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Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Hal ini menyebabkan digunakannya pendekatan partisipatif; masyarakat memerlukan teknologi dan hendaknya pemerintah memperhatikan lebih baik aspek-aspek sosial dari para pengguna teknologi. Pembentukan tim inti Socioeconomic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) merupakan permulaan program sosialisasi dan institusionalisasi tentang SAGA di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian dan tujuan utama program ini untuk mewujudkan kapasitas pemahaman tentang SAGA bagi para pengkaji. Data dikumpulkan dari delapan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara baik terstruktur maupun semi-terstruktur dan dengan diskusi kelompok. Semua responden merupakan alumni lokakarya SAGA sebelumnya. Pelatihan berjenjang diselenggarakan dari tahun 2000 – 2002, yang dimulai dengan pelatihan bagi pelatih utama, pelatih dan staff. Jumlah alumni pelatih utama, pel...
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1. menggambarkan dan merancang prosedur pengembangan model penelitian berperspektif gender, 2. mengembangkan dan menghasilkan model penelitian berperspektif gender, dan 3. menghasilkan karakteristik model penelitian berperspektif gender. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan mengadaptasi model penelitian pengembangan dari Borg dan Gall. Prosedur pengembangan dilakukan melalui sepuluh tahapan, yaitu: 1. studi pendahuluan, 2. perencanaan model, 3. pengembangan model awal, 4.uji coba model awal, 5. revisi model awal, 6.uji coba scope terbatas, 7. revisi uji coba scope terbatas, 8. pengujian model akhir, 9. revisi model akhir, 10. diseminasi dan implementasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, checklist dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan teknik analisis kualitatif fenomenologi (grounded) dan dilengkapi dengan analisis gender model HARMOS (modifikasi dari teknik analisis gender model Harvard dan model Moser). Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Pengembangan model penelitian berperspektif gender dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi model penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Borg dan Gall. 2. Menemukan model penelitian berperspektif gender yang secara spesifik menggunakan analisis gender model HARMOS (modifikasi dari analisis gender model Harvard dan model Moser) dan pedoman aplikasinya. 3. Menghasilkan karakteristik model penelitian berperspektif gender. Kata kunci: pengembangan, model penelitian, perspektif gender
University of Bohol Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2013
Gender mainstreaming is an effective strategy of reducing if not eliminating the inequality between men and women in an organization. The particular study looked into the gender mainstreaming and gender statistics in the whole organization of the University of Bohol and was initiated to answer the need to establish gender sensitive statistics within the organization. It aimed to reflect the situation of women and men within the university and opened opportunities to understanding issues specific to women and men using gender lens. A desk review on gender-related policies and came up with sex disaggregation of data within the university. It qualitatively probed and determined that the gender fair policies are translated into programs and are practiced at all levels in the university. Furthermore, the gender analysis showed more women than men held top and middle managerial positions in the university and so with student leaders. This is also true on enrollees on different courses, women outnumbered men in majority of courses except for CET Management, Criminology and CAFA. Hopefully, recommendations will be drawn to guide appropriate actions as Gender and Development programs are works in progress. This will enhance the university's direction and commitment in moving towards full blown implementation of gender mainstreaming in the whole organization.
International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 2020
This study aims to see the success of the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the perspective of cultural management, especially in developing a career at DJKN Regional Office in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative using a purposive sampling technique where the informants were female or male employees aged between 25-50 years with a minimum education bachelor degree and willing to be informants. Data collected will be analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data will be tested by triangulating the data so it is expected that the data presented is valid. The result of this study indicates that in the Regional Office of DJKN Bali and Nusa Tenggara, there is no difference in access to information and opportunities for career development, but the pattern of employee rotations and culture is still an obstacle for female employees to have an interest in being promoted. Besides, in socializing gender mainstreaming itself is still hampered in terms of cost. This is because postal costs related to PUG do not yet exist in each regional office. After all, the Gender analysis pathway has not been implemented well. This research is to provide a new perspective in implementing gender mainstream (PUG) using culture management. To implementing gender mainstreaming (PUG), policies, commitment from leaders, and cultural management are needed to change employee motivation. In the future, the next researcher is expected to examine more depth about gender mainstream (PUG) using culture management.
The Indonesian government has enacted many policies and regulations to promote gender mainstreaming, address women’s needs and to increase their participation in many areas of development. As a state institution, the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya is obliged to implement these policies. Getting support from the Canadian Government through the Local Leadership Development/Support for Islamic Leadership (LLD/SILE) Project, this University is able to establish a policy on Gender Equality (GE) and Mainstreaming. There are many processes involved in making the policy: a) setting up of a GE Policy team, b) conducting gender assessment/research to identify gender gaps within the University in the areas of: i) human resources, ii) staff participation in gender training, iii) researches with gender themes undertaken by University lecturers, iv) gender integration in academic programs and centers, v) GE-related materials in the University; vi) PSGA; vii) policies and service...
Elok Mulyoutami mulai bergabung sebagai peneliti di ICRAF sejak tahun 2003. Dengan latar belakang sarjana ilmu Antropologi dari Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia dan master sains dalam ilmu Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Elok menjadi peneliti yang fokus pada isu Gender, Pengetahuan Lokal, dan Migrasi. Desi Awalina, asisten peneliti dalam kajian gender dan migrasi, mulai bergabung sejak November 2013. Gelar sarjana diperolehnya dari Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA, IPB.
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics, 2017
Gender imbalance in different sectors is one of the current critical issues that requires immediate intervention and empowerment of females in decision making and implementation of affirmative action to correct it. The main objective of this study is to examine development and gender socialization mainstreaming issues at higher education. This study is a case study research designs undertaken using quantitative and qualitative methods, in which the university community (staff and students of both sexes) participated. The results of this study indicated that university related issues such as rules and regulations, peer pressure, lack of female role models, department choice of students and providing different supportive trainings by the university impacts females' socialization and development. Specifically, results indicated that females are: more likely than men to attribute success to hard work or luck rather than skill; more likely to blame themselves for a lack of success than are male; tend to feel less comfortable in public debate; more likely to be interrupted when they speak; more likely to phrase their comments in a hesitant manner; and less likely than male students to shape the agenda of the discussion. The problems most frequently cited were violence, harassment and lack of security. This study strongly suggests that in order to improve gender development and socialization, attention should be given to personal security, material support and assertiveness creation. Therefore, ministry of education, university and community should give due attention to promote females socialization and development.
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to determine the GAD-aligned Programs, Projects, and Activities' gender-related mandated functions and integration. To obtain the necessary information on individuals in Higher Education Institutions based on specific traits and standards and clearly define the institution's long-term direction based on the institution's aims and objectives. Gender and Development focus on Gender Mainstreaming, which is a technique that incorporates both gender concerns and practices into the strategy, execution, supervision, and evaluation of guidelines, processes, plans, and activities at all levels, ensuring that both genders benefit equally. The study used a descriptive methodology to measure the extent to which gender-related activities integrated into mainstreaming mandatory functions and perceptions on GAD-aligned PPAs. There is no significant link between mandated outcome based on HEI-moderated (LUC or SUC) Instruction, Research, Extension, and Resour...
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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2017
Journal of business and management studies, 2023
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender
Business and Economic Research, 2019
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 2021
Journal of Education and Practice, 2019
Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, 2020