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