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Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
14 pages
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This study aims to obtain empirical data about caring behavior of warden in child prison (LPKA) perceived by child inmates called LPKA students. This study used mixed-method design combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The first phase of research conducted by quantitative methods of data collection involving 67 samples consisted of 44 students of LPKA Bandung and 23 students of LPKA Tangerang. The measuring instrument used was caring behavior questionnaire adapted from Freese's caring instrument (1999). The second phase was conducted through interviews with four students of LPKA. The results showed that the caring behaviors of LPKA officers were mainly shown in the dimensions of understanding LPKA students. The caring behavior of these officers is demonstrated by their concern for physical conditions, food needs and emotional assistance, especially when LPKA students face problems. The presence of officers who care for LPKA students might be able to substitute the p...
Journal Publicuho
Drug abuse is not only done and occurs to adults, but also to children. The position of children who are considered not legally competent and their position is still unstable, making children an easy target for dealers to be able to market their illicit goods. The Child Special Guidance Institution is obliged to raise, train, train, and do other things in accordance with legal requirements. The research method uses normative legal research, namely research conducted by focusing on positive legal norms in the form of laws and regulations governing the treatment given to death row inmates based on the correctional system.This is because children who are convicted of committing a crime are entitled to guidance, guidance, supervision, support, education and training, as well as other rights according to the provisions of the law. Family and environmental factors are the main factors for a child to abuse narcotics. In addition, there are also internal factors such as an identity crisis a...
Psikoborneo: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasan kerja pada terapis dalam menangani anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dimana pekerjaan sosial sperti ini tentunya dituntut memiliki ilmu pengetahuan, keperibadian yang baik dan memiliki jiwa kemanusiannya yang tinggi. Profesi terapis selalu dihadapkan dengan berbagai macam persoalan yang ada di lingkungan pekerjaan sebagai terapis. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Peneliti menggunakan teknik snowball sampling, metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan ke empat terapis. dimana penelitian ini menggunakan subjek yang telah lama bekerja selama empat tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ke empat subjek pada dasarnya menginginkan gaji yang lebih sesuai lagi karena pekerjaan dibidang sosial seperti ini menguras banyak energi dan dituntut selalu sabar dalam setiap sesi terapinya, kondisi kerja juga cukup berpengaruh terhadap keempa...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
This research aims to describe the professional behavior at school. The research location at institute of special recovery for children (ISRC) Class I Blitar. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Checking the validity of the data is done by three criteria namely triangulation, adequacy referential, and membercheck. The results indicate that the professional conduct of educators in elementary and secondary schools is reflected in the three professional competence include: pedagogical competence, personal competence and social competence. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku profesional pendidik di sekolah. Lokasi penelitian adalah di sekolah LPKA Blitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di lembaga pembinaan khusus anak (LPKA), Kota Blitar.Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Rehabilitasi Sosial (Rehsos), 2020
Self Serving Bias adalah tendensi seseorang untuk menganggap dirinya lebih baikdibandingkan orang lain. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang: 1) karakteristik informan, 2)Self Serving attribution (kesalahan dalam mengatribusi) 3) Self Congratulatory Comparison(menganggap diri lebih baik dibanding orang lain), 4) Illusory Optimism (optimisme yangtidak realistis), 5) False Consensus For Failings (kesalahan konsensus terhadap kegagalan),dan 6) Harapan Informan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran mendalam selfserving bias sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai resiko munculnya selfserving bias dan mengupayakan program pembinaan yang tepat. Informan penelitian inisembilan orang yaitu lima anak berhadapan dengan hukum dan empat sebagai informanpendukung. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber datayang digunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Penentuan informan menggunakan teknikpurposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adala...
Wali is the official coaching institutions given additional duties as a surrogate parent for the students forged in the target institutions, while also accompanying all activities undertaken by the students and to help students when experiencing a problem. The purpose of this study is to understand the problem solving and the factors that influence the problem solving capabilities given by officers specialized coaching institutions grader I Kutoarjo. Researchers used a qualitative approach with four key informants and informant support 4. Key informants are personnel coaching institutions which became the guardian role as surrogate parent and mentor for guidance in institutions, while supporting informants are students who are in the target within the target institution. In this study, researchers used interview as a data collector.The results of this study indicate that each trustee has a way of melaukan troubleshooting. Wali having problems in guidance in the form of their leisure...
Anak adalah anugerah yang diberikan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang sepatutnya dipelihara, diberikan pembinaan dan bimbingan. Kehidupan sosial masyarakat saat ini tidak sedikit fenomena mengenai pemidanaan anak, meskipun ada upaya diversi namun hal ini tidak; berlaku bagi anak yang sudah menjadi residivis. Permasalahan yang diteliti oleh penulis adalah Bagaimanakah Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Terhadap Residivis Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidana Di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas II Pontianak dan Apa Saja Faktor Penghambat Dalam Pembinaan Terhadap Residivis Anak Di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas II Pontianak? Pendekatan masalah dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan normatif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembinaan residivis anak di LPKA Kelas II Pontianak terdiri atas 3 tahapan yaitu tahap awal, tahap lanjutan dan tahap akhir, Pola pembinaannya pun sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia Nomor: M.02-PK.04.10 Tahun 19...
The purpose of this service is to introduce and implement The sensitive "Processing System Child Discipline" in Orphanage Ar-Rahim as a solution to discipline problems in foster care. As for the background of this devotion for the average orphanage located in Pekanbaru coined the low level of discipline. This we know when we visit some orphanages are in Pekanbaru. low levels ofdiscipline in children resulting in the quality of the child's self to be low in order to compete in the future. Seeing that we create a system that we named "The-sensitive" child discipline processing system in which the system uses daily activity form is packaged into a software-application. The applications are not just used by the orphanage, but educational institutions can use it. The method used in this devotion is the method of discussion and workshops, by doing debriefing and providing motivation to the orphans of the discipline, while the valuation method is through a pre-test ...
Social isolation and stress could be affected child adjustment in prison. This study aimed to analyze the influence of prison duration, family visits, vulnerability, and coping strategies on an adjustment of children in child correction institution. This study conducted in child correction institution at Tangerang City, Banten Province and used cross-sectional study design. This research involved 95 boys prisoners who had a length of prison was less than one year. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results showed that the more stress and control in prison, the more difficult for child prisoner to adjust in prison. The research also revealed that more than half of child prisoner had the vulnerability in low categories. Beside that, more than half of child prisoner also had coping strategies in high category and had coping strategies that were focused on emotions. The highest mean scores of child prisoner’s adjustment were restraint dimension. Adjustment of child pr...
GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah: 1) Memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada anak tentang pentingnya nilai karakter, 2) Menerapkan kepada anak nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang mencakup religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri dan gotong royong. Metode kegiatan menggunakan langkah-langkah: 1) Pesiapan, yaitu dengan cara survey di lapangan, 2) Kegiatan, dengan cara penanyangan slide materi dalam bentuk power point, 3) Pemutaran video tentang karakter, 4) Tanya jawab. Hasil kegiatan: 1) Seluruh anak mampu memahami materi yang diberikan dalam layanan klasikal, 2) Seluruh anak secara antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan, kondisi ini dapat dilihat dari ketepatan waktu kehadiran hingga selesai kegiatan, dan banyaknya peserta yang bertanya serta terharu karena pemutaran video, 3) Masing-masing anak aktif dalam memberikan saran pada saat memberikan kesimpulan diakhir kegiatan.
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MPPKI (Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia): The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion
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UNES Journal of Swara Justisia, 2021
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Makara Seri Sosial Humaniora Vol.13, No.2, Desember 2009
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Untirta Civic Education Journal
Journal of Nursing Care
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Jurnal Manajemen, Bisnis dan Organisasi (JUMBO)