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2014, 2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design
This paper presents a novel ATPG and test compression algorithm based on Pseudo-Boolean (PBO) optimization. Similarly to SAT-based ATPGs, the test for each fault is represented implicitly as a PBO instance. The optimization process solves the problem of maximizing the number of unspecified values in the test. A novel don't care aware circuit-to-PBO conversion procedure is presented. The obtained unspecified values in the test are efficiently exploited in test compression. The produced compressed test sequence is suited for the RESPIN decompression architecture, thus for testing systems-on-chip. The presented experimental results show the efficiency and competitiveness of the proposed method.
16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (Dsd 2013), 2013
This paper presents a novel ATPG algorithm directly producing compressed test patterns. It benefits both from the features of satisfiability-based techniques and symbolic simulation. The ATPG is targeted to architectures comprised of interconnected embedded cores, particularly to the RESPIN architecture. We show experimentally that the proposed ATPG significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of the test compression ratio.
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2014
Both test compression tools and ATPGs directly producing compressed test greatly benefit from don't care values present in the test. Actually, presence of these don't cares is essential for success of the compression. Contemporary ATPGs produce tests having more than 97% of don't cares for large industrial circuits, thus high compression ratios can be expected. However, these don't cares are placed in the test in an "uninformed" way. There are many possibilities of constructing a complete test for a circuit, while the ATPG chooses just one particular, without respect to the subsequent compression process. Therefore, the don't cares cannot be fully exploited. In this paper we show how severe this issue is. A novel ATPG algorithm directly producing compressed test patterns for the RESPIN decompression architecture is presented. Test don't cares are placed in an informed way, so that they are maximally exploited by compression. We compare the results with several ways of uninformed don't care generation to show the benefits of the proposed method. Results for the ISCAS and ITC'99 benchmark circuits are shown and compared to state-of-the-art test compression techniques.
10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2003. ICECS 2003. Proceedings of the 2003, 2003
One of the major challenges in testing a System-on-a-Chip (SOC) is dealing with the large test data size. To reduce the volume of test data, several efficient test data compression techniques have been recently proposed. In this paper, we propose hybrid test compression techniques that combine the Geometric-Primitives-Based compression technique with the frequency-directed run-length (FDR) and extended frequencydirected run-length (EFDR) coding techniques. Based on experimental results, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid compression techniques in increasing the test data compression ratios over those obtained by the Geometric-Primitives-Based compression technique.
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2003
Testing system-on-chips involves applying huge amounts of test data, which is stored in the tester memory and then transferred to the chip under test during test application. Therefore, practical techniques, such as test compression and compaction, are required to reduce the amount of test data in order to reduce both the total testing time and memory requirements for the tester. In this paper, a new approach to static compaction for combinational circuits, referred to as test vector decomposition (TVD), is proposed. In addition, two new TVD based static compaction algorithms are presented. Experimental results for benchmark circuits demonstrate the effectiveness of the two new static compaction algorithms.
This paper describes a low-power (LP) programmable generator capable of producing pseudorandom test patterns with desired toggling levels and enhanced fault coverage gradient compared with the best-to-date built-in self-test (BIST)-based pseudorandom test pattern generators. It is comprised of a linear finite state machine (a linear feedback shift register or a ring generator) driving an appropriate phase shifter, and it comes with a number of features allowing this device to produce binary sequences with preselected toggling (PRESTO) activity. We introduce a method to automatically select several controls of the generator offering easy and precise tuning. The same technique is subsequently employed to deterministically guide the generator toward test sequences with improved fault-coverage-to pattern-count ratios. Furthermore, this paper proposes an LP test compression method that allows shaping the test power envelope in a fully predictable, accurate, and flexible fashion by adapting the PRESTO-based logic BIST (LBIST) infrastructure. The proposed hybrid scheme efficiently combines test compression with LBIST, where both techniques can work synergistically to deliver high quality tests. Experimental results obtained for industrial designs illustrate the feasibility of the proposed test schemes and are reported herein.
Proceedings 19th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium. VTS 2001, 2001
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2011
Excessive power dissipation during VLSI testing results in over-testing, yield loss and heat damage of the device. For low power devices with advanced power management features and more stringent power budgets, power-aware testing is even more mandatory. Effective and efficient test set postprocessing techniques based on X-identification and power-aware X-filling have been proposed for external and embedded deterministic test. This work proposes a novel X-filling algorithm for combinational and broadcast-scan-based test compression schemes which have great practical significance. The algorithm ensures compressibility of test cubes using a SAT-based check. Compared to methods based on topological justification, the solution space of the compressed test vector is not pruned early during the search. Thus, this method allows much more precise low-power X-filling of test vectors. Experiments on benchmark and industrial circuits show the applicability to capture-power reduction during scan testing.
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2008
With the nano-scale technology, an system-on-chip (SOC) design may consist ooof many reusable cores from multiple sources. This causes that the complexity of SOC testing is much higher than that of conventional VLSI chip testing. One of the SOC test challenges is the test data reduction. This paper presents a multi-code compression (MCC) technique to reduce the volume of test data and the test application time . A multi-code decompressor for recovering the compressed test data is also proposed . Experimental results show that the MCC scheme can achieve higher compression ratio than single-code compression schemes. The area cost of the proposed multi-code decompressor is small-only about 3498ƒÊm2 based on TSMC 0.18ƒÊm standard cell technology.
Test power and test time have been the major issues for current scenario of VLSI testing. The hidden structure of IP cores in SoC has further exacerbated these problems. The test data compression is the well known method used to reduce the test time. The don't care bit filling method and test vector reordering method can be used for effective test data compression as well as reduction in scan power. In this paper, in beginning, the mixed approach adaptive algorithm for don't care bit filling is proposed which is developed to enhance both parameters i.e. the power reduction and compression ratio. After the bit filling, the vectors are reordered using Artificial Intelligence approach. The quality parameter used for reordering is Adaptive Weighted Transition Matrix (AWTM) considering both, scan-in-&-scan-out vectors. The modified selective Huffman coding is applied on the reordered vector set to give the optimum compression. The experimental results on ISCAS benchmark circuit proves that the proposed method gives the better compression as well as better power reduction.
2013 IEEE 31st VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2013
A highly efficient SOC test compression scheme which uses sequential linear decompressors local to each core is proposed. Test data is stored on the tester in compressed form and brought over the TAM to the core before being decompressed. Very high encoding efficiency is achieved by providing the ability to share free variables across test cubes being compressed at the same time as well as in subsequent time steps. The idea of retaining unused nonpivot free variables when decompressing one test cube to help for encoding subsequent test cubes that was introduced in [Muthyala 12] is applied here in the context of SOC testing. It is shown that in this application, a firstin first-out (FIFO) buffer is not required. The ability to retain excess free variables rather than wasting them when the decompressor is reset avoids the need for high precision in matching the number of free variables used for encoding with the number of care bits. This allows greater flexibility in test scheduling to reduce test time, tester storage, and control complexity as indicated by the experimental results. 2013 IEEE 31st VLSI Test Symposium (VTS)
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1988
Data compression is often used to reduce the complexity of test data in the area of fault diagnosis in digital systems. A data compression technique called self-testable and error-propagating space compression is proposed and analyzed. Faults in a realization of Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR gates are analyzed and the use of these gates in the design of self-testing and error-propagating space compres-
We propose a method for reducing test data volume of integrated circuits or cores in a System-on-Chip. This method is intended to reduce the required number of Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) output channels compared to the number of scan-in input pins in a classical multi-chain implementation (horizontal compression). Compression and decompression are based on arithmetic operations and structures which present a very low area overhead. The proposed compression scheme does not impact the fault coverage achieved by the original test sequence before compression.
The two major areas of concern in the testing of VLSI circuits are Test data volume and excessive test power. Among the many different compression coding schemes proposed till now, the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) lossless data compression scheme is one of the best. This paper discusses the techniques that test data compression scheme based on lossless data compression Rice Algorithm as recommended by the CCSDS for the reduction of required test data amount to be stored on the tester, which will be transferred during manufacturing testing to each core in a system-on-a-chip (SOC). In the proposed scheme, the test vectors for the SOC are compressed by using Rice Algorithm, and by applying various binary encoding techniques. Experimental results show that the test data compression ratio for the larger ISCAS 89 Benchmark Circuits is significantly improved in comparison with existing methods.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2014
This paper presents a comprehensive hybrid test vector compression method for very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit testing, targeting specifically embedded coresbased system-on-chips (SoCs). In the proposed approach, a software program is loaded into the on-chip processor memory along with the compressed test data sets. To minimize on-chip storage besides testing time, the test data volume is first reduced by compaction in a hybrid manner before downloading into the processor. The method uses a set of adaptive coding techniques for realizing lossless compression. The compaction program need not to be loaded into the embedded processor, as only the decompression of test data is required for the automatic test equipment (ATE). The developed scheme necessitates minimal hardware overhead, while the on-chip embedded processor can be reused for normal operation on completion of testing. This paper reports results on studies of the problem and demonstrates the feasibility of the suggested methodology with simulation runs on the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 85 combinational and ISCAS 89 full-scan sequential benchmark circuits. Index Terms-Automatic test equipment (ATE), Burrows-Wheeler transformation (BWT), design-for-testability (DFT), frequency directed run-length coding, intellectual property (IP) core, system-on-chip (SoC) test. I. INTRODUCTION A N IMPORTANT objective to realize through elaborate testing of very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits and systems is to ensure that the manufactured products are free from defects and simultaneously guarantee that they meet deemed specifications. In addition, the information collected during the test process may help in an increase of the product yield by improving the process technology with consequent lowering of the production cost. The integrated circuit (IC) fabrication process involves various steps, viz., photolithography, printing, etching, and doping. In a real life
2009 Asian Test Symposium, 2009
ABSTRACT SAT-based automatic test pattern generation has several ad- vantages compared to conventional structural procedures, yet often yields too large test sets. We present a dynamic compaction procedure for SAT-based ATPG which utilizes internal data structures of the SAT solver to extract essen- tial fault detection conditions and to generate patterns which cover multiple faults. We complement this technique by a state-of-the-art forward-looking reverse-order simulation procedure. Experimental results obtained for an industrial benchmark circuit suite show that the new method outper- forms earlier static approaches by approximately 23%.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
This paper presents a software tool for test pattern compaction combined with compression of the test patterns to further reduce test data volume and time requirement. Usually the test set compaction is performed independently on test compression. We have implemented a test compaction and compression scheme that reorders test patterns previously generated in an ATPG in such a way that they are well suited for decompression. The compressed test sequence is decompressed in a scan chain. No design changes are required to be done in the functional part of the circuit. The tool is called COMPAS and it finds a sequence of overlapping patterns; each pattern detects a maximum number of circuit faults. Each pattern differs from the contiguous one in the first bit only, the remaining pattern bits are shifted for one position towards the last bit. The pattern first bits are stored in an external tester memory. The volume of stored data is substantially lower than in other comparable test pattern compression methods. The algorithm can be used for test data reduction in System on Chip testing using the IEEE P 1500 Standard extended by the RESPIN diagnostic access. Using this architecture the compressed test data are transmitted through a narrow test access mechanism from a tester to the tested SoC and the high volume decompressed test patterns are shifted through the high speed scan chains between the System on Chip (SoC) cores.
IET Computers & Digital Techniques
The test data volume (TDV) increases with increased target compression in scan compression and adds to the test cost. Increased TDV is the result of a dependency across scan flip-flops (SFFs) that resulted from compression architecture, which is absent in scan mode. The SFFs have uncompressible values logic-0 and logic-1 in many or most of the patterns contribute to the TDV. In the proposed new scan compression (NSC) architecture, SFFs are analysed from Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) patterns generated in a scan mode. The identification of SFFs to be moved out of the compression architecture is carried out based on the NSC. The method includes a ranking of SFFs based on the specified values present in the test patterns. The SFFs having higher specified values are moved out of the compression architecture and placed in the outside scan chain. The NSC is the combination of scan compression and scan mode. This method decides the percentage (%) of SFFs to be moved out of compression architecture and is less than 0.5% of the total SFFs present in the design to achieve a better result. The NSC reduces dependencies across the SFFs present in the test compression architecture. It reduces the TDV and test application time. The results show a significant reduction in the TDV up to 78.14% for the same test coverage. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2010
The growing size and complexity of VLSI circuits have made quality and reliability requirements increasingly stringent. The work presented in this paper investigates the application of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT)-based techniques to address two distinct VLSI testing activities, namely, test vector generation to excite stuck-open faults in CMOS circuits, and test vector generation for dynamic burn-in testing. The presence of a stuck-open fault renders an otherwise combinational logic gate sequential, therefore causing a malfunction of the integrated circuit. On the other hand, burn-in screening has been an integral part of semiconductors manufacturing to assure that reliability goals are achieved. The purpose of this type of testing is to apply to the device under test a set of input patterns which maximizes the circuits nodal activity, and by so doing causing an increase in its power dissipation that leads to device failures like electromigration and hot-carrier degradation at an early stage of the device operation.
CiiT International Journal of Software Engineering, 2012
To execute more number of programs for an efficient Soflware / Hardware platform, the internal circuitry flow is considered. The data can be of bits-number of times the bits arriving with different time intervals. In this paper, we illustrate about the compressed test data from the embedded cores in a system on a chip varies significantly during the testing process. A novel scheme has been implemented for compressed system on a chip testing based on time-multiplexing for the channels. Some / more of the channels can be introduced which can enable the sharing the data channels, on which the compressed seeds are passed to every embedded core (individual cores). The channels can be fewer / larger based on the amount of testing channels available. The uses of modular and scalable hardware for on-chip test control and test data compression have been used. We design an algorithmic model for test data compression that is applicable to system-on-chip devices comprising intellectual property-protected blocks.
Proceedings Twelfth International Conference on VLSI Design. (Cat. No.PR00013), 1999
Generalized Modified Positional Syndrome (GMPS), of order p, a new compaction scheme for test output data is presented. The order p determines the alising probability and the amount of hardware overhead required to implement the scheme. GMPS of order two gives an aliasing probability about an order of magnitude lower than the best scheme reported in literature with minimal extra hardware. A hardware realization scheme for GMPS has been presented. The scheme uses adders with feedback.
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