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There are two very important parameters in evaluation of the performance of heterogeneous wireless ad hoc networks. These are Network throughput and Delays in packet. Practically it is very difficult to get both factors optimally that is high throughput and low packet delay in an network. Our main conclusion is for achieving a good throughput under maintaining minimum packet delay known as threshold level of packet delay. Some mathematical expressions have been derived for the average capacity in wireless heterogeneous ad hoc networks. Due to these mathematical derivations for a heterogeneous ad hoc wireless network, a routing algorithm is proposed to achieve maximum throughput and minimum delay by changing some patterns in the node’s mobility.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems - MSWiM '09, 2009
In this paper, we analyze asymptotic delay-throughput performance of mobile ad-hoc networks comprising heterogeneous nodes with restricted mobility. In particular, we consider a scenario in which each node moves around one or more home-points (in a finite number) randomly placed over the area. For such restricted mobility model, we propose a new class of scheduling and routing schemes, which significantly outperforms all delay-throughput results previously obtained.
Computing Research Repository, 2009
In Heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) congestion occurs with limited resources. Due to the shared wireless channel and dynamic topology, packet transmissions suffer from interference and fading. In heterogeneous ad hoc networks, throughput via a given route is depending on the minimum data rate of all its links. In a route of links with various data rates, if a high data rate node forwards more traffic to a low data rate node, there is a chance of congestion, which leads to long queuing delays in such routes. Since hop count is used as a routing metric in traditional routing, it do not adapt well to mobile nodes. A congestion-aware routing metric for MANETs should incorporate transmission capability, reliability, and congestion around a link. In this paper, we propose to develop a hop-by-hop congestion aware routing protocol which employs a combined weight value as a routing metric, based on the data rate, queuing delay, link quality and MAC overhead. Among the discovered routes, the route with minimum cost index is selected, which is based on the node weight of all the in-network nodes. Simulation results prove that our proposed routing protocol attains high throughput and packet delivery ratio, by reducing the packet drop and delay.
During the transmission in multi-hop networks, most of the time is consumed by decisions regarding switching through the determined path in the core part of the network. So the best route with minimum route reconstruction delay and transmission delay between source and the destination must be predicted and established in order to satisfy the requirements of especially real-time applications such as gaming, video applications and voice applications.
IOSR Journal of Engineering, 2011
In this paper, we present a delay based routing algorithm for ad hoc wireless networks. In an ad hoc environment there is no wired infrastructure and the mobile hosts work as a router to maintain the status about the connectivity. A mobile ad hoc network is an autonomous collection of mobile users (nodes) that communicates over relatively bandwidthconstrained wireless links. Each node is equipped with wireless receivers and transmitters using antennas that may be omnidirectional, highly directional, or possibly steer able. Due to nodal mobility, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. The network is decentralized, where network organization and message delivery must be executed by the nodes themselves, i.e., routing functionally will be incorporated into mobile nodes. The design of the network protocols for mobile ad hoc network is a complex issue. These networks need efficient distributed algorithm to determine network organization (connectivity), link scheduling, and routing. But, the existing routing algorithms designed for ad hoc wireless networks have slow response, excessive overhead and become unsuitable under the above considerations. The full approach, for referring the internal state of the network relies on Round Trip Time (RTT) measurements only. We consider the RTT mean and RTT variance as fuzzy input variables and delay as a fuzzy output variable. Under such condition the performance of the proposed algorithm is tested. It is shown that under these conditions the algorithm gives better results. The proposed routing algorithm is simulated in MATLAB 6.5.
2011 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, 2011
Routing protocols are categories as table driven and on demand protocol. In table driven protocol all possible routes are already stored in the routing table at each node. Proactive protocols generate route on demand. In both type of routing bandwidth available for communication is limited. It is challenging to maintain desired throughput due to dynamic nature, limited bandwidth, and interference during communication. Throughput of ad hoc network is depends upon the parameters pause time of nodes, number of nodes, maximum speed and maximum connections of nodes of ad hoc network. We propose fuzzy logic to maintain desired throughput. Desired throughput is given as input to fuzzy inference system. The outcome of fuzzy system defines values for pause time, number of nodes, maximum speed and maximum connections. It helps to maintain desired throughput. Network simulator NS2.34 is used to perform simulations. Matlab is used to develop fuzzy inference system.
Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2006
In this paper we focus on characterizing the average end-to-end delay and maximum achievable per-node throughput in random access multihop wireless ad hoc networks with stationary nodes. We present an analytical model that takes into account the number of nodes, the random packet arrival process, the extent of locality of traffic, and the back off and collision avoidance mechanisms of
In this paper, we study the delay and capacity trade-off in mobile ad hoc networks. We consider an ad hoc network with n nodes distributed uniformly on a sphere. The nodes are mobile, and move in accordance with the random way-point mobility model, used widely in the ad hoc networks literature. We show that the 2-hop relaying algorithm proposed by Grossglauser and Tse , incurs an expected packet delay of Θ(nT p (n)), where T p (n) is the packet duration. We show that any protocol that allows only nearest neighbor transmissions, incurs an expected packet delay of Ω(T p (n) √ n). We show that the trade-off: delay/capacity ≥ Θ(T p (n)n), is both necessary as well as sufficient in mobile ad hoc networks. A protocol which introduces redundancy into the 2-hop relaying algorithm, and offers a throughput of Θ(1/k(n)) and an expected packet delay of Θ(nT p (n)/k(n)), for any k(n) = O( √ n), is developed.
In this paper, an effort was made to analyze the performance of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Wireless networks can be classified in two types: infrastructured wireless networks and infrastructureless (ad hoc) wireless networks. Ad hoc networks are characterized by the need for efficient routing protocols. According to previous research, the Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) routing protocol and the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol are two good representatives for each routing protocol category i.e. Table-Driven category and On Demand category respectively. The Simulation results have been compared to get their performance with respect to the mobility, offered load, number of nodes and pause time of nodes movement. It was tried to find which routing protocol is appropriate for certain network conditions. When the nodes move continually then AODV seems to be better than DSDV. When nodes stay unmoving for a long time then DSDV is pref...
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) holds the promise of the future, with the capability of self-configuration at any place and at any time, without the need of any pre-existing infrastructure. One of the important characteristics of these networks is the node mobility, which will change the network topology very frequently, hence making the network dynamic. Thus achieving an efficient routing protocol with frequent mobility becomes a challenging issue in MANETs. In this paper, we analyze the effect of mobility on different routing protocols using QualNet Simulator. The mobility model for nodes is being captured by Random Waypoint Mobility Model (RWP). The performance of AODV, DSR, ZRP, FSR, LANMAR & OLSR are compared and analyzed with variation in node speed. The metrics used for the performance evaluation include packet delivery ratio, average jitter, throughput and average end-to-end delay. Experimental results illustrate that performance of the routing protocol varies with variation in node speed.
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a network comprising of a set of mobile hosts proficient of communicating with each other without the help of base stations. In view of the fact that MANET is an independent system of functionality equivalent mobile nodes, which have to be able to communicate while moving without any kind of wired infrastructure to this end, mobile nodes must work together to provide the routing services. A large number of MANET routing protocols have been projected in the last era. These protocols can be categorized according to the routing approach that they follow to determine route to the destination. These protocols execute variously depending on type of traffic, number of nodes, rate of mobility, etc. Routing protocols categorized into 3 categories. These are Proactive protocols, Reactive protocols and Hybrid protocols. There are Metrics which are accountable to the Performance of MANET & to achieve the Quality of Services for a mobile Adhoc network these metrics play a major role. Delay is one of the major metrics of Quality of Services. Which describes the delay of data packets at the destination node. This Paper presents the concept and approach that how we can improve the performance of MANET by decreasing the delay using any particular delay aware routing protocol. This paper also presents the comparison of different routing protocol on the basis of Delay Metrics.
Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a group of mobile nodes which are capable of moving rapidly, changing and making a network without using a central infrastructure. In a mobile ad hoc network all nodes has intercommunication with each other. Every node in mobile ad hoc networks work as a router, so node forwards a packet to the neighbor node awaiting packet reaches to destination node. Because of mobility, connections in the network can change dynamically and nodes can be added and removed at any time. This paper focus to analyze the routing protocols AODV, DSDV and DSR on the basis of throughput, end to end delay, normalized routing load and packet delivery ration when speed of nodes varying. The simulation is carried out by using NS2 simulator, different simulations has been done by taking different mobility models.
A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a temporary network that is composed of the mobile devices which communicates through wireless links without any pre-existing infrastructure. Routing is one of the major concerns in the MANET due to its frequent changing topology and the absence of centralized administrator. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocols Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad- Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and LAR1 under different performance metrics like Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End-to- End delay and Drop Ratio The performance evaluation is done in different network sizes using Glomosim simulator. The comparison result shows that L A R 1 a n d AODV gives b e t t e r PDR while DSR gives lowest PDR and AODV, DSR gives lowest End to End Delay while LAR1 gives higher Delay.
Mobile ad hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes communicating through wireless channels without any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Because of the limited transmission range of wireless network interfaces, multiple "hops" may be needed to exchange data across the network. Consequently, many routing algorithms have come into existence to satisfy the needs of communications in such networks. Researchers have conducted many simulations comparing the performance of these routing protocols under various conditions and constraints. One question that arises is whether speed of nodes affects the relative performance of routing protocols being studied. This paper addresses the question by simulating two routing protocols AODV and DSDV. Protocols were simulated using the ns-2 and were compared in terms of packet delivery fraction, normalized routing load and average delay, while varying number of nodes, and speed.
Wireless Networks
Several analytical models of different wireless networking schemes such as wireless LANs and meshes have been reported in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, all these models fail to address the accurate end-to-end delay analysis of multi-hop wireless networks under unsaturated traffic condition considering the hidden and exposed terminal situation. In an effort to gain deep understanding of delay, this paper firstly proposes a new analytical model to predict accurate media access delay by obtaining its distribution function in a single wireless node. The interesting point of having the media access delay distribution is its generality that not only enables us to derive the average delay which has been reported in almost most of the previous studies as a special case but also facilitates obtaining higher moments of delay such as variance and skewness to capture the QoS parameters such as jitters in recently popular multimedia applications. Secondly, using the obtained single node media access delay distribution, we extend our modeling approach to investigate the delay in multi-hop networks. Moreover, probabilities of collisions in both hidden and exposed terminal conditions have been calculated. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing results predicted by the analytical model against those obtained through simulation experiments.
Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011
Mobile Ad-Hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes in communication without using infrastructure. Despite the importance of type of the exchanged data between the knots on the QoS of the MANETs, the multiservice data were not treated by the larger number of previous researches. In this paper we propose an adaptive method which gives the best performances in terms of delay and throughput. We have studied the impact, respectively, of mobility models and the density of nodes on the performances (End-to-End Delay, Throughput and Packet Delivery Ratio) of routing protocol (On-Demand Distance Vector) AODV by using in the first a multiservice VBR (MPEG-4) and secondly the Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic. Finally we compare the performance on both cases. Experimentally, we considered the three mobility models as follows Random Waypoint, Random Direction and Mobgen Steady-State. The experimental results illustrate that the behavior of AODV change according to the model and the used traffics.
2002 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications
The performance of multi-channel multi-hop ad hoc network is evaluated in the paper. The performances of multi-hop ad hoc network with single channel IEEE 802.11 MAC for different topologies are given. The scaling laws of throughputs for large scale of ad hoc networks are presented. The theoretical guaranteed throughput bound for multi-channel systems for grid topology are proposed. The results will help to choose the proper parameters for multi-hop ad hoc network evaluations. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are an emerging technology that allows establishing an instant communication network for civilian and military applications, without relying on pre-existing fixed network infrastructure [1], [2]. The nodes in a MANET can dynamically join and leave the network, frequently, often without warning, and possibly without disruption to other nodes' communication. The nodes in the network can be highly mobile, thus the network topology is rapidly changing. The main difference between the ad hoc networking technology and the cellular technology lies in the fact that nodes in an ad hoc network posses traffic routing and relaying ability. Target applications of mobile ad hoc network range from collaborative, distributed mobile computing (sensors, conferences, conventions) to disaster recovery (such as fire, flood, earthquake), law enforcement (crowd control, search and rescue) and tactical communications (digital battlefields) [1], [2]. An ad hoc network is self-organizing and communications takes place mostly through multi-hop routing. Mobility of the network nodes, limited resource (e.g., bandwidth and energy supply) and potentially large number of mobile nodes make the routing and management of ad hoc networks extremely challenging. Many papers (e.g., [3]) have investigated the performance of routing protocols based on the 2Mbps IEEE 802.11 WLAN protocols. In such studies, the number of nodes in the network usually ranges from 20 to 100 and the traffic generation per active node ranges from 2 to 4 packets per second. From these studies, one can observe that the throughput of an ad hoc network with large number nodes is relatively low. Furthermore, many papers (e.g., [4]) have also investigated the TCP performance over mobile ad hoc networks. Such works have shown that the TCP throughput is likewise quite low and TCP
In this work, we investigate the performance of Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs) in terms of the throughput achieved in transferring packets from source to destination. First, we study the relationship between mobility and routing and define metrics that enable us to derive an analytical expression for the throughput. Secondly, we validate this expression, via simulations, as a function of several mobility patterns, as well as routing protocols, for various nodes speeds. Eventually, we propose the use of additional fixed relays so as to enhance the throughput performance in case of ill-behaved mobility schemes
International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering Research and Development
An ad hoc mobile network has defined that collection of mobile nodes which are capable of changing on a continual basis that is dynamically and arbitrarily located. In order to enable service between the networks, a routing protocol is necessary. Ad hoc network routing protocol is an efficient route management protocol in this sector. This can be established in a timely manner. Routing can be done with a minimum of overhead and band width consumption. This paper proposes ad hoc routing protocol which evaluates in the ad hoc mobile network based on a given set of parameters. In this paper, we have discussed two protocols Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing protocol, Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol comparison and discussion of both.
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