Memoria e conoscenza. Il castello di Belmonte in Calabria



Memory and knowledge. The castle of Belmonte in CalabriaA small A small village located in Italy on the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coast, Belmonte Calabro has its historic center with a typical medieval urban structure that has remained almost unchanged over the centuries and is characterized by the presence of the ruins of a castle and its surrounding environments whose. The planimetry succeeds to be identified because it is bordered by a wall, only partially preserved, pronounced by towers and marked by a road that, in its main points still existing, follows its development. The castle, built on the hill’s top of a tuff nature, in an elevated position respect to the urban core, had a plan with a roughly quadrangular shape with four imposing square towers. Of particular note is its curtain wall that originally had four doors, which opened in correspondence at the four cardinal points. In addition to having suffered several collapses in many parts of its structure due to the various earth...