Çağdaş Sanatta Müellif Sorunsalı


This work aims to discuss the primery role given thr author / artist within the framework of post-structuralal theory. It tries to outline the ways in which we might examine the work-author relationship based on the artistic strategies and works that have been shaped by the post-modern process. In light of this, the work looks at the arguments put forward by foremost post-structuralist theorists concerning the process of interpretation of art today, the existence of the artist behind the artwork and how poststructuralist lay open to question the role of genius modernity has given the artist. This questioning also includes the fragility of the author's relationship to the work as the owner and power he/she has to give the work a unique meaning. This discussion is a very useful jumping off point for exploring current strategies in art such as appropriation art, which have emerged since the 1980's. Thus, the thesis is motivated by an effort to eloborate on the possibilities for discussions of concepts such as uniqueness and genius and the processes associated with them that new theories and readings of post-modernity offer us.