Sudden Cardiac Death

Asian Journal of Medicine and Health


Background: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) remains a major open clinical and public health problem, with an estimated 300,000 deaths per year in the United States. The possibility of identifying potential SCD victims is limited by the large size of the large number of SCD victims and the apparent time-dependent risk of sudden death. The latter refers to the tendency of SCDs to detect other cardiovascular events during the most dangerous period of 6–18 months following a major cardiovascular event and the risk of subsequent collapse. The combination of time and lake size provides the basis for future research to find more vulnerable people. Pathologically, SCD can be seen as an interaction between some electrophysiological events that causes abnormalities in cardiac structure, temporal dysfunction, and malignant arrhythmias. Structural deformities represent an anatomical matrix of chronic risk and include the effects of electrophysiological anatomical abnormalities such as coronary arter...