1. Ari Fina Bintarti



Somatic embryogenesis become an alternative method for clonal micropropagation of rubber tree to produce self-rooted and true-to-type planting materials. Study on somatic embryogenesis of rubber tree has been conducted by a lot of research teams over the world, one of them is a private research institute in France CIRAD. Various of study in order to develop the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis method in rubber tree had been conducted from 1970s including Primary Somatic Embryogenesis, long-term or Maintained Somatic Embryogenesis, and Secondary Somatic Embryogenesis. Beside, the research team of CIRAD was successfully developing the cryopreservation technique in order to long-term preserve of high embryogenic callus lines in ultralow-temperature of liquid nitrogen. This technique was collaborated with secondary somatic embryogenesis as an efficient srategy to select and establish of high embryogenic callus lines. However, micropropagation by somatic embryogenesis has not been abl...