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Volume 2 Issue 2
The Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance is a traditional dance originating from Trenggalek district, East Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to examine character education in the form of the Turonggo Yakso finger head using a descriptive qualitative approach. The strategy used in this study is snowball sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out by frank observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data collection was carried out in "Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo". Documents are obtained from photographs, interviews, and video observations. Data analysis used there are three ways, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the study show that character education is not only sourced from characters who have good character, but also in characters who have bad character, so that from bad characters, humans must avoid it so that they become good-character human beings. This concept is the background for the creation of the form of the Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018), 2019
Jaranan Turonggo Yakso is one of arts originally from Trenggalek. The study aims to describe character education of design and symbolic meaning in Jaranan Turonggo Yakso with using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling technique employed snowball sampling. Data were obtained from key informants. Research location was “Sanggar Turonggo Yakso Purwo Budoyo”, that is Pamrih and Mu’an residences, and documents obtained from photo, interview transcription and observation video. Technique of data collection were overt observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis included data reduction, data display, and data verification. Data validity utilized triangulation. The result of character education of design, and symbolic meaning of Jaranan Turonggo Yakso include bravery, noble personality, noble spirit, tolerance, friendship, socialistic, loving peace, and grateful.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Art and Arts Education (ICAAE 2018), 2019
Legong Keraton is a Balinese traditional classical dance. This dance is danced by three dancers; one of them becomes a female servant (Condong) for the king and queen. Yogyakarta is a place where the dance of Condong Legong Keraton develops. The dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta is danced separately with Legong Keraton due to the differences characteristic on the mastery process the learning between children in Yogyakarta and Bali. The learning process of the dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta is adjusted to the local cultural background and by instilling the character education value of the dance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the character education values in the dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta which is good to instill within children. In the process, there is combination the character education values between Yogyakarta and Bali. The particular study used qualitative research type with ethnographic methods. Based on findings, it concluded that the dance of Condong Legong Keraton has eighteen-character education and good for children, so it was relevant to implement in the dance learning process for children. The values are compassion, respect, sacrifice, dedication, courtesy, friendly, careful, dynamic, diligent, persistent, faithful, self-controlled, passionate, hard-working, responsible, brave to take the risk, respect the time and humble.
This article aims to reveal the education values in the Podang dance performance at Napar Nagari Koto Nan Gadang Payakumbuh City. The education values contained in the Podang dance performance are forms of Napar community life. The method used in this research is the ethnographic method. The qualitative data was collected through observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out by determining objects, conducting compound analysis, conducting focused analysis, and determining cultural themes. The results of the study show that in the Podang dance performance there are education values which are so important in social life in Napar. The manifestation of those is the value of religious education, moral education, social education and cultural education. These values are recognized and carried out today by the people of Napar so that these values become important even in the arts and become parts of the Podang Dance performance.
Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology, 2018
The aims of this research are to describe the form of students' character in studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance and describing the studying proccess of Gambang Semarang traditional dance in character building of elementary school students at South Semarang Subdistrict. The Sampling technique of this research uses purposive sampling which involves 30 students. To get data and information which relate to the problems which were analyzed, the researcher adopts techniques of observation, interviewing, documentation and field record. Data analysis technique which is used in this research is qualitative analysis. Results of this research are good characters which can influence the students as a result of following the studying activities of Gambang Semarang dance. There are some form of characters who appear as follows: students can reach an achievement, brave, they are able to control their emotions, they are able to socialize, skillful, appreciative, creative, discipline and responsible. Meanwhile, the implementation proccess of studying Gambang Semarang traditional dance is able to implant good attitude in the students. The success of studying proccess Gambang Semarang traditional dance overwhelms motivation, trains the students to be more creative, trains the students to be responsible, implants brave attitude and train appreciative attitude.
The tittle above shows that if a person learns a traditional dance of a specific community, they unconsciously learn about the culture and the moral values of the community too, which is beneficial to them. According to Hughes (2009), the learning process of traditional dance covers four different learning's ethics: (1) discipline; (2) courtesy and respect; (3) socialize and not arrogant; (4) consistency and confidence. This four ethics can be analyzed in an integrated manner on the textual and contextual of a traditional dance. Among other things: dancing is actually a skill capability that will not be achieved without strong discipline to practice continuously. Salam hormatin the form of squat's motion, both hands brought together in front of the chest or in the direction of the guest (organized into ten fingers) as initiating a traditional dance. This act is actually to educate the polite nature and mutual respect toward each other. Empirically, dance can be used as a med...
Jurnal seni tari/Jurnal Seni Tari, 2023
The Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo Association is located in Sombron Hamlet, Tlompakan Village, Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. The Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo Association in the course of the Jaran Kepang dance experienced development after the entry of the Songo dance in 1996. The problem that arose was the existence of external obstacles in the form of a lack of support from the people around regarding the views of dance art and maintenance of inventory of costumes, accompaniment or gamelan, and others. This study aims to analyze and describe the development of the form of the Jaran Kepang Dance at the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo Association from 1996-2018. As well as the factors that influenced the development of the Jaran Kepang Dance form at the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo Association from 1996-2018. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method that produces descriptive data. The research method used a qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study used three techniques, namely observation techniques, interview techniques and documentation techniques. Interviews in this study were conducted 4 times with different informants. Based on the results of research conducted at the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo community and the results of the discussion in chapter four, it can be concluded that the Jaran Kepang dance in the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo community experienced development after the entry of the Songo dance, developments took place from year to year. From 1996-2013 the Jaran Kepang dance form in the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo community still used movements that resembled Surakarta style dance movements, there was one dancer as the leader, then in 2013-2016, the Jaran Kepang dance form in the Langen Budi Sedyo Utomo community began to experience a variety of developments. movement and mining 1 Manggolo Yudho and 3 lead soldiers. In 2016-2018 the development of dance moves has been detailed because the movements have been updated by trainers who are more professional in their field. Developments can also be seen in costumes, makeup, and accompaniment.
Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2021
One of the art variants of Reyog Ponorogo is Reyog Obyog. One of the dance components is the jatil dance (horse braid) which is performed by women. In this dance, what was originally a satirical visualization transformed into an "erotic" dance and subsequently gave birth to a "negative" image of the Jatil Obyog dancer as a cheap woman which then gave birth to exploitative and subordinative treatment. Meanwhile, on the other hand, jatil obyog dance contains very strategic character values to be used as a model for character education based on the local wisdom of Reyog Ponorogo. This study used a qualitative method with a feminist approach to finding a character education model for the Jatil Obyog dancers. This research found the following findings: (1) patriarchal culture has created a negative image of the Jatil Obyog dancers; (2) the character values of the Jatil Obyog dance, which is self-confidence, optimistic, never giving up, creative, and orderly, are very strategic as pillars of the gender perspective character education model; (3) A gender perspective character education model based on local wisdom of the Reyog Obyog Jatil dance is an alternative character education development for prevention and overcoming violence against female jatil dancers in Reyog Ponorogo art..
People use language to share ideas, to express the feelings, and to communicate with other people. They communicate through spoken or written language or even gestures. PeoplesÂ’ language is close it related to culture. Traditional dance is one of cultures which are inherited for generations. Traditional dance such as Gandrung Javanese traditional dance involves the movement of all parts of the body or gestures that have meaning. The purposes of this study were to describe the gestures used by the dancer in Gandrung Javanese traditional dance and to describe the meanings of the gestures used by the dancer in Gandrung Javanese traditional dance. This study used qualitative as the research design because the writer used the word to answer the research questions by using interview and observation as the instruments and to describe the social phenomena related to the meaning of the gestures used by the dancer in Gandrung Javanese traditional dance. The finding showed that the gestures u...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH 2018), 2019
Instead of having natural wealth, Indonesia has large cultural diversities, religions, and ethnic groups. Kethek Ogleng dance is one of those cultural diversities, containing local wisdom values. Descriptive qualitative research design was implemented in this study, by using Kethek Ogleng dance as the research object. Kethek Ogleng dance was created by Sutiman, a man from Tokawi, Nawangan, Pacitan at 1962. The research result showed that the local wisdom values are attached into four elements: the dancer, the accompanist, the staging, and the story.
IAEME, 2019
One effort to preserve and preserve a culture is to study it. Because through a study will give more understanding of the values contained in the culture. One of the interesting cultures in Papuan society is what is reflected in the traditional "Pangkur Sagu" dance. A ritual of sago which is packaged in a dance has the meaning and message implied in it, such as religious values. This study aims to reveal and describe the religious values contained in the traditional "Pangkur Sagu" dance. The urgency and contribution of this research is in addition to efforts to preserve Papuan culture as well as to express the messages contained in a traditional dance so that it can be more appreciated. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with three research objects namely the "Pangkur Sagu" dance itself, the head of the studio as an informant, and the synopsis of the "Pangkur Sagu" dance. The data collection technique uses triangulation techniques by combining disguised direct observation and semi-structured interviews and documentary manuscripts. The data analysis technique was carried out using an analysis model by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction,
Tuping dance is a dance originating from South Lampung which depicts army troops. This dance is usually performed during traditional celebrations in the South Lampung area, especially in Kuripan village, Penengah sub-district, South Lampung district. Tuping dance consists of 14 types of movements consisting of negakh, lelagoan, tikol, silat awal, cangget, tolak tebing, silat tikol, silat khalut, tepuk agas, lelagoan lapah, silat mundukh, ngelap bawah, buka topeng, dan mulang. This movement was adopted from the daily activities of the Tuping dancer troops who mingled with the community and also acted as scouts, so that the movement was dominated by Silat Lampung and was also inserted with funny movements. Tuping dance is a cultural product of the past that is continuously maintained and preserved by the local community. The preservation of this culture can be carried out through the cultivation of character education values contained therein. So that dancers can not only dance but can learn about good character. This study aims to identify the value of character education contained in the basic movements Tuping South Lampung dance. The methodology used is qualitative where data is obtained through observation, documentation, interviews, and literature study. The validity of the data used were source triangulation and informant reviews. From the results of the analysis, the researcher obtained 2 values of character education in the Tuping Lampung Selatan dance, namely: (1) the communicative value can be seen from the movements of Lelagoan and Lelagoan Lapah, and (2) the value of social care is found in the Cangget movement.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Beksan Tyas Muncar is one of the classic gagrag dances of Pura Pakualaman inspired by the batik house of Gusti Kanjeng Bendara Raden Ayu Adipati Paku Alam (G.K.B.R.A.A. Paku Alam) at Pura Pakualaman. This Beksan is the dance of the only daughter of Yasan Kanjeng Gusti Prince Adipati Arya Paku Alam X (K.G.P.A.A Paku Alam X) which was created in 2021 and was performed for the first time on April 29 2022 at the Pendhapa of the Indonesian Art Institute Surakarta in the event of World Dance Day. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using ethnographic methods. Through this research it can be found the values of Character Education such as the inculcation of disciplinary values that are embodied by dancers in performing Beksan and can be seen through the sequence of motions outlined in beksan, namely the process of batik activities. In addition, because a woman in the current era is required to have expertise, one of which can be realized through batik skills, through this B...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Baduy tribe is one of the tribes in Indonesia. Baduy tribal people who live in nature and always maintain the balance of their nature through traditional rules (pikukuh karuhun and pikukuh sapuluh). The purpose of this research is to find out the form and pikukuh ancestors they hold to date in character educators in elementary school children. The approach in this study used a qualitative approach with the spredly ethnographic method. Data collection techniques using interviews, documentation, field surveys, and field notes. In the technical analysis of data using the triangulation method. The results obtained are that the Baduy tribe community in character building for elementary school age children with the principles of being taught, accustomed, exemplified and enforced strict rules so as to form strong, obedient and obedient personal characters in carrying out the mandate of their ancestors and culture.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Seminar and Workshop on Research Design, for Education, Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, SEWORD FRESSH 2019, April 27 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019
The local wisdom of the Javanese community needs to be maintained and developed. This is an effort to keep upholding the values of local wisdom in the millennial generation. The form of Javanese local wisdom can be material and nonmaterial culture. Material leads to real community creations such as culinary, clothing, houses, traditional ceremonies, and others. Where as nonmaterial refers to folklore, traditional games, perfoming art, and others. In addition, many traditional ceremonies also contain the value of character education that can be applied in daily life. From of this study is descriptive qualitative which source of data are grebeg saparan traditional ceremony. Data collected using in-depth interview and observation to support data analysis. In this study aims to explain how the process of implementing Grebeg Saparan in Cukilan Village are form of preserving Javanese local wisdom and what value of character education are contained in the traditional ceremony. The Grebeg Saparan was held on Friday Wage in Safar month with great fanfare. The character education contained in Grebeg Saparan are religious value, tolerance value, hard work value, creative value, friendly/ communicative value, envireonmental care value, social caring value, and responsibility value.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS 2019), 2020
Songkro dance is a new dance that blends traditional and contemporary motion art which is arranged in interesting and unique gestures. Songkro itself is the name of the tool used by sand miners on the banks of the Brantas River, Kediri, and East Java. Songkro is made of woven bamboo that is shaped like a tube that is used as a container to take sand from the Brantas riverbed. The purpose of this research is to find out the form of culture in Songkro Dance. This study uses a qualitative approach. The main informants are the creators of songkro dance and the community that involved in the sand mining process. The techniques of collecting data are interviews and library research. The results of the study show the form of culture in Songkro Dance; Songkro dance conveys moral values of always being hard work, tenaciousness, braveness and loyalty; movements or motions in Songkro dance represent the interactions and social conflicts of sand miners; Songkro dance itself as a physical form of culture or artifact.
Elementary Education Online, 2021
Traditional dance is part of a culture that has a deep philosophy and contains various knowledge. Gandrung Jejer Jaran Dawuk (GJJD) dance is a traditional dance from Banyuwangi-Indonesia which is still taught to students in elementary and secondary schools. This study aims to explore the GJJD dance motions carried out singly, identify ethnomathematics in the GJJD dance motions, and determine whether the identified ethnomathematics can be applied to mathematics learning in elementary schools. The method used is a qualitative with ethnographic approach. Research informants are GJJD creators, dance trainers, and the dancers from Banyuwangi who are still actively doing GJJD dance. GJJD dance contains variations of motion that can be classified into : footwork, body, head, and hand motions. The identification of the motion variations obtained shows that there are mathematical concepts, namely : counting numbers in all motions, number pattern in footwork, angle in all motions, and the position of the object based on the compass point in footwork and body motions. The concepts identified are found in mathematics learning in elementary schools. Ethnomathematics of GJJD dance motion can be used as a basis for learning mathematics in elementary schools in the form of thematic learning.
La Ogi : English Language Journal
Padendang Dance is a series of traditional Mappadendang ceremonies, which have the characteristics of movement, costumes and property. So that the uniqueness can be seen from the form of padendang dance choreography. This research aims: (1) Reviewing the Origins of Padendang Dance in Bugis Community in Soppeng Regency (2) Reviewing the form of Padendang dance choreography in the Bugis community in Soppeng Regency. This research uses a qualitative research approach with phenomenological design. The research site in Abbanuangnge Village of Soppeng Regency. Data collection techniques with observation techniques, interviews and document studies. Data analysis techniques from Jannet adshead start from discribing, discerning, interpreting, dan evaluating. The first research results, the origin of padendang dance and the second form of choreography of Padendang dance consisting of three parts, the beginning, the core and the final part. The beginning includes the variety of motion mappakar...
Tunas Geografi
The objective of this research is to find out about character education cares environment based on local knowledge. The studies method used is ethnographic with qualitative approach. This method is implemented because the research is related to the social, traditional ceremony, customary societies, and social as well as cultural phenomena. The data are gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The selection of respondent as samples uses purposive sampling technique. The result is probed meticulously through technique triangulation. The result shows that Urug societies have created societies character for the environment both social and ecology environment through applicating and conserve the tradition of heritage namely picking must ask for permission. The tradition is conducted collectively as societies habit when they release cultivating of paddies. There are two sorts of ceremony cultural such as Harvesting traditional ceremony (seren taun) and alms to ...
Gawi dance is a popular traditional dance in Ende Regency that has existed since the days of the Melehur and was inherited from generation to generation. Gawi dance is used in every traditional ceremony as an expression of gratitude and others as entertainment. The uniqueness of this dance lies in its shape resembling a snake circle (spiral), the rhythmic sound of the dancer's feet, and supported by musical accompaniment in the form of poetry from a solis without using text, properties such as machetes, tufted sticks tied to a horse's tail. The purpose of this study was to analyze the presentational and discursive symbols of the Gawi dance in the village of Tenda Regency in Ende. Qualitative research methods Interpretive with an interdisciplinary approach. Data collection techniques were observation, interview and document study. The data validity technique used source triangulation techniques. The data analysis technique used the theory of Susan K.Langer symbols with the st...
The purpose of this research is to find the results of Anggono Kusuma Wibowo’s creativity as Cakil dancer. This study applied the Holistic approach. Data are in the form of creativity process which include person, process, and result of creativity are collected by observation, interview and documentation techniques to informants. The results of this study are Anggono Kusuma Wibowo’s creativity as Cakil dancer consist of exploration process, improvisation, and composition. The exploration process is carried out to explore Cakil dance movements that already exist to understand and feeling the typical movements in Cakil dance. In the process of improvisation, Anggono combines the basic movements in the Cakil dance and the fast movements that Anggono has mastered, namely gerak jalan jengkeng. The results of Anggono Kusuma Wibowo’s creativity consist of form, tempo, and techniques. Anggono’s tempo in dancing Cakil included as fast tempo or called wanda kikik dancer. The movement that dep...
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