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29 pages
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Read-only memory model is a classical model of computation to study time-space tradeoffs of algorithms. One of the classical results on the ROM model is that any sorting algorithm that uses O(s) words of extra space requires Ω (n^2/s) comparisons for n ≤ s ≤ n/ n and the bound has also been recently matched by an algorithm. However, if we relax the model (from ROM), we do have sorting algorithms (say Heapsort) that can sort using O(n n) comparisons using O( n) bits of extra space, even keeping a permutation of the given input sequence at any point of time during the algorithm. We address similar questions for graph algorithms. We show that a simple natural relaxation of ROM model allows us to implement fundamental graph search methods like BFS and DFS more space efficiently than in ROM. By simply allowing elements in the adjacency list of a vertex to be permuted, we show that, on an undirected or directed connected graph G having n vertices and m edges, the vertices of G can be outp...
Read-only memory (ROM) model is a classical model of computation to study time-space tradeoffs of algorithms. A classical result on the ROM model is that any algorithm to sort n numbers using O(s) words of extra space requires Omega (n^2/s) comparisons for lg n <= s <= n/lg n and the bound has also been recently matched by an algorithm. However, if we relax the model, we do have sorting algorithms (say Heapsort) that can sort using O(n lg n) comparisons using O(lg n) bits of extra space, even keeping a permutation of the given input sequence at anytime during the algorithm. We address similar relaxations for graph algorithms. We show that a simple natural relaxation of ROM model allows us to implement fundamental graph search methods like BFS and DFS more space efficiently than in ROM. By simply allowing elements in the adjacency list of a vertex to be permuted, we show that, on an undirected or directed connected graph G having n vertices and m edges, the vertices of G can be...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 1983
Several space-efficmnt implementations of the two most common and useful kinds of graph search, namely, breadth-first search and depth-first search, are discussed. A straightforward implementation of each method requires n bits and n + O(1) pointers of auxiliary storage, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We devise methods that need only 2n + m bits, of which m are read-only, where rn is the number of edges in the graph. We save space by folding the queue or stack required by the search into the graph representation; two of our methods for depth-first search are variants of the Deutsch-Schorr-Waite list-marking algorithm. Our algorithms are expressed in a version of Dijkstra's guarded command language.
2011 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), 2011
We present an I/O-efficient algorithm for topologically sorting directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). No provably I/O-efficient algorithm for this problem is known. Similarly, the performance of our algorithm, which we call IterTS, may be poor in the worst case. However, our experiments show that IterTS achieves good performance in practise. The strategy of IterTS can be summarized as follows. We call an edge satisfied if its tail has a smaller number than its head. A numbering satisfying at least half the edges in the DAG is easy to find: a random numbering is expected to have this property. IterTS starts with such a numbering and then iteratively corrects the numbering to satisfy more and more edges until all edges are satisfied. To evaluate IterTS, we compared its running time to those of three competitors: PeelTS, an I/O-efficient implementation of the standard strategy of iteratively removing sources and sinks; ReachTS, an I/O-efficient implementation of a recent parallel divide-and-conquer algorithm based on reachability queries; and SeTS, standard DFS-based topological sorting built on top of a semi-external DFS algorithm. In our evaluation on various types of input graphs, IterTS consistently outperformed PeelTS and ReachTS, by at least an order of magnitude in most cases. SeTS outperformed IterTS on most graphs whose vertex sets fit in memory. However, IterTS often came close to the running time of SeTS on these inputs and, more importantly, SeTS was not able to process graphs whose vertex sets were beyond the size of main memory, while IterTS was able to process such inputs efficiently.
We reconsider basic algorithmic graph problems in a setting where an n-vertex input graph is read-only and the computation must take place in a working memory of O(n) bits or little more than that. For computing connected components and performing breadth-first search, we match the running times of standard algorithms that have no memory restrictions, for depth-first search and related problems we come within a factor of Θ(log log n), and for computing minimum spanning forests and single-source shortest-paths trees we come close for sparse input graphs.
Algorithmica, 2010
Let A be a set of size m. Obtaining the first k ≤ m elements of A in ascending order can be done in optimal O(m + k log k) time. We present Incremental Quicksort (IQS), an algorithm (online on k) which incrementally gives the next smallest element of the set, so that the first k elements are obtained in optimal expected time for any k. Based on IQS, we present the Quickheap (QH), a simple and efficient priority queue for main and secondary memory. Quickheaps are comparable with classical binary heaps in simplicity, yet are more cache-friendly. This makes them an excellent alternative for a secondary memory implementation. We show that the expected amortized CPU cost per operation over a Quickheap of m elements is O(log m), and this translates into O((1/B) log(m/M )) I/O cost with main memory size M and block size B, in a cache-oblivious fashion. As a direct application, we use our techniques to implement classical Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) algorithms. We use IQS to implement Kruskal's MST algorithm and QHs to implement Prim's. Experimental results show that IQS, QHs, external QHs, and our Kruskal's and Prim's MST variants are competitive, and in many cases better in practice than current state-of-the-art alternative (and much more sophisticated) implementations.
Combinatorial problems such as those from graph theory pose serious challenges for parallel machines due to non-contiguous, concurrent accesses to global data structures with low degrees of locality. The hierarchical memory systems of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) clusters optimize for local, contiguous memory accesses, and so are inefficient platforms for such algorithms. Few parallel graph algorithms outperform their best sequential implementation on SMP clusters due to long memory latencies and high synchronization costs. In this paper, we consider the performance and scalability of two graph algorithms, list ranking and connected components, on two classes of sharedmemory computers: symmetric multiprocessors such as the Sun Enterprise servers and multithreaded architectures (MTA) such as the Cray MTA-2. While previous studies have shown that parallel graph algorithms can speedup on SMPs, the systems' reliance on cache microprocessors limits performance. The MTA's latency tolerant processors and hardware support for fine-grain synchronization makes performance a function of parallelism. Since parallel graph algorithms have an abundance of parallelism, they perform and scale significantly better on the MTA. We describe and give a performance model for each architecture. We analyze the performance of the two algorithms and discuss how the features of each architecture affects algorithm development, ease of programming, performance, and scalability.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 1981
A model of computation is introduced which permits the analysis of both the time and space requirements of non-oblivious programs. Using this model, it is demonstrated that any algorithm for sorting n inputs which is based on comparisons of individual inputs requires time-space product proportional to n 2 . Uniform and non-uniform sorting algorithms are presented which show that this lower bound is nearly tight. the (n-l)+(i-l)t th comparison along each path, and let p. be the~et of permutations in P J which arrive at v .. From the corollary to J
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Continuing the recent trend, in this article we design several space-efficient algorithms for two well-known graph search methods. Both these search methods share the same name breadth-depth search (henceforth BDS), although they work entirely in different fashion. The classical implementation for these graph search methods takes O(m + n) time and O(n lg n) bits of space in the standard word RAM model (with word size being Θ(lg n) bits), where m and n denotes the number of edges and vertices of the input graph respectively. Our goal here is to beat the space bound of the classical implementations, and design o(n lg n) space algorithms for these search methods by paying little to no penalty in the running time. Note that our space bounds (i.e., with o(n lg n) bits of space) do not even allow us to explicitly store the required information to implement the classical algorithms, yet our algorithms visits and reports all the vertices of the input graph in correct order.
A number of algorithms for fundamental problems such as sorting, searching, priority queues and shortest paths have been proposed recently for the unit-cost RAM with word size w. These algorithms o er dramatic (asymptotic) speedups over classical approaches to these problems. We describe some preliminary steps we have taken towards a systematic evaluation of the practical performance of these algorithms. The results that we obtain are fairly promising.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2011
We study the generalized sorting problem where we are given a set of n elements to be sorted but only a subset of all possible pairwise element comparisons is allowed. The goal is to determine the sorted order using the smallest possible number of allowed comparisons. The generalized sorting problem may be equivalently viewed as follows. Given an undirected graph G(V, E) where V is the set of elements to be sorted and E defines the set of allowed comparisons, adaptively find the smallest subset E ⊆ E of edges to probe such that the directed graph induced by E contains a Hamiltonian path. When G is a complete graph, we get the standard sorting problem, and it is well-known that Θ(n log n) comparisons are necessary and sufficient. An extensively studied special case of the generalized sorting problem is the nuts and bolts problem where the allowed comparison graph is a complete bipartite graph between two equal-size sets. It is known that for this special case also, there is a deterministic algorithm that sorts using Θ(n log n) comparisons. However, when the allowed comparison graph is arbitrary, to our knowledge, no bound better than the trivial O(n 2) bound is known. Our main result is a randomized algorithm that sorts any allowed comparison graph using O(n 3/2) comparisons with high probability (provided the input is sortable). We also study the sorting problem in randomly generated allowed comparison graphs, and show that when the edge probability is p, O(min{ n p 2 , n 3/2 √ p}) comparisons suffice on average to sort.
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Information Processing Letters, 1999
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2003
Journal of the ACM, 1987
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 1998
SIAM Journal on Computing
Proceedings., 33rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1992
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Applications of Mathematics, 1981
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2003