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In this paper we extend the fixed effects approach to deal with endogeneity arising from persistent unobserved heterogeneity to nonlinear panel data with nonparametric components. Specifically, we propose a nonparametric procedure that generalizes Chamberlain's (1984) conditional logit approach. We develop an estimator based on nonlinear stochastic integral equations and provide the asymptotic property of the estimator and an iterative algorithm to implement the estimator. We analyze the small sample behavior of the estimator through a Monte Carlo study, and consider the decision to retire as an illustrative application.
Journal of Econometrics, 2013
This paper explores identification and estimation of a class of nonlinear panel data single-index models, which includes a class of single-index panel discrete-choice models. The model allows for unknown time-specific link functions, and semiparametric specification of the individual-specific effects. We develop an estimator for the parameters of interest that may be computed with any appropriate smoother, be it sieves or kernel smoothers. We propose a powerful new kernel-based modified backfitting algorithm to compute the estimator. The algorithm fully implements the identification restrictions of the model. We derive uniform rates of convergence results for the estimators of the link functions, and show the estimators of the finite dimensional parameters are root-N consistent with a Gaussian limiting distribution. We study the small sample properties of the estimator via Monte Carlo techniques. The results indicate that the estimator performs well in recovering the finite-dimensional parameters of interest.
This paper considers a nonparametric panel data model with nonadditive unobserved heterogeneity. As in the standard linear panel data model, two types of unobservables are present in the model: individual-specific effects and idiosyncratic disturbances. The individual-specific effects enter the structural function nonseparably and are allowed to be correlated with the covariates in an arbitrary manner. The idiosyncratic disturbance term is additively separable from the structural function. Nonparametric identification of all the structural elements of the model is established. No parametric distributional or functional form assumptions are needed for identification. The identification result is constructive and only requires panel data with two time periods. Thus, the model permits nonparametric distributional and counterfactual analysis of heterogeneous marginal effects using short panels. The paper also develops a nonparametric estimation procedure and derives its rate of converge...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
Kitazawa (2013, 2016) showed that the common parameters in the panel logit AR(1) model with strictly exogenous covariates and fixed effects are estimable at the root-n rate using the Generalized Method of Moments. Honoré and Weidner (2020) extended his results in various directions: they found additional moment conditions for the logit AR(1) model and also considered estimation of logit AR(p) models with p > 1. In this note we prove a conjecture in their paper and show that 2 T − 2T of their moment functions for the logit AR(1) model are linearly independent and span the set of valid moment functions, which is a 2 T − 2T-dimensional linear subspace of the 2 T-dimensional vector space of real valued functions over the outcomes y ∈ {0, 1} T. We also prove that when p = 2 and T ∈ {3, 4, 5}, there are, respectively, 2 T − 4(T − 1) and 2 T − (3T − 2) linearly independent moment functions for the panel logit AR(2) models with and without covariates.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper considers a flexible panel data sample selection model in which (i) the outcome equation is permitted to take a semiparametric, varying coefficient form to capture potential parameter heterogeneity in the relationship of interest, (ii) both the outcome and (parametric) selection equations contain unobserved fixed effects and (iii) selection is generalized to a polychotomous case. We propose a two-stage estimator. Given consistent parameter estimates from the selection equation obtained in the first stage, we estimate the semiparametric outcome equation using data for the observed individuals whose likelihood of being selected into the sample stays approximately the same over time. The selection bias term is then "asymptotically" removed from the equation along with fixed effects using kernel-based weights. The proposed estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. We first investigate the finite sample properties of the estimator in a small Monte Carlo study and then apply it to study production technologies of U.S. retail credit unions from 2002 to 2006.
This paper proposes some new semiparametric instrumental variable estimators for estimating a dynamic panel data model. Monte Carlo experiments show that the new estimators perform much better than the estimators suggested by Li and Stengos (1996).
We consider the problem of estimating a varying coecient panel data model withxed ef- fects using a local linear regression approach. Our proposed estimator can consistently estimate the regression model with an additive intercept term, while the conventional estimation method based on arst dierence model fails to do so. The computed estimator is shown to be as- ymptotically normally distributed.
We present an instrumental variable approach to the nonparametric estimation of binary response models with endogenous independent variables. We achieve nonparametric identification up to a scale via the reduced form model constructed from the decomposition of the unobserved dependent variable into the space of the instruments and we suppose the disturbances in this model to be stochastically independent of the instrumental variables. For estimation purposes, we approximate the fully nonparametric model by a sequence of locally weighted parametric ones. This approach simplifies the estimation procedure and it is robust to local model misspecification. We prove consistency of this estimator and run a simulation study to corroborate its small sample properties. We also show how to construct interesting policy parameters. We conclude the paper with an empirical illustration of female labor force participation in the US, where we showcase the implementation of our approach and we compar...
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
In analyzing most survey data in which the dependent variable is a binary choice variable taking values 1 or 0 for success or failure respectively it is feasible to consider the conditional probabilities of the dependent variable. Under strict exogeneity, this conditional probability equals the expected value of the dependent variable. This treatment calls for a nonlinear function which will ensure that the conditional probability lies between 0 and 1 and such functions yield the probit model and the logit model. For panel data econometrics, such nonlinear panel models require conditioning the probabilities on the minimum sufficient statistic for the fixed effects so as to curb the incidental parameter problem. Solving the joint p.d.f by maximum likelihood method yields consistent 'conditional maximum likelihood estimate' for the model parameters in cases when the data set is complete (or balanced) with no cases of missing observations. In cases of missing observations in th...
We consider estimation of panel data models with sample selection when the equation of interest contains endogenous explanatory variables as well as unobserved heterogeneity. A test for selection bias and a correction procedure are proposed under the availability of strictly exogenous instruments. Normality of the error terms in the selection equation is assumed, while no distributional assumptions are made for the errors in the primary equation. The error terms in both selection and primary equations may be heterogeneously distributed and serially dependent. Correlation between the unobserved effects and explanatory and instrumental variables is permitted in both equations. The proposed methods are applied to estimating earnings equations for females using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
In this paper, we explore identification and efficient semiparametric estimation of a class of nonlinear panel data index models with small-T, which includes a class of single-index panel discrete-choice models. The model allows for the inclusion of predetermined variables, lagged dependent variables, and a nonparametric specification of the individual-specific effects. The paper provides a root-N consistent, asymptotically normal and efficient estimator for the finite-dimensional parameters, and a consistent estimator of the unknown index function. The estimator developed in this paper may be computed with any smoother, be it sieves or kernel smoothers. We propose a powerful new kernel-based modified backfitting algorithm to compute the estimator. The algorithm fully implements the identifying restrictions of the model. We study the small sample properties of the estimator via Monte Carlo techniques. The results indicate that the estimator performs well in recovering the finite dimensional parameters of interest. The simulation results also show that, in small samples, the estimator outperforms more parametric models with various mis-specifications of the index function.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 2013
ABSTRACT We consider the fixed effects panel data single-index model. For estimation of the link function and the index parameter, the local linear smoothing and the least squares method are used. We also propose a test for the presence of the fixed effects. Finite sample performances are illustrated using simulations.
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008
These notes summarize some recent, and perhaps not-so-recent, advances in the estimation of nonlinear panel data models. Research in the last 10 to 15 years has branched off in two directions. In one, the focus has been on parameter estimation, possibly only up to a common scale factor, in semiparametric models with unobserved effects (that can be arbitrarily correlated with covariates.) Another branch has focused on estimating partial effects when restrictions are made on the distribution of heterogeneity conditional on the history of the covariates. These notes attempt to lay out the pros and cons of each approach, paying particular attention to the tradeoff in assumptions and the quantities that can be estimated.
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2013
In this paper, we consider semiparametric estimation in a partially linear singleindex panel data model with fixed effects. Without taking the difference explicitly, we propose using a semiparametric minimum average variance estimation (SMAVE) based on a dummy-variable method to remove the fixed effects and obtain consistent estimators for both the parameters and the unknown link function. As both the cross section size and the time series length tend to infinity, we not only establish an asymptotically normal distribution for the estimators of the parameters in the single index and the linear component of the model, but also obtain an asymptotically normal distribution for the nonparametric local linear estimator of the unknown link function. The asymptotically normal distributions of the proposed estimators are similar to those obtained in the random effects case. In addition, we study several partially linear single-index dynamic panel data models. The methods and results are augmented by simulation studies and illustrated by an application to a cigarettedemand data set in the US from 1963-1992.
The Econometrics Journal, 2011
This paper is concerned with developing a nonparametric time-varying coefficient model with fixed effects to characterize nonstationarity and trending phenomenon in nonlinear panel data analysis. We develop two methods to estimate the trend function and the coefficient function without taking the first difference to eliminate the fixed effects. The first one eliminates the fixed effects by taking cross-sectional averages, and then uses a nonparametric local linear approach to estimate the trend function and the coefficient function. The asymptotic theory for this approach reveals that although the estimates of both the trend function and the coefficient function are consistent, the estimate of the coefficient function has a rate of convergence of (T h) −1/2 that is slower than that of the trend function, which has a rate of (N T h) −1/2 . To estimate the coefficient function more efficiently, we propose a pooled local linear dummy variable approach. This is motivated by a least squares dummy variable method proposed in parametric panel data analysis. This method removes the fixed effects by deducting a smoothed version of cross-time average from each individual.
Economics Letters, 2002
This paper proposes some new semiparametric instrumental variable estimators for estimating a dynamic panel data model. Monte Carlo experiments show that the new estimators perform much better than the existing ones.
This paper gives identification and estimation results for marginal effects in nonlinear panel models. We find that linear fixed effects estimators are not consistent, due in part to marginal effects not being identified. We derive bounds for marginal effects and show that they can tighten rapidly as the number of time series observations grows. We also show in numerical calculations that the bounds may be very tight for small numbers of observations, suggesting they may be useful in practice. We propose two novel inference methods for parameters defined as solutions to linear and nonlinear programs such as marginal effects in multinomial choice models. We show that these methods produce uniformly valid confidence regions in large samples. We give an empirical illustration.
This paper presents an extension to the fixed-effect Logit for panel-data discrete-choice models, where the error component structure is multiplicative (individual effects multiplied by time effects). In linear models with such an error-component structure as investigated by Ahn, Lee and Schmidt , usual fixed-effect estimators are generally inconsistent. We propose a conditional Logit estimator based on a different sufficient statistic, for the case where multiplicative time effects are known. When not the case, we discuss the implementation of the Modified Profile Likelihood based on a transformation of incidental parameters. The last estimator is an extension of Honoré and Lewbel (2000) semiparametric estimator. We investigate smallsample properties of these estimators with a Monte Carlo experiment. Phone +33 (0)5 61 12 85 21, Fax +33 (0)5 61 12 85 20.
Journal of Econometrics, 2007
This paper considers the problem of identi…cation and estimation in panel-data sample-selection models with a binary selection rule when the latent equations contain possibly predetermined variables, lags of the dependent variables, and unobserved individual e¤ects. The selection equation contains lags of the dependent variables from both the latent and the selection equations as well as other possibly predetermined variables relative to the latent equations. We derive a set of conditional moment restrictions that are then exploited to construct a three-step sieve estimator for the parameters of the main equation including a nonparametric estimator of the sample-selection term. In the second step the unknown parameters of the selection equation are consistently estimated using a transformation approach in the spirit of Berkson's minimum chi-square sieve method and a …rst-step kernel estimator for the selection probability. This second-step estimator is of interest in its own right. It can be used to semiparametrically estimate a panel-data binary response model with a nonparametric individual speci…c e¤ect without making any other distributional assumptions. We show that both estimators (second and third stage) are p n-consistent and asymptotically normal.
The Econometrics Journal, 2006
This paper presents an extension of fixed effects binary choice models for panel data, to the case of heterogeneous linear trends. Two estimators are proposed: a Logit estimator based on double conditioning and a semiparametric, smoothed maximum score estimator based on double differences. We investigate small-sample properties of these estimators with a Monte Carlo simulation experiment, and compare their statistical properties with standard fixed effects procedures. An empirical application to land renting decisions of Russian households between 1996 and 2002 is proposed.
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