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2021, From SUSY to ROSY
22 pages
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In this article, the Author continues to develop a previously put forward hypothesis which is based on the fundamental conservation law determining a drastically new paradigm of motion and interactions, allowing a critical look at the Core theory. This paper could be valuable to any intellectual dealing with physical and philosophical issues of the Universe.
The motion of objects in the universe is governed by newton's laws of motion that describes motion in terms of the state and cause of motion, while also governed by Einstein's special theory of relativity for objects moving at high velocity. This paper will explain the importance of objects themselves and the motion that exists between the objects in the universe based on the fundamental nature of mutual existence of objects. It is critical to understand the evolution of motion between objects and then the nature of motion and its causes. This paper will be first of series of papers, that will open up for the understanding of objects, their behavior in terms of motion and the fundamental nature of universe that is governed by these behaviors of objects.
Looking at moving objects, this paper tries to make it clear that space, time, mass and energy are conserved and act as if it is all the same. That space and time are also a form of energy. On speeding p or under gravitational situations, space and time " lose " some contribution. The overall factor is the gamma factor; while mass and energy gain, this happens at the cost of space and time, so it seems. This implies the idea that space time, matter and energy are in a linked bond with each other, in such a way that they are mutually conserved. The same is also observed in gravity. Also the Casimir effect directly shows this space, time, energy, mass conservation principle. This calls for a conservation law.
In recent times, authoritative statements have emerged suggesting that the law of energy conservation is being violated in cosmology. However, an analysis of the motion of cosmic photons in bidirectional (i.e., symmetric) time confirms that the energy conservation law is, in fact, being maintained in cosmology. This paper is a Russian-to-English translation of the abstract of my talk at the 8th Conference "Foundations of Fundamental Physics and Mathematics" (OFFM-2024) .
A new model of the universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics explains all the forces of nature with the same mechanism and thus it is able to unite all the forces of nature naturally. Model Mechanics enables us to describe all the processes and interactions in terms of absolute motion of S-Particle or S-Particle systems (a new description of matter) in the E-Matrix (a new description of physical space). Gravity is the attractive force between two objects having the same direction of absolute motion in combination with the repulsive CRE force creates by the same absolute motion of the objects. This explains why the force of gravity is so weak compared to the other forces. (Nature and Science. 2005;3(2):5-20).
The European Physical Journal Plus, 2013
We suggest an approach for the description of gravitation fields based on the weak equivalence principle, where the rest mass of an object is decreased by the field as much as its static binding energy. The law of modification of the rest mass we introduce, in fact, serves as the energy conservation law in the gravitation field, as pointed out by the first author in his previous publications. Thus, this approach allows avoiding known ambiguities of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) with respect to the energy of the gravitation field. We further indicate ways toward a covariant formulation of our approach; however, in the present contribution we use the limit of a weak gravitation field, in order to describe the evolution of the Universe at times sufficiently far from the classically presumed "Big Bang". Even along with this limitation, we demonstrate the efficiency of our approach, and determine a number of essential properties of the behavior of the Universe, which are thence based on just the law of energy conservation, and have a general character. In particular, we find out a very small positive (outward) acceleration for the expansion of the Modern Universe, which therefore constitutes a clue for the dark energy quest without involving the cosmological constant (whose value in quantum gravity has anyway a huge difference from that furnished by GTR). We also show that at the earlier stages of the Universe evolution, the acceleration might be negative. In addition, we find mainly a radially non-uniform exfoliation of the Universe (versus the classically assumed directionally uniform expanding Universe); thus we come out with a way of formation of galaxies along directions perpendicular to the direction of the expansion of the Universe. Finally, we derive the Hubble law along with a satisfactory calculation of the Hubble constant, and show that the linear dependence of the velocity v on a distance R represents, in effect, an approximation, which is not fulfilled for very large R. We also come up with an explanation, regarding the so-far-unanswered dispersion of data around the classical Hubble plot approximations.
A proposal to reconstruct physics from simple physically realistic first principles is outlined using a Beautiful Universe model. Only one type of ‘building block' is used: a spherically-symmetrical charged node spinning with angular momentum in units of Planck’s constant (h). Rotating nodes become magnetized and self-assemble as a regular face-centered cubic lattice to form the vacuum, radiation and matter. Non-spinning nodes make up dark matter. Three space and one time dimension are derived from the lattice and node interactions. Mutual repulsion between nodes making up the vacuum accounts for the expansion of the universe and for the pressure of 'dark matter'. A spinning node transfers its angular momentum to adjacent nodes by rotating on an orthogonal axis, thus creating an electromagnetic field with forward momentum. The spin rate of the node receiving the momentum, its ‘density’ determines the rate cv at which it receives the radiation. In a vacuum cv is the maximum, c0 the velocity of light. Two or more adjacent nodes locked together through a tensegrity of attractive (+ -) and repulsive electrostatic forces form as matter. The surrounding nodes orient their axes to form magnetic, gravitational or electrostatic fields. The inverse-square law and E=mc0^2 are derived from the resulting geometry. Motion of matter is a self-convolution of an energy pattern in the lattice. This links the concepts of Newtonian force and mass with in units of h, whereby a collision causes a Heaviside contraction of an object’s length. Doppler shifts in the signals used by an outside observer to measure the moving object causes a further contraction in the estimated length, similar to the effects of a time dilation. The two effects explain a result of Special Relativity in classical terms. Using the Hamiltonian Analogy and the idea of a node index of refraction n=co/cv General Relativity is reduced to the dynamics of energy transport along streamlines made up of nodes of different spin. Variable velocity along curved streamlines is acceleration and hence gravity. Quantum probability is derived from the electric field of a dipole wave in the lattice. Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations emerge naturally from the resulting geometry. Cosmological inflation, but not a Big-Bang singularity would result from initial conditions of nodes in their closest proximity to each other. The outline of a discrete calculus needed to describe the model’s interactions is presented. Some experiments are proposed to test various aspects of the model.
In the past 100 years theoretical physics and cosmology development have been conducted almost exclusively on a mathematical basis, leading to abstract mathematical objects or processes such as fields, space-time, curvature in space-time, time dilation, length contraction, virtual particles, action at a distance, curled-up dimensions, Entanglement, Dark Energy, Dark Matter etc. It is assumed that these abstract mathematical objects do not physically exist in our physical universe. It is also assumed that there exists a physical model of our universe that can provide physical explanations for all our mathematic. This paper describes a unique physical model of our universe, called Model Mechanics. The provisions of Model Mechanics lead to a new theory on the origin of our universe.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2000
It has been proven recently that the Standard Model of particle physics has electric charge quantization built into it. It has also been shown by the author that there was no electric charge in the early universe. Further it is shown here that the restoration of the full Standard Model symmetry ( as in the Early Universe ) leads to the result that 'time', 'light', along with it's velocity c and the theory of relativity, all lose any physical meaning. The physical Universe as we know it, with its space-time structure, disappears in this phase transition. Hence it is hypothesized here that the Universe came into existence when the Standard Model symmetry SU(3) C ⊗SU(2) L ⊗U(1) Y was spontaneously broken to SU(3) C ⊗ U(1) em . This does not require any spurious extensions of the Standard Model and in a simple and consistent manner explains the origin of the Universe within the framework of the Standard Model itself.
This paper presents a new concept for particle physics, which leads to a new concept for the universe and theories in physics. That concept is that the fundamental particle in the universe is a Dark Matter (DM) particle, and our matter consists of excited DM particles. The excited DM particles are theorized as formed in small regions of the universe where DM particles have been concentrated via gravitational attraction, which also acts to concentrate gravitational potential energy. These high-energy DM concentrations energize DM particles, creating the electromagnetic fields, which forms our matter and our sub-universe. The DM particles only interact via a gravitational field; however, the excited DM is theorized to also create the electromagnetic force. The weak and strong nuclear forces are theorized as an edifice of the DM basic bubble like structure. All matter is composed of only two items, DM and energy. All particles are composed of different combinations of these two items. The greater universe is an even distribution of DM particles with all energy stored as gravitational potential. Our sub-universe is a concentration of DM and energy. The energy flows back to lower energy regions in the universe following the same principle as the thermodynamic laws. The energy flows back to the universe's lower energy regions via excited DM particles, creating the appearance of an expanding universe. Thus we live in two universes, an infinite DM universe and a finite sub-universe composed of our matter with both universes sharing the same space, time, energy, gravity and DM particles. This theory has major implications in " a theory of the universe, " particle physics and general physics. This simple assumption provides alternate theories to many of current accepted theories. The model presented herein is less complex than the current Standard Model, origin of the universe, and relativity. Many current contradictions are resolved. This theory lends itself to more rigorous mathematical modeling of physical phenomena, enabling a more rigorous mathematical modeling as compared to current theories.
There are some unanswered questions or complex concepts in modern physics. The questions that modern physics does not have answers for, and the physicists believe that it is due to the inability of theories. All our theories today seem to imply that the universe should contain a tremendous concentration of energy, even in the emptiest regions of space. For example; the gravitational effects of this so-called vacuum energy would have either quickly curled up the universe long ago or expanded it too much greater size. The Standard Model cannot help us understand this puzzle, called the cosmological constant problem [1]. This shows that the quantum mechanics problems is inseparable of relativity, because the cosmological constant was originally introduced by Einstein in cosmological equation. For long time seemed the Friedmann equation is able to explain universe, but in recent years, the cosmological constant was of interest to cosmologists. However, these two equations are unable to explain before the Big Bang. Thus this paper, from a new approach, turns out to merge the fundamental principles of quantum physics, relativity and classical mechanics through a new definition of rest state of particles like photon, and attempts to present the reasons and the possibilities of the existence of the superluminal speeds. So according to this new view some complex concepts and unanswered questions is explained in this paper.
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ForsChem Research Reports, 2017
International Journal of Science and Research , 2018
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology
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Fundamental Research and Application of Physical Science, 2023
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
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